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Naked Farang


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12 minutes ago, dbrenn said:

No I'm a good chap, but having a little difficulty with scanning /downloading and insertions



Edited by Paul Catton
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1 hour ago, cheapskatesam said:

..... proceeded to walk along the corridor to her room. I look to my left and it seems someone has left their door to their condo open i look inside as i pass and i see a old farang guy sat on his sofa watching TV naked right in full view of anyone who walks past.


No, only in full view of those who choose to look left. It is their decision. When walking along my condo building corridor I find that keeping my eyes in front of me saves me much unpleasantness.


If the guy was sitting naked in the middle of the corridor, or had his TV on very loud, then it would be different matter. You cant choose not to be aware of those.

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Clearly i can tell the different places were posters grew up.

Where i come from nobody would blink if some one did what this guy is doing.

The US on the other hand is still very offended with exposure like this.

Good or bad?That is not the issue here and now.

Maybe the guy is not even aware he is upsetting some one and just needs to be told what he is doing is not acceptable in Thailand.

When small children grow up seeing some nudity(not sex) they won't even notice this.

In Thailand there are different cultures mixed together and one should abide by the rules here.

OP,just talk to the man !!!!

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18 hours ago, jvs said:

I would go talk to him myself and let him know his behaviour is very impolite and out of line

in Thailand .Tell him(don't ask) to not do it again or you will report him to the police,make sure you have some back-up pictures.I do believe there is a law in Thailand against exposing yourself in public.

Just for know sake,would you feel offended if it was a nice looking female?

Your last sentence . I will answer it. No, no normal guy would, but an old, fat, overweight guy, even partly exposed, is going to disgust anyone.

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People  especially those with families would find this behavior offensive . The condo manager and the committee should act to prevent this person from 'flashing ' in the communal area of the condo.If a Thai couple with children objected and made a complaint to the police they would take it seriously . Despite posts to the contrary from people used to locations such as walking street Thai people 

are quite reserved and nudity is frowned upon in public.

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5 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:

So, I'm curious, just why exactly is the fact that the guy is fat so important to your story?  I mean, by logical extension, if you had a little daughter and son, I guess it would be just fine for them to be exposed to the tan, athletic penis of a buff, handsome, farang guy in his 20s with washboard abs, but not to the "fat, disgusting old fellow" you're so obsessed with?


In general, I think your obsession with this guy (and his ass crack) maybe says a little more about you than it does about him...




OP, try some psychiatric help to overcome your obsession before you allow your problem to become chronic.

In the meantime, go out for walks and find something else to do since you are so offended by the sight of the man.

I wonder if you are aware of the damage that your self induced stress may have on your health?

I wonder what the Buddha would advise?


I would also not love to see his naked body if I had the choice but I would not let the sight of him wind me up so much as you do!


Get over it, please, you your own sanity.

No one else in your complex seem to be so powerfully upset?




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18 minutes ago, possum1931 said:
1 hour ago, Thaimike370 said:

Sit next to him and accidently shower him with prickly heat powder all over his little bits.

Accidently???? Just do it.


And that is an assault for which you should be charged as a criminal - don't do it!


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20 hours ago, iamkanga said:

Anyway the Juristic has spoken to him a number of times and he just completely ignores requests. His arrogance is such that he does not even change into his swimmers in his room he does this by the pool and removes them after swimming! There is also a WC where he could change in privacy not 20 meters away. 


Indecent exposure is a crime in Thailand (as well) and this guy seems to have quite a taste for it. It doesn't sound like a casual slip of mind since he is constantly returning to the same behavior.


As he has received more than a fair warning and Juristic seems to not care, report him directly to the police, preferably with some evidence/witnesses to back it up. You can expect a quick behavior correction upon doing this.






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1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

OK, I will rephrase it, just do it and make it look like an accident.


Perhaps simply being in possession of the pepper in this case might be enough to get the OP charged with intent?

In the OP, he said "I am at my wits end with this clown and very soon it will turn into a physical confrontation!!!"

I don't think it helps to wind him up further, notice IT WILL!!!

Just sayin....

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5 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:

So, I'm curious, just why exactly is the fact that the guy is fat so important to your story?  I mean, by logical extension, if you had a little daughter and son, I guess it would be just fine for them to be exposed to the tan, athletic penis of a buff, handsome, farang guy in his 20s with washboard abs, but not to the "fat, disgusting old fellow" you're so obsessed with?


I find it relevant as it adds to the level of disgust, don't you think?

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4 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

Take video of him in the raw then pull off some decent pics of his ass and nuts and post them online and get some printed out and pin them to the condo notice board and entrance doors.



and then expose the OP to the possible penalties of Computer Crimes Act?



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16 hours ago, laislica said:



and then expose the OP to the possible penalties of Computer Crimes Act?



He can post them from an internet cafe. And just make sure no one can work out the angle of the cams direction as to pin point his balcony. As for breaking the law unless Thailand has changed the law Dubai and the UAE and maybe Saudi are the only countries you cannot take pics or video in public of an unsuspecting target in the world. Common law is if its public its free to do.

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1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

Your last sentence . I will answer it. No, no normal guy would, but an old, fat, overweight guy, even partly exposed, is going to disgust anyone.

I reckon more people would be challenged by the naked truth if the guy  was 20 years of age, 6'3'',  tanned and buffed. That would have the jurist el al rockin!!


Most see this for what it is. A joke and harmless from that pic. But he might start wandering though.... 

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52 minutes ago, laislica said:




OP, try some psychiatric help to overcome your obsession before you allow your problem to become chronic.

In the meantime, go out for walks and find something else to do since you are so offended by the sight of the man.

I wonder if you are aware of the damage that your self induced stress may have on your health?

