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Just 1 Little Voice From Chiang Mai

Gonzo the Face

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Though I am not Thai, and just one person in Chiang Mai, I would like to wish the best of all birthday's to His Majesty the King.

I would have to say that the amount of respect that I feel for this man is not passed by any other person alive today. To read about and see daily what he is doing for the Thai People, cannot but help to lead anyone to the greatest respect for him..

I am an American, and therefore come from a different form of government, but I have to say I envy you Thais who can say this man is my King..... and living here for so many years now, I cannot help but feel that he is my King also......

Happy Birthday Your Majesty

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Hmmm .... I've only been here for a couple of months, but it seems unusual that for such a celebratory occasion, places to celebrate (clubs/bars/restaurants) are closed...

Does anyone know why it's like this?

I don't think the restaurants were closed.... perhaps there was limited access to alcohol sales,,,, but with respect to the King and what he stands for and represents..... is it too much to ask, to curb the open sale of alcohol for the one day??? Celebrations and parties can be held in other places. Maybe a fireworks display in a park, or a celebration at someone's home where I am sure there is no ban on alcohol.....

Celebrating the Kings birthday does not have to mean a bar and alcohol

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