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Migrant boats bound for EU should be ‘shot at,’ says Danish politician


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Migrant boats bound for EU should be ‘shot at,’ says Danish politician




COPENHAGEN: -- Security forces should shoot at boats of migrants trying to reach Europe’s shores. That from a member of parliament for the Danish government’s main political ally – the Danish People’s Party.


“The only efficient way is to turn the boats and say: ‘You cannot sail within this national border and if you do, you will either be shot at or be turned around and sailed back,” Kenneth Berth, EU spokesman for the anti-immigrant party, said on television.


He later softened his statement on Facebook, saying he did not mean that people should be shot at, but that NATO-ships should shoot in the air as a warning.


Party spokesman Soren Sondergaard has said that shooting at refugees is not the official party line.

-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-12-09
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7 minutes ago, thai3 said:

Absolutely they should not be 'rescued' but turned back, to take them in only leads to far more doing the same.

So just let the women and kids starve at sea. I am sure the people of the world were not this uncivilised when borders did not even exist.


i imagine many that say 'turn them back' will also claim to be Christian or some other God loving religion. " Save the poor and homeless of the world, as long as you dont make my country the one that has to take them in."

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30 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

So just let the women and kids starve at sea. I am sure the people of the world were not this uncivilised when borders did not even exist.


i imagine many that say 'turn them back' will also claim to be Christian or some other God loving religion. " Save the poor and homeless of the world, as long as you dont make my country the one that has to take them in."


The med is not the pacific, they are hardly likely to starve, but if they did it would be their own fault, nobody held a gun to their heads when they got on the boats.

Edited by thai3
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7 minutes ago, thai3 said:

nobody held a gun to their heads when they got on the boats.

Funny ! Were you being ironic?

it wasnt just guns being held to their heads that have most of them heading for boats. Tanks, cruise missiles, bomber aircraft and the complete utter destruction of their homelands. The USA and Europe created the problem and now dont want to clean their mess up.

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1 hour ago, thai3 said:

Absolutely they should not be 'rescued' but turned back, to take them in only leads to far more doing the same.

Sad but true. Turn them back man thats like asking a herd of charging elephants to change direction. They will circle around again and again till they get through. Desperation knows no boundries. 

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They are not refugees they are mostly economic migrants . Where I life there is a refugee holding center with maybe 400 people while awaiting to be processed. They are given everything and I mean everything for free and also get 20 euro a week per adult as pocket money. They being stirring up lately that the money is not enough and that they need more. Go into the social welfare buildings and nearly all migrants looking for welfare payments. They and the liberal left snow flakes have finished Europe for good.

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The EU ships now patrolling 12 miles from the Libyan coast serve as convenient ferries to Europe. This practice has to be stopped.

Towing the floats back to the Libyan shore might be a solution.

The ships from NGO's are another problem. The NGO's and the ship crews should be treated as the human traffickers that they are. Jail them and confiscate the ships.

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They ( the European countries ) should have sunk the very 1st boats who x-ed into their waters.

Now it's late but not too late... but unfortunately they won't do. And the sh... is going on.

Edited by Deli
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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

So just let the women and kids starve at sea. I am sure the people of the world were not this uncivilised when borders did not even exist.


i imagine many that say 'turn them back' will also claim to be Christian or some other God loving religion. " Save the poor and homeless of the world, as long as you dont make my country the one that has to take them in."


So you'd just let the people traffickers ship them in - boat load by boat load.


And then what? 

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

So just let the women and kids starve at sea. I am sure the people of the world were not this uncivilised when borders did not even exist.


i imagine many that say 'turn them back' will also claim to be Christian or some other God loving religion. " Save the poor and homeless of the world, as long as you dont make my country the one that has to take them in."


Deport them by land/plane, they'll stop sailing out to sea when they see its a waste of time. They won't be risking their lives or taking up places of legal immigrants. Allowing them entry is actually the least compassionate approach as it increases drowning in those that follow, slows legal immigration, and endangers citizens as the majority of migrants aren't genuine refugees fleeing war. 