I wonder what the Buddha would advise?


I would also not love to see his naked body if I had the choice but I would not let the sight of him wind me up so much as you do!


Get over it, please, you your own sanity.

No one else in your complex seem to be so powerfully upset?




A disgusting old pervert is exposing himself in a public place frequented by women and children. You are the one who needs to get your head examined if you think that there is nothing to worry about.


I'd get the cops on to him, before he does something worse. 

Edited by dbrenn
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28 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

He can post them from an internet cafe. And just make sure no one can work out the angle of the cams direction as to pin point his balcony. As for breaking the law unless Thailand has changed the law Dubai and the UAE and maybe Saudi are the only countries you cannot take pics or video in public of an unsuspecting target in the world. Common law is if its public its free to do.


That would probably fulfill the perv's wildest dreams, as it would give him maximum exposure.

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12 minutes ago, mercman24 said:

when i lived inSPAIN it was always the GERMANS, male and female who could not wait to get their kit off, the sights will haunt me for the rest of my life lol

true, you can't un-see it, but you don't have to keep looking and winding yourself up.

1 hour ago, laislica said:




OP, try some psychiatric help to overcome your obsession before you allow your problem to become chronic.

In the meantime, go out for walks and find something else to do since you are so offended by the sight of the man.

I wonder if you are aware of the damage that your self induced stress may have on your health?

I wonder what the Buddha would advise?


I would also not love to see his naked body if I had the choice but I would not let the sight of him wind me up so much as you do!


Get over it, please, you your own sanity.

No one else in your complex seem to be so powerfully upset?




A disgusting old pervert is exposing himself in a public place frequented by women and children. You are the one who needs to get your head examined if you think that there is nothing to worry about.


I'd get the cops on to him, before he does something worse. 

Edited 16 minutes ago by dbrenn


Have trouble reading do we?
Read my post again - I've highlighted a line for you.....


IMHO, the op needs to seriously start to consider the negative effect of all this BS on his health.


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1 hour ago, laislica said:


Perhaps simply being in possession of the pepper in this case might be enough to get the OP charged with intent?

In the OP, he said "I am at my wits end with this clown and very soon it will turn into a physical confrontation!!!"

I don't think it helps to wind him up further, notice IT WILL!!!

Just sayin....

Pepper?? I thought it was prickly heat we were referring to.

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39 minutes ago, optad said:

I reckon more people would be challenged by the naked truth if the guy  was 20 years of age, 6'3'',  tanned and buffed. That would have the jurist el al rockin!!


Most see this for what it is. A joke and harmless from that pic. But he might start wandering though.... 

I don't care what age, or what height the guy is, or what he looks like, seeing any private parts or part of any private parts of any guy disgusts me, now I'll wait for someone to accuse me of being homophobic as what happened last week.

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7 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:

So, I'm curious, just why exactly is the fact that the guy is fat so important to your story?  I mean, by logical extension, if you had a little daughter and son, I guess it would be just fine for them to be exposed to the tan, athletic penis of a buff, handsome, farang guy in his 20s with washboard abs, but not to the "fat, disgusting old fellow" you're so obsessed with?


In general, I think your obsession with this guy (and his ass crack) maybe says a little more about you than it does about him...


You make a good point and it had me thinking too. His size (fatness) shouldn't have been mentioned. If he was a buff 20-year-old, it wouldn't be a problem then?



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4 hours ago, al007 said:

I have just read some of your other posts, because I feel you are in great pain


and quote you

"Thanks but I have zero plans for long term at the moment 6 months is my max and I cant see any situation where I would buy. So I guess my test live is 6 months!"


In your previous thread it was suggested maybe a hotel initially, you chose not to go that route, there you would have had a manager to resolve your problems


You are only staying short term, and say test live, so the test live has fallen below your expectations, but it was a test


May I suggest a little bored, you are very fortunate to be retired so early, find yourself a nice young lady, ( or even a bad young lady!)


You come from Australia I believe where you have some of the most wonderful beaches and ocean , maybe you need to go home, but remember you will take yourself with you


In any case good luck


Thank you for your free Psychoanalysis of me and the situation. This advise in finding a partner moving out of my accommodation and returning to Australia seems a completely rational response to this mans behaviour. But if you don't mind I would just rather this man did not remove his clothes which from all accounts reading this thread appears to be against the law. 

And for the record I am aware of others inflamed by this mans actions (and sure there are many more) but they may not have the time resources skills or courage to pursue action so as a benevolent human I am acting for them also.

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2 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I don't care what age, or what height the guy is, or what he looks like, seeing any private parts or part of any private parts of any guy disgusts me, now I'll wait for someone to accuse me of being homophobic as what happened last week.


I won't accuse you of being homophobic, just a bit prudish.:smile:

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21 hours ago, iamkanga said:

Yes but legs bent at the knees so like a woman wearing a skit but if you were swimming or wrong balcony angle a very unattractive view!

An old lady calls the police about some young men next door running around nude in their yard.


When the police arrive, the officer looks out the old lady's window and says, "I can't even see into their yard."


"You can if you stand on this chair," says the old lady.


Either don't look or every time he does it just ask him in a loud voice to cover-up his miniature plumbing.

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1 hour ago, lungnorm said:

He can post them from an internet cafe. And just make sure no one can work out the angle of the cams direction as to pin point his balcony. As for breaking the law unless Thailand has changed the law Dubai and the UAE and maybe Saudi are the only countries you cannot take pics or video in public of an unsuspecting target in the world. Common law is if its public its free to do.


I doubt that. I know for sure it's illegal in the Philippines too. They had problems where people would pretend to take selfies with the target in the background and post the photos on the Internet. Computer crime/defamation is a big deal in Thailand.

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