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1 hour ago, jeab1980 said:

Not going to argue with you you are wrong but if you want to belive what you say up to you.


So don't argue lol. But seeing as it does happen in the village I live and the continual posts that come up on various 'Thai FB' pages then you can believe whatever the girl tells you if it helps you sleep at night. Thai villages are ultra conservative compared to most places in the world or BKK. Even wearing bikinis is still a big thing, so you can imagine how big sleeping with a few guys a night is. I knew a legal Thai 'sex worker' in Australia. She was a friend. I invited her out to join me with the rest of the Thai community i knew there. She always refused? Why? Because she was embarrassed about her job, she openly admitted that. If she ever wanted to go out she would invite me with her friends who also worked the job so there was no awkward discussions about what work she did. And if the girl truly enjoys the company (as the truebeachlover guy thinks), then when going out she will pay usually or at least go half/half (as most Thai girls do). As she is actually spending her day off with you out of pure enjoyment, not money. If she isn't enjoying the time, you will be paying it seems from the posts on here (I wouldn't know as I don't spend time with 'bar girls', if i know them it is because i have become friends from a different way than using their services). Surely using 'bar girls' is just a quick thing, not a long term thing...maybe i'm wrong on that thing, but not the embarrassment thing. Common sense should prevail.

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1 hour ago, wildewillie89 said:


go oderont 't argue lol. But seeiig as it does happen in the village I live and cinual posts that come up on various 'Thai FB' pages then you can believe whatever the girl tells you if it helps you sleep at night. Thai villages are ultra conservative compared to most places in the world or BKK. Even wearing bikinis is still a big thing, so you can imagine how big sleeping with a few guys a night is. I knew a legal Thai 'sex worker' in Australia. She was a friend. I invited her out to join me with the rest of the Thai community i knew there. She always refused? Why? Because she was embarrassed about her job, she openly admitted that. If she ever wanted to go out she would invite me with her friends who also worked the job so there was no awkward discussions about what work she did. And if the girl truly enjoys the company (as the truebeachlover guy thinks), then when going out she will pay usually or at least go half/half (as most Thai girls do). As she is actually spending her day off with you out of pure enjoyment, not money. If she isn't enjoying the time, you will be paying it seems from the posts on here (I wouldn't know as I don't spend time with 'bar girls', if i know them it is because i have become friends from a different way than using their services). Surely using 'bar girls' is just a quick thing, not a long term thing...maybe i'm wrong on that thing, but not the embarrassment thing. Common sense should prevail.

Just for information i am female so i Dont have To listen to girl also i am thai. So i Know what i Say in my village and two close by ones what you say does not happen. If happen in your village then glad i Dont Live there must be horrible sounds like a hiso village to me.

so i Will say again you are wrong. Seem to me from your last post you are ok calling girls names and saying they are sencond Class but you say "you dont Use them"so can we say your a do gooder Or god squad as my husaband Says.

15 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

5possible it got boring and oh so verly conscience able after First post. Lets ask Why there are girls working in sexy trade. Easy beacuse farang come and want sex and pay well. No sex tourusts no WorKing girls well very few compare to now. So is it farang disrespecting girls. Wonder if they pay at home?

Come here pay for sex then call girls all sorts of names beacuse they suddenly get a concsieNce.

Or girl has been intelIgent  enough to make sure she get as much out of man as possiBle


you are married to a hi - so type right ?  55555+

1 hour ago, jeab1980 said:

Just for information i am female so i Dont have To listen to girl also i am thai. So i Know what i Say in my village and two close by ones what you say does not happen. If happen in your village then glad i Dont Live there must be horrible sounds like a hiso village to me.

so i Will say again you are wrong. Seem to me from your last post you are ok calling girls names and saying they are sencond Class but you say "you dont Use them"so can we say your a do gooder Or god squad as my husaband Says.


