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Retailers told to display price tags


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Retailers told to display price tags




BANGKOK: -- As the ‘Shop for the Country’ campaign launched by the government to stimulate consumer spending during the latter part of the year entered the third day today, the Department of Internal Trade has told all business operators to display price tags on their goods and not to put nearly expired goods on their gift baskets for selling.


Call for cooperation to have business ethics came as large numbers of consumers are taking the opportunity to buy huge numbers of New Year gift baskets to give to respected seniors and friends during the tax break period.


The director-general of the Department of Internal Trade, Mrs Nanthawan Sakuntanak sought cooperation from businesses after making field trip to inspect on wholesalers and retailers to ensure that they were complying with the department’s requirement for all New Year gift baskets to have clear price tags attached.


She said this was to give consumers the opportunity to compare prices before buying.


She said the department has specified that products packed into these gift baskets must be of the highest quality and must have at minimum 6 months remaining before their expiry  dates.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/retailers-told-display-price-tags/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-12-16
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Nice try but with pricetags it's impossible to overcharge rich looking customers so it will never happen. Next.


Yesterday i wanted to buy a teakwood door, the old man said it costs 11.000 and even wrote it on the door while his son typed 10.000 on his calculator.555555  I didn't buy it of course since i got a bad feeling about it.

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1 hour ago, zaphod reborn said:

Aside from these holiday gift baskets, however, it's ok to put expired products on your store shelves.


And when a customer shows you that it's expired to just act like it's normal to sell that and put it back on the shelf.


I found out ALL the bakeries in BKK like to cheat with the date of production and expiry date. Almost nothing is fresh and baked the same day, even not in the most expensive bakeries who have their own oven in the shop. And almost all of them have the text "baked fresh every day" printed on the bags.


Yesterday i grabbed a bag of raisin breads in S&P, it was already 4 days old, a salesgirl approached me and i showed her the bag but she didn't care at all and put it bag on the shelf for sale.


And if you buy a "fresh" sandwich in Foodland it's made of old bread, it's very dry and tastes old. I suspect S&P from the same, they do have real fresh sandiches though but they cost much more.

Edited by fruitman
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When i see an item that i wish to buy,i always ask the price.I know that because the price is not shown,the seller is hoping to be able to rip me off for as much as he can.Its not easy to haggle over something that doesnt have a price to begin the haggling at.

I love a good haggle and will genuinely pay nearly what the seller wants in the end.But if there is no price i will haggle with him using the price i think its worth.With a priced item,he will end up getting his required, price,or very near it.With no price he will lose a sale,and have to hope that some idiot,who is not aware,will pay the over inflated price that he will want for it.

Does any of  this make sense? ive just read it back to myself,and even i dont understand it:biggrin:

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I always feel anger when I walk at the market to buy vegetables and I must ask always about the prices. I prefer to buy in the supermarket. There are always prices shown and the quality seems to be better even if it is a bit more expensive.

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12 minutes ago, andre47 said:

I always feel anger when I walk at the market to buy vegetables and I must ask always about the prices. I prefer to buy in the supermarket. There are always prices shown and the quality seems to be better even if it is a bit more expensive.


If i don't see the price (which is most of the time) i also get annoyed. When i see a vendor on the phone selling things i don't want to buy i always ask them how much it costs, just to annoy him back. 


Many times when i ask the price they even don't know themselves and have to call the boss or so, i have better things to do so i walk away when they're calling.


Those vendors ruin it for themselves, i buy as much as i can in the Makro or other big shops and wished more people did the same so the vendors go bankrupt.


I even get more annoyed when i ask the price (in Thai) and they won't tell it but give some long answer. They just want to waste my time but i won't let them. When the price is very high i just say "peng krab" and go my way.

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3 minutes ago, fruitman said:


If i don't see the price (which is most of the time) i also get annoyed. When i see a vendor on the phone selling things i don't want to buy i always ask them how much it costs, just to annoy him back. 


Many times when i ask the price they even don't know themselves and have to call the boss or so, i have better things to do so i walk away when they're calling.


Those vendors ruin it for themselves, i buy as much as i can in the Makro or other big shops and wished more people did the same so the vendors go bankrupt.


I even get more annoyed when i ask the price (in Thai) and they won't tell it but give some long answer. They just want to waste my time but i won't let them. When the price is very high i just say "peng krab" and go my way.

Quite a WALKER u are... ???

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12 minutes ago, fruitman said:

Those vendors ruin it for themselves, i buy as much as i can in the Makro or other big shops and wished more people did the same so the vendors go bankrupt.

