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Thirty-five years have passed since the first official report identifying the disease that is now known as AIDS was published in the United States. In that time, 35 million people have died worldwide from AIDS-related illnesses, including an estimated 115,000 in Cambodia.


Despite the toll that the virus has taken here, Cambodia has emerged as a leader in the global efforts to overcome the AIDS epidemic. Today, as the world marks World AIDS Day, we celebrate Cambodia’s success and look forward to the day when this country ends AIDS as a public health threat.


HIV – the virus that leads to AIDS – was slow to reach Cambodia, but after the first case was reported in 1991 the virus spread quickly, with an estimated 23,000 new infections in 1995 alone. Today, approximately 73,000 Cambodians are living with HIV.


read more http://www.phnompenhpost.com/analysis-and-op-ed/ending-aids-cambodia

-- © Copyright Phenom Pen Post 01/12


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