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1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

pay cambodia hundreds of thousands of dollars to take them all?


Or maybe just turn all boats around or transport the occupants back to where they started their sea journey.


And pass a law that says any illegal immigrant will never be granted permission to stay. 


How about that for starters?

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2 hours ago, DavidVincent said:

Maybe they shouldn't have sent the bombs or messed with their governments before...


All the fault of the white man.


Let's spend all the EU's money and convert to Islam. 


Then the self flagellators can fins something else to punish us all with.

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


All the fault of the white man.


Let's spend all the EU's money and convert to Islam. 


Then the self flagellators can fins something else to punish us all with.

Are you stalking me?

I am flattered, only my old neighbor used to and she was really not my type..

Anyway, you are on the other side of the fence by saying all the fault of the immigrants ( I will not dare to say the brown man, you may misinterpret my words)

EU money was well spent on wars we lost for 30 years in Middle east, and earned enough money with AREVA, Bollore, and others...I bet Europe is quite happy to have electricity with nuclear power...guess what? there is no Uranium mine in Europe, there is neither rare ressources for our high tech in europe...oh no it comes from corrupted countries where the immigrants come from...

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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

Sad but true. Turn them back man thats like asking a herd of charging elephants to change direction. They will circle around again and again till they get through. Desperation knows no boundries. 

We can witness the same in Pattaya every november with old white/pinkish europeans...Not for the same "help" you may wonder:saai:

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3 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Dunno about shooting at them, but the stupid Europeans have totally sent the wrong message. They may as well send their own boats over just in case someone drowns.

LOL. They do.


I wouldn't shoot them, but I would push them back to whence they came. Let the Libyans look after them - they have loads of oil.

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Most people are not aware that the mass immigration to Europe of Asian, North African, Middle Eastern, African and sub saharian people started long before the Syrian conflict.

The mass immigration during the Syrian civil war to EU started just after the Russian government came in action on the Political and military stages in Syria.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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Absolutely they should not be 'rescued' but turned back, to take them in only leads to far more doing the same.

It's rather difficult if this immigration is stimulated by countries who in fact doesn't allow itself immigration on its soil and passes the people to other political vulnerable countries.

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9 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

Are you stalking me?

I am flattered, only my old neighbor used to and she was really not my type..

Anyway, you are on the other side of the fence by saying all the fault of the immigrants ( I will not dare to say the brown man, you may misinterpret my words)

EU money was well spent on wars we lost for 30 years in Middle east, and earned enough money with AREVA, Bollore, and others...I bet Europe is quite happy to have electricity with nuclear power...guess what? there is no Uranium mine in Europe, there is neither rare ressources for our high tech in europe...oh no it comes from corrupted countries where the immigrants come from...


You flatter yourself indeed.


I don't say its the fault of immigrants. I say illegal immigrants who flaunt the law hoping to get economic benefits for themselves should be treated as any other criminal. Arrested, and dealt with in accordance with the law.


This idea of "entitlement" fueled by politically correct liberal left wingers who love blaming the capitalist establishment for everything (and ignore the horrendous disasters and suffering communist and socialist regimes have inflicted) is all nonsense. The left just love spending other people's money especially if they can do so in a way which undermines their own hated societies. 


What's your solution then - a socialist /communist world government centrally controlling everything through appointed bureaucrats selected by a few "elected" leaders who are chosen from candidates withing a narrow political framework?


This is really much more simple. Stop illegal criminal migrants. Allow legal immigration. 

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7 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


You flatter yourself indeed.


I don't say its the fault of immigrants. I say illegal immigrants who flaunt the law hoping to get economic benefits for themselves should be treated as any other criminal. Arrested, and dealt with in accordance with the law.


This idea of "entitlement" fueled by politically correct liberal left wingers who love blaming the capitalist establishment for everything (and ignore the horrendous disasters and suffering communist and socialist regimes have inflicted) is all nonsense. The left just love spending other people's money especially if they can do so in a way which undermines their own hated societies. 


