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Thai teacher's novel approach to stop students cheating in class


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18 hours ago, claffey said:

Here we have a Thai teacher using some 'outside the box' thinking! I say well done! However, most posters continue to Thai bash regardless of the topic. 

All he's done is highlight the fact that cheating is endemic, accepted but not to be talked about.

He'll be lucky to keep his job and some parents will be upset he's suggested their children would ever cheat.

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23 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Yes they do but there's also a chance of punishment, sometimes very serious punishment, for doing so but here it's likely just to be shrugged off.

Remember the Deputy Director of Ramkamheng Uni said cheating was no big deal and probably not just because it involved a VIP's son.

Another example of Thai culture. Ethics/moral character is going to arrive someday.... not sure when however. Ahhhhhhh maybe when individuals "walk their talk." lol yea right.......

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On 11/29/2016 at 8:45 AM, trogers said:


Why would the university take all the trouble to have exams?


Just registered the students, and then tell them to come and collect their degrees after X years...

Yea and then they can go on to being teachers or government "high degree" "workers/leaders". Such a farce; no wonder so many smile 24x7 - amusing Thailand. I suspect it will remain somewhat unchanged for at least 100 years, except for backward motion. 

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On 11/29/2016 at 11:00 AM, Bangkok Barry said:

How can anyone really have pride in what they do if they cheat? It baffles me, but not having pride in what they do is, as well as cheating and lying, is perfectly acceptable in Thailand if it gets a result. The not taking pride extends into so many areas, like littering, shoddy workmanship, poor customer service etc.


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Cheating is institutionalized in Thai education because it disproportionately serves the powerful, well-connected, and unscrupulous. The concepts of public education and merit-based testing are an affront to the ultra-conservative hierarchical mindset that has dominated and still dominates the upper echelons of the Thai education system. Ministers at the top echelons of the pyramid have been installed by successive authoritarian governments and must comply with the ideology of strict hierarchy to maintain their positions or move up.


Members of the traditional elite whose kin demonstrate less than stellar academic promise loathe the fact that they have to compete against the unwashed masses for grades, recognition, and employment. They tacitly endorse cheating as a way to keep their family lineage at the top of the heap, setting an example by engaging in it themselves at every opportunity. Students who are not from elite families are not unaware that this goes on, and since there is very little they can do about it without incurring the wrath of some vindictive phu-yai, they choose to engage in it themselves. They'd be suckers not to.


Woe be to he who tries to catch the apple of a scion's eye in an act of cheating or deception. It isn't going to change, so give it up.

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cheating is integral to the system... if the scores are bunched together... because they are similar answers.... it's even easier than it always is already to ****nudge**** students final grades this way or that.... solely on the ajarn's prerogative.... meaning based on how the student is perceived by the ajarn.... and not on anything "academic".

that's critically important.  it's the whole purpose of education.

so pretending to play around with that is way obviously just more nonsense.


Edited by maewang99
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as for teachers allowing or not allowing cheating..... I have seen over and over, as the 2nd proctor... the CS ajarn slowly marches up and down the aisles....facing forward only.... or sits at the desk totally engrossed in paperwork... or is outside relaxing.

they need the students to get similar scores.... so they can be nudged by "other factors".. shall we say. that's also why they love multiple choice tests... even though that format is invariably the worst, as well as most difficult, to justify as a valid assessment.  even for quizzes... but final exams????

it's all real obvious unless you don't want to look.


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