You clearly refused to read or just flat out ignore, i think it was 3 times i said it, the fact that i hope the day will come in the world where it isn't an embarrassing job. As the world is moving in the right direction. The fact of the matter is it still has a massive stigma attached to it. In Western countries the stigma is very evident even though society is so accepting. In Thai, like i said, the villages still frown upon basic things like bikinis, tattoos, short skirts....so for you to even suggest that the job is accepted is beyond ignorant. It is illegal for heaven's sake, that is how much it is frowned upon by the country. The fact that a Thai person in an open Western country cant even admit she does the job legally to her Thai community kind of speaks volumes. But, of course, a girl doing the job illegally, in a very conservative country is completely okay. I know the country is not renowned for its common sense, but seriously? 


What names did i call them? My last post i said 'sex worker', which is the technical term for the job in countries, as it is legal. As for the 'second class citizens', i was paraphrasing what Thai people say about the job on social media. Seems your village is the only one that isnt 'horrible'. I am not a 'do gooder', didn't i say one of my close friends was a 'sex worker', again you just completely ignored the information so your point would actually stand up and not sound ridiculous. Maybe do a sex and crime unit at university, or a sex and media unit (criminology/sociology), then come back and tell me if you really believe it. 


As for the assumption made about me, you have every right to make an assumption, I wont run off to the controllers of the forum and complain. But i will say this, for you to make that assumption using that language and with the moronic stance you hold on this topic, you can only guess what my assumption about you must be...


Sometimes it's impossible to get other people to see the light. They choose to ignore any sensible suggestions which is against there thoughts. I feel so sad for people who have this iInot listen to anyone. I read a lot on FB iIddon't aseethis bbigotrypeople talk about. But then people have to start getting to be personal name calling to ttry to make posts look good. I am not getting into a name calling match as posters seem to wwant. I know what iIsee iIknow what villages (plural) say but more asonot say about working girls. If ppeople'scan not talk ccivilized to others Isee that as a sign of weakness. 

2 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

Sometimes it's impossible to get other people to see the light. They choose to ignore any sensible suggestions which is against there thoughts. I feel so sad for people who have this iInot listen to anyone. I read a lot on FB iIddon't aseethis bbigotrypeople talk about. But then people have to start getting to be personal name calling to ttry to make posts look good. I am not getting into a name calling match as posters seem to wwant. I know what iIsee iIknow what villages (plural) say but more asonot say about working girls. If ppeople'scan not talk ccivilized to others Isee that as a sign of weakness. 


So one is not allowed to paraphrase what other people say as it is 'name calling'. Then in the exact same sentence you went on and name called me. And then go on to say you wont get into a name calling match when no one has name called you (only you have done the name calling). And after these 5 or 6 sentences all contradicted each other you refused to acknowledge any of the 'relevant' points in the discussion as you couldn't and naturally went to the safe fall back 'i feel so sad for people'. Surely, you are a troll and don't actually hold these views. You actually used the words, 'we can say your a ...', is that not name calling? 

17 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:


So one importancellowed to paraphrase what other peop le say as it is 'name calling'. Then in the exact same sentence you went on and name called me. And then go on to say you wont get into a name calling match when no one has name called you (only you have done the name calling). And after these 5 or 6 sentences all contradicted each other you refused to acknowledge any of the 'relevant' points in the discussion as you couldn't and naturally went to the safe fall back 'i feel so sad for people'. Surely, you are a troll and don't actually hold these views. You actually used the words, 'we can say your a ...', is that not name calling? 

I was not just talking to you your not that importanT. You belive what you want i Belive and know you are incorreCt. 

So to you i Say goodbye. 

50 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

I was not just talking to you your not that importanT. You belive what you want i Belive and know you are incorreCt. 

So to you i Say goodbye. 


It is interesting out of all the extremely negative comments on here, you took offence to this one. All of these men saying all of these horrible things about 'Thai women', that all Thai girls are prostitutes, how they all are gold diggers...It's a mystery why you didn't take offence to any of that. But when someone makes a claim that common sense dictates is pretty obvious, it hits a nerve. Thus, making my assumption about you (which i only made as you made one about me) probably correct. You were not talking to me but included all the points of our discussion in a general post, rather than a quote...yeah, sure lol. 

On 12/14/2016 at 4:52 AM, Berkshire said:

5555555555...this is classic.  Farangs on TV are always criticizing the Thais about "face."  Well here we have a farang who starts a thread about losing face.  So it does matter afterall.

has op ever wondered what his girl is doing when he isnt here.........................i dont get these fellas.   are they really this nincompoopish?

