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Berlin: Police detain suspect after several killed in deadly Christmas market truck crash


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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

At this point, we don't even know, WHO actually did this, what is his background, what are the motives!

For all I care, he could have shouted "Now do you love me, daddy?!" as he crashed into the first row of people!

But sure, for most of the posters on this thread so far...must have been a Muslim!

Who else!

And even if he was?

That tells you that "multikulti" doesn't work?

Again: what a lot of BS!





How Christmas market carnage unfolded: 'Afghan refugee' turned off HGV's lights and drove stolen lorry into shoppers at 40mph killing 12 and injuring 48 after first 'hijacking and killing the driver'





ISIS had urged its followers to use vehicles as weapons in lone wolf attacks before the deadly attack in Nice that claimed 84 lives, it emerged Friday — and one expert says the truck attack represents an “evolution” in how terrorists target civilians.


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Eye witnesses said the driver shouted allahu akbar.


The media will tell us, the attacker was mental ill.


We must stop with this crazy muslims. Deport them all. Even those with a European passport. Say NO to ISlam.

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Die Welt and Tagesspiegel newspapers have both reported that the perp is one of Merkel's Migrants, either from Pakistan or Afghanistan.
Time for the progressive media to go into action:
1. He was mentally ill
2. This had nothing to do with Islam
3. We must be more inclusive and welcoming

Mentally ill is the prerogative of white male terrorist attacks in the US.

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2 hours ago, Rimbuman said:

What a bunch of absolute BS! The only thing this shows, is that there is always a loose cannon around! If it isn't political or religious terror ( both possible) , it is a guy with mental problems or a dude, who had a really shitty day!
There is no such thing as "absolute security" and just because one guy does something evil, that does not mean, that everybody of a certain group of people is evil, too!
Please do us all a favor and crawl back under your rock!

sorry but it is becoming quite clear that these people who believe in other things coming to Christian countries don't mix well, some call it a migration of refugees - I call it an invasion that will eventually lead to violence for the simple reason that these people don't just follow a religion - their lives, laws and general society are completely and strictly structured around it, it just doesn't fit and never will - we learned that history lesson a long time ago, yes some cultures may have moved on and developed and believe in a multicultural society but that doesn't work if it is one sided and some are still living with primitive beliefs from over 2000 years ago.


My own personal belief is that religion is evil - I look at the history of man and I am totally 100% convinced of that, humans are supposed to be the most intelligent of all living creatures on this planet - I am not convinced 

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21 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Mentally ill is the prerogative of white male terrorist attacks in the US.

Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

Utter BS.


The Somali migrant who stabbed a woman to death on a London street was immediately labelled mentally ill, until it later emerged that he was a big fan of ISIS.


Similar mental illness was ascribed to the jihadis who carried out the Chattanooga and Orlando attacks. As it was to the Sydney cafe murderer, and the Nice truck murderer. All of whom were later found to have links to Islamic terrorist ideology. So it was to the man who tried to attack the Israeli embassy in Istanbul. So it was to the Munich train killer. So it was to the attacker of the Canadian parliament.


It's just a get-out phrase which enables PC types to avoid criticising their favoured "religion of peace." 

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1 hour ago, bark said:

Not all Muslims are bad. But all Terrorists are bad. Germany made the mistake of letting over one million Refugees into the country without proper clearance. Many only a few a terrorists; but tell that to the 12 peoples families and friends, who were murdered.

define bad..........................like I said in my post above, we can all strive for a society were culture doesn't matter and believe it possible.......but


As more and more of these attacks are carried out the division and hate will increase - were do you think that is headed, just wait until there is a WOMD attack and we will see were we're at, unfortunately when you can identify these attacks to a certain religion or group against a certain religion or group then this can only end in one way .....escalation, it is written in the bowels of history.


Further down the line these minority groups will become seperatists demanding their own enclaves in the countries they were invited to and will have their own violent terror groups trying to force governments to give them what they want........we see it today and we will see it tomorrow 

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Utter BS.
The Somali migrant who stabbed a woman to death on a London street was immediately labelled mentally ill, until it later emerged that he was a big fan of ISIS.
Similar mental illness was ascribed to the jihadis who carried out the Chattanooga and Orlando attacks. As it was to the Sydney cafe murderer, and the Nice truck murderer. All of whom were later found to have links to Islamic terrorist ideology. So it was to the man who tried to attack the Israeli embassy in Istanbul. So it was to the Munich train killer. So it was to the attacker of the Canadian parliament.
It's just a get-out phrase which enables PC types to avoid criticising their favoured "religion of peace." 

Exactly the opposite.

Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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32 minutes ago, smedly said:

define bad..........................like I said in my post above, we can all strive for a society were culture doesn't matter and believe it possible.......but


As more and more of these attacks are carried out the division and hate will increase - were do you think that is headed, just wait until there is a WOMD attack and we will see were we're at, unfortunately when you can identify these attacks to a certain religion or group against a certain religion or group then this can only end in one way .....escalation, it is written in the bowels of history.


Further down the line these minority groups will become seperatists demanding their own enclaves in the countries they were invited to and will have their own violent terror groups trying to force governments to give them what they want........we see it today and we will see it tomorrow 

Bad = Driving a big truck over innocent people,  breaking bones, and crushing their heads !

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2 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Die Welt and Tagesspiegel newspapers have both reported that the perp is one of Merkel's Migrants, either from Pakistan or Afghanistan.


Time for the progressive media to go into action:


1. He was mentally ill

2. This had nothing to do with Islam

3. We must be more inclusive and welcoming

Maybe in Europe. I think the New York Times is more balanced. For example today's report on the hypocrisy from the UAE regime and New York University in establishing some years ago a campus of NYU in Abu Dhabi. Translation: academic freedom? You must be joking.