What's your solution then - a socialist /communist world government centrally controlling everything through appointed bureaucrats selected by a few "elected" leaders who are chosen from candidates withing a narrow political framework?


This is really much more simple. Stop illegal criminal migrants. Allow legal immigration. 

In fact you are a bit like my old neighbor, you prefer to complain about the consequences and not looking at the reasons...She used to complain about her dog barking all day and night before she understood he was fed up to be tied to a 1m leash all day..One day I decided to cut the leash and the dog stopped barking and was quite happy of his new situation. She invited me for tea to thanks but I said no as she was half naked under her porch and I don't like tea anyway.. She was sad and decided to give me the dog...he was a great fella but died a couple of months later because he loved to run after cars and got struck by one reckless driver...

She never knew about the dog and I just told her that I gave him to a friend of mine who had a cottage in the Alps and he was enjoying cheese every day.


Destroy the cause of the immigration you will get rid of immigration, it is the simple solution...not spending huge amount of money to forbid them to come or help them once here...

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In fact you are a bit like my old neighbor, you prefer to complain about the consequences and not looking at the reasons...She used to complain about her dog barking all day and night before she understood he was fed up to be tied to a 1m leash all day..One day I decided to cut the leash and the dog stopped barking and was quite happy of his new situation. She invited me for tea to thanks but I said no as she was half naked under her porch and I don't like tea anyway.. She was sad and decided to give me the dog...he was a great fella but died a couple of months later because he loved to run after cars and got struck by one reckless driver...
She never knew about the dog and I just told her that I gave him to a friend of mine who had a cottage in the Alps and he was enjoying cheese every day.
Destroy the cause of the immigration you will get rid of immigration, it is the simple solution...not spending huge amount of money to forbid them to come or help them once here...

Too late. Some 11.000 EUR/year is provided to each registered immigrant in the EU, with health care and social benefits and housing.

Speaking from your perspective : they won't be economically interested anymore to produce every day cheese on their own alps...

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10 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

In fact you are a bit like my old neighbor, you prefer to complain about the consequences and not looking at the reasons...She used to complain about her dog barking all day and night before she understood he was fed up to be tied to a 1m leash all day..One day I decided to cut the leash and the dog stopped barking and was quite happy of his new situation. She invited me for tea to thanks but I said no as she was half naked under her porch and I don't like tea anyway.. She was sad and decided to give me the dog...he was a great fella but died a couple of months later because he loved to run after cars and got struck by one reckless driver...

She never knew about the dog and I just told her that I gave him to a friend of mine who had a cottage in the Alps and he was enjoying cheese every day.


Destroy the cause of the immigration you will get rid of immigration, it is the simple solution...not spending huge amount of money to forbid them to come or help them once here...

and your solution to destroy the cause of the migration is?

IMO it comes down to overpopulation, and there is nothing currently able to cure that.

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4 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


Too late. Some 11.000 EUR/year is provided to each registered immigrant in the EU, with health care and social benefits and housing.

Speaking from your perspective : they won't be economically interested anymore to produce every day cheese on their own alps...

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11.000 euro/ year plus health care plus housing...only the FN say that and it has been proven wrong...the only links I have are in french so cannot post them here, but stop listening to the FN propaganda

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

and your solution to destroy the cause of the migration is?

IMO it comes down to overpopulation, and there is nothing currently able to cure that.

I am tired to repeat myself : middl-east : we went to Syria and it was a disaster, Iraq: disaster, Syria: disaster.

Africa : immigrants come from places where there are civil wars which are there because in part of the corruption and the governments the France put in place, the continent is full of ressources the Europe and US are craving for, but yet the only companies there are french or belgium,...stop using the franc CFA in ex colonies, get rid of the debt the countries started off because they had to pay for the "decolonisation tax"...



read all it is quite interesting to see how France and others abuse the countries in Africa

Europe is quite happy to maintain africa in poverty and exploit its ressources at no cost

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