On 12/25/2016 at 9:08 AM, wildewillie89 said:


So what you are saying is that a 'prostitute' is happy to go back home and happily talk about her job to the rest of the family/village she grew up in? Or her family is happy to strike up a conversation with the neighbours about her daughters work? I wish I could agree, the day that happens the day the world is a better and more accepting place, but it just isn't the case. It isn't even the case in more open Western countries, it is definitely not the case in a closed off traditional country. Most people in villages still look down on many girls for having tattoos or short skirts even (as said earlier, I wish it wasn't the case, but the reality of it is the case). 


Just because girls will openly admit they're prostitutes to paying customers or to the girls they hang around with at work (also prostitutes), doesn't mean that honesty translates to going back to the communities they grew up in. It is usually 'i sell watches' or 'i work as a cashier' etc etc. Admitting their real job to one close person, which naturally goes around the village within an hour. 


When someone says '"So what you are saying is that" it actually means that you are trying to twist wording that would lead the reader to conclude that they are saying or in this case writing something that they are not but rather what suits your side of the argument. It's a transparent ploy that rarely works.


I've never been to a village but I can't imagine a girl on the game telling folk what she goes for a living or having a friend or relative do it for her.


"How do you do, my name is Lek and I've just got back from Pattaya where I've been working as a prostitute". Or

"Oh hello,  my name is Nop  I'm a secretary and my friend here is Pui and she's a prostitute". Such statements would cause a few eyebrows to be raised regardless of whatever part of the world you are in.


53 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


When someone says '"So what you are saying is that" it actually means that you are trying to twist wording that would lead the reader to conclude that they are saying or in this case writing something that they are not but rather what suits your side of the argument. It's a transparent ploy that rarely works.


I've never been to a village but I can't imagine a girl on the game telling folk what she goes for a living or having a friend or relative do it for her.


"How do you do, my name is Lek and I've just got back from Pattaya where I've been working as a prostitute". Or

"Oh hello,  my name is Nop  I'm a secretary and my friend here is Pui and she's a prostitute". Such statements would cause a few eyebrows to be raised regardless of whatever part of the world you are in.



Criticising my language by making a sweeping generalisation. Well done. 'Actually' is a pretty definite word in this context, please provide the relevant data to prove the claim. Her initial post was broken English, actually all of her posts have been broken or contradictory in one way or another, so clarification was needed (her posts being the data). However, lets explore your claim. Is it really a twist of words or an expansion that includes variables that the original comment hadn't thought of? I couldn't care less what side of the argument she stands on (I don't know the person), however, for a conversation/debate to exist, more than one idea should be explored/questioned.   


 And you are exactly right, girls do not go back and happily tell the village what they do for a living. They tell a lie. The scenario you gave would be actually easier to do, as you are suggesting the village is full of strangers. The village is actually full of family and childhood friends. Thus, the embarrassment kicks in and it is 'I sell watches in Pattaya'. 


The only problem that i see here is the health one.If you are playing the 'open relationship' thing,and there's nothing wrong with that as long as both parties are playing the same game and each are happy with it.Having said that,i would,upon arrival seek out the nearest clinic and have an HIV,Syph,and the others STD test.It is a known fact that some Thai ladies will perform without protection. Most Thai men will not use condoms,and a good many ferangs will get away with it if they can.Its a possible chance that an already infected ferang will come here to spread the gift that doesn't stop giving.It was only a few years ago that they believed westerners could not get AID"s.There was a case not so long ago,where a mature woman wanted to embark upon a relationship with a 65 year old ferang.Her question was,what type of contraception she should use.The Doctor,an educated,qualified,intelligent man(you would think) told her not to bother,as it was a medical fact that western men over 60 could no longer produce viable sperm.

In your case i would inform the young lady of your arrival date and have her go and do the same thing,on the morning of your arrival.You would then be able to see each others certificate and the date taken.If she refuses to do this,then you have to think again.

If you are a young man,then Pattaya is your playground and you are entitled to play as you see fit.Just be shrewd.

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