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1 hour ago, smedly said:

sorry but it is becoming quite clear that these people who believe in other things coming to Christian countries don't mix well, some call it a migration of refugees - I call it an invasion that will eventually lead to violence for the simple reason that these people don't just follow a religion - their lives, laws and general society are completely and strictly structured around it, it just doesn't fit and never will - we learned that history lesson a long time ago, yes some cultures may have moved on and developed and believe in a multicultural society but that doesn't work if it is one sided and some are still living with primitive beliefs from over 2000 years ago.


My own personal belief is that religion is evil - I look at the history of man and I am totally 100% convinced of that, humans are supposed to be the most intelligent of all living creatures on this planet - I am not convinced 

Yes during the time over the years so many people have been killed trying to convert them to Christianity. Fast forward to today what has been accomplished? nothing. Mixing different religions cultures over the years has proven fruitless but we keep trying. We did hit a period where people of different faiths respected each other but with the introduction of Muslim immigrants this disappeared. Muslims are hard to assimilate and in their thinking they want to assimilate you. They constantly want to superimpose Sharia law where ever they settle. You cannot have festering religions all in one melting pot. I find their attitude towards women abhorrent. The differences are to many and to vast. 

Edited by elgordo38
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3 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Die Welt and Tagesspiegel newspapers have both reported that the perp is one of Merkel's Migrants, either from Pakistan or Afghanistan.


Time for the progressive media to go into action:


1. He was mentally ill

2. This had nothing to do with Islam

3. We must be more inclusive and welcoming

Latest updates say that the arrested is an Afghan national who entered Germany as a refugee.

The dead person/passenger is a Polish national.


What everyone might suspect has not been reported yet: that he was the authorized driver of the truck and has been killed beforehand.

The owner of the truck in Poland could not contact his driver since yesterday.


Edited by Sunak
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5 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Die Welt and Tagesspiegel newspapers have both reported that the perp is one of Merkel's Migrants, either from Pakistan or Afghanistan.


Time for the progressive media to go into action:


1. He was mentally ill

2. This had nothing to do with Islam

3. We must be more inclusive and welcoming

Yes agreed, also it must be our fault since we don't assimilate with this friendly mob!

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8 hours ago, DM07 said:

What a bunch of absolute BS! The only thing this shows, is that there is always a loose cannon around! If it isn't political or religious terror ( both possible) , it is a guy with mental problems or a dude, who had a really shitty day!
There is no such thing as "absolute security" and just because one guy does something evil, that does not mean, that everybody of a certain group of people is evil, too!
Please do us all a favor and crawl back under your rock!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


Que the liberal apologist.


Awful lot of frigging loose cannons about. Funny thing, they all do it in the name of one particular religion that is intolerant of all those that don't bow to it. Even though they come as illegal immigrants, begging for help, which more than often they receive.


Mental illness - yeah right. If being radicalized so that believing your god will reward you for killing non-believers is an illness.


Now be a good boy, and stop telling those who prefer reality to crawl under rocks. 

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


Que the liberal apologist.


Awful lot of frigging loose cannons about. Funny thing, they all do it in the name of one particular religion that is intolerant of all those that don't bow to it. Even though they come as illegal immigrants, begging for help, which more than often they receive.


Mental illness - yeah right. If being radicalized so that believing your god will reward you for killing non-believers is an illness.


Now be a good boy, and stop telling those who prefer reality to crawl under rocks. 

Just one part: "Awful lot of frigging loose cannons about. "

My point exactly- and only few of them are Muslim!

The rest is white, brown, black, from here or there, Christian or Hindhu!

Sane, crazy, flipped out, ticked off OR radicalized!

Many, many, many...are NOT Muslim radicals!

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Just now, DM07 said:

Just one part: "Awful lot of frigging loose cannons about. "

My point exactly- and only few of them are Muslim!

The rest is white, brown, black, from here or there, Christian or Hindhu!

Sane, crazy, flipped out, ticked off OR radicalized!

Many, many, many...are NOT Muslim radicals!


And a great many are. Trooper Rigby, Paris club attacks, Nice, this (highly likely), the train attacker stopped by holidaying US service personnel, the slayings in America - husband and wife team, the gay bar etc etc etc etc.


Not all Muslims are terrorist homicidal nutters. Not all Muslim countries are the same - just like Christian countries are different from one another. And those with deep psychological issues, or distorted realities, exist in all societies.


But there is no doubt a significant number of Muslims, especially from the less developed countries where rudimentary religious instruction often replaces education, do believe in Jihad, and are prepared to kill and be killed for what they believe to be the only true religion.


If, as the BBC suggest, the driver is a Pakistani, then chance are he was an illegal migrant. Not a Syrian but someone who came as an illegal economic migrant or who came as a sleeper waiting to do something like this.



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8 hours ago, DM07 said:

There is no such thing as "absolute security" and just because one guy does something evil, that does not mean, that everybody of a certain group of people is evil, too!
Please do us all a favor and crawl back under your rock!

It maybe one guy this time but more likely a cell, like the pattern across Europe in recent times. There are numerous incidents across Europe and they are escalating.  I never once mentioned that everybody of certain group of people, are evil. Please read what I put.

As to your last sentence I have thick skin and because you don't like my opinion which many share and are growing too. Certain mods would have given you a suspension for less than that and removed it for being abusive. Obviously double standard's for certain posters.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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Just one part: "Awful lot of frigging loose cannons about. "
My point exactly- and only few of them are Muslim!
The rest is white, brown, black, from here or there, Christian or Hindhu!
Sane, crazy, flipped out, ticked off OR radicalized!
Many, many, many...are NOT Muslim radicals!

You are conflating "loose cannons" with violent ideological radicals, a poor and illogical argument at best.

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