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Gambling mad Thais see illegal lottery as "a way of life"


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11 hours ago, saminoz said:

Gambling is part of the Thai psyche.

Better to legalise it and tax it.

"Gambling is part of the Thai psyche"


True, it is, but it's only half of the story.  The other half is that the force of law simply doesn't have the weight and meaning that it does in the west, and to be caught violating it, or even punished for a crime, is seen more as a matter of fate (as is gambling itself) than one of character or morals.  The fact that there's so much that can be "bought out of" only reinforces this perspective, because, once again, personal wealth and the immunities it bestows are also considered a matter a fate. 

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7 hours ago, djjamie said:

Gambling mad Thais see illegal lottery as "a way of life"


In Australia the headline is "Gambling mad Aussies see legal lottery as "a way of life"

True. Further to that, Aus govts cannot control themselves on their dependance on gambling tax revenue. 

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13 hours ago, Vermor said:

I guess mathematics is not part of Thai Life ! ( still need a calculator for 57thb + 20thb....true story)

I go to a mom and pop store and a little old lady adds up.everything in her head. she doesn't use a calculator nor wants to. Talk about keeping your mind sharp.


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23 hours ago, webfact said:

Some 40% said now and a similar figure said they would report to the authorities if they saw illegal betting taking place,

40% would report illegal betting? 


I doubt if there's a Thai alive that doesn't know where to buy illegal lottery tickets to bet on football!



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They jail people here for kicking stray dogs that attack them and arrest people for animal abuse but gambling on which rooster is going to kill the other one is just part of the culture. Two crimes in one and that attracts no interest from the police.


Old people playing Bridge, which doesn't involve gambling, (or injuring animals) and the cops are on them like they're the Al Capones of Thailand. 

Cockfighting and the underground lottery are significant contributors to various "informal fiscal arrangements " which benefit well connected people, in and out of uniform.

Old people playing bridge aren't, but possibly somebody in Pattaya sensed an opportunity?

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40% would report illegal betting? 
I doubt if there's a Thai alive that doesn't know where to buy illegal lottery tickets to bet on football!

According to the survey only 80% of the population knew what the underground lottery was though the survey sample does seem a bit skewed since they only asked questions to 1154 people in Bangkok so probably more accurate to say 40% of Bangkokians would report illegal betting.
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3 minutes ago, Orac said:


According to the survey only 80% of the population knew what the underground lottery was though the survey sample does seem a bit skewed since they only asked questions to 1154 people in Bangkok so probably more accurate to say 40% of Bangkokians would report illegal betting.


In the words of Victor Meldrew "I don't believe it!"

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On ‎14‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 3:05 AM, oceanyachting said:

Looking at the sellers, I do wonder how on earth they would pay out if they sold numbers that actually won


The SIL runs one of these things usually makes a few thousand every couple of weeks, but every now and again she will lose and have to find the money to pay her punters. The last one she was down 20,000 she hopes to make it back tomorrow. If she loses and hasn't the money to pay her punters then she will borrow it from a loan shark, I asked the missus if she was working for a someone and she said she isn't she just takes 20% of the bet and normally does ok.

I don't believe these figures quoted in the article as pretty much any thai would be able to find one of these illegal lotteries they are everywhere and even though it is illegal a huge percentage of the population gamble.

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4 hours ago, madmitch said:

40% would report illegal betting? 


I doubt if there's a Thai alive that doesn't know where to buy illegal lottery tickets to bet on football!




There was an article in the local press during the World Cup in which they interviewed local bookies.  The article wasn't shy talking about the fact that bookies operate openly.  They even asked one bookie if he was worried about the police.  He said, of course he wasn't worried.  The local police chief was his business partner and provided protection.  


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15 hours ago, Beats56 said:

I go to a mom and pop store and a little old lady adds up.everything in her head. she doesn't use a calculator nor wants to. Talk about keeping your mind sharp.


 Yep....old school, when calculator wasn't part of life...

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15 hours ago, Beats56 said:

I go to a mom and pop store and a little old lady adds up.everything in her head. she doesn't use a calculator nor wants to. Talk about keeping your mind sharp.


And I would bet 1000thb that they don't play Lottery as well... 

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