SOME vendors ruin it for themselves . Sorry , but I try to buy as much as I can from the locals at the market or shops , instead of the big companies . Buy at the market ... tax free ... black economy. Sssst ! Don't let Prayut know or he goes Modi on us....

Edited by BuaBS
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12 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

SOME vendors ruin it for themselves . Sorry , but I try to buy as much as I can from the locals at the market or shops , instead of the big companies . Buy at the market ... tax free ... black economy. Sssst ! Don't let Prayut know or he goes Modi on us....


The market, where you can loose an eyeball easy, or step in a puddle with open electricity in it..Where 900 gram is called a kg, you have to ask for EVERY price, many products are half-rotten and already picked the best out...You get hot oil or meat/fish splashes on your clothes, have to watch up/down/left/right for every step you make...get gossiped at when you're 5 steps away, can't park, bloody hot, super busy and narrow, have to wait all the time.....


No thank you sir, i would rather pay the price in the makro whatever it costs.

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33 minutes ago, fruitman said:


The market, where you can loose an eyeball easy, or step in a puddle with open electricity in it..Where 900 gram is called a kg, you have to ask for EVERY price, many products are half-rotten and already picked the best out...You get hot oil or meat/fish splashes on your clothes, have to watch up/down/left/right for every step you make...get gossiped at when you're 5 steps away, can't park, bloody hot, super busy and narrow, have to wait all the time.....


No thank you sir, i would rather pay the price in the makro whatever it costs.

Obviously we don't shop at the same market ...
When the price is (much) lower for fruit & veggies , I can tollerate ( and expect ) bad scales . Many times I get more than I paid for .
But sure , no airco nor good parking.  


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2 hours ago, fruitman said:


And when a customer shows you that it's expired to just act like it's normal to sell that and put it back on the shelf.


I found out ALL the bakeries in BKK like to cheat with the date of production and expiry date. Almost nothing is fresh and baked the same day, even not in the most expensive bakeries who have their own oven in the shop. And almost all of them have the text "baked fresh every day" printed on the bags.


Yesterday i grabbed a bag of raisin breads in S&P, it was already 4 days old, a salesgirl approached me and i showed her the bag but she didn't care at all and put it bag on the shelf for sale.


And if you buy a "fresh" sandwich in Foodland it's made of old bread, it's very dry and tastes old. I suspect S&P from the same, they do have real fresh sandiches though but they cost much more.


But it IS all baked fresh every day - just not on the day that you buy it!



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12 minutes ago, doctormann said:

But it IS all baked fresh every day - just not on the day that you buy it!



I know but they should be ashamed for themselves. Using english to be hi-so but still misleading the Thai who have no clue at all and will still eat bread from 4 days old as being fresh.


Those bakeries are japanese or from singapore and from them i expect higher standards. But why would they? It's very common to cheat eachother in Thailand so yes bakeries also do it.

You see the bakers at work in those shops but what's on the shelves can be a few days old, they put the fresh products in the back so that's where i look first.


I'm getting a bit tired of ALL the dirty tricks they use, i don't mind paying higher prices than back home in Europe where the quality is even much higher but those dirty tricks all the time make me tired of Thailand.


And how on earth is it possible to have a pie which you can keep for 14!! days before it expires just in the shop, no fridge to be seen...and that's even in the Royal Project shop....also they sell bread which you can keep for a week or so according to the sticker, must be healthy bread! ahum...

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No need to haggle, just shop in superstores and supermarkets. Anytime I check out a new restaurant I always take a look at the menu before taking a seat, if prices are not listed then walk away. 

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One trick I have learnt is to show a lot of interest in something before asking the price and then walk away looking unconcerned. Result is if they are desperate they come running after you to offer a big discount. The alternative is to go with a Thai friend to buy an expensive item and they will know the right price and negotiate it for you.

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My wife will tell me to stay away from the store if we intend to buy some kind of large ticket item.

She will tell me that if I go with her the price for the item will be " Farang " price, and she wil get it cheaper.

Also, the thing that I love to see, is the expression on the face of some shop keeper after you have asked the price, and then told them to put it back on the shelf as its too expensive. and as a " Farang " you are fully wise to their rip off ways.

You have all seen the expression, its the one where they look as if somebody has just stolen their icecream.


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18 minutes ago, Tonawatchee said:

Retailers told to display price tags -


Such an astounding idea. More proof that the country is leaping forward in this 21st century.


Yup except that they won't do it and there's nobody to maintain this rule since the police are all on inactive posts.

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