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Computer Crime law essential for national security and won’t damage people’s rights: Prayut


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1 hour ago, yellowboat said:

Since you do not care much about privacy, please let us all know your net worth and where you can be found.  ;-)

Please don't change the subject. Besides the generals wealth disclosure is covered somewhere in the myriad of acts and proclamations issued by the government. Disclosure of his wealth is a matter of national security. If the people would find out riots might ensue. 

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Maybe because Thai people in general are extremely nosey and often bored ?I freguently here see maids and 7/11 workers etc intensely observing and investigating and following up on each and every move from ordinary visitors instead of just doing their job.Why does Thailand needs more severe computer laws then other countries otherwise?

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21 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Please don't change the subject. Besides the generals wealth disclosure is covered somewhere in the myriad of acts and proclamations issued by the government. Disclosure of his wealth is a matter of national security. If the people would find out riots might ensue. 

The comment was not about the Generals wealth, he was asking about yours... The point he was making is that he does not trust the Government to have "easy" access to your personal information.


The other main (and extremely valid) point is you do not police and persecute the masses to catch the few. It's not an easy job but that's just the way it is. I do not want my privacy eroded away and I don't have anything to hide.

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Just now, GAZZPA said:

The comment was not about the Generals wealth, he was asking about yours... The point he was making is that he does not trust the Government to have "easy" access to your personal information.


The other main (and extremely valid) point is you do not police and persecute the masses to catch the few. It's not an easy job but that's just the way it is. I do not want my privacy eroded away and I don't have anything to hide.

If your talking about my wealth there is nothing to talk about. I stand corrected and will go to the balcony and flail myself. 

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3 hours ago, YeahSiam said:

This is a non event.

Access the internet through a no-log VPN connection, problem solved


Yes until using a VPN or any kind of hiding your internet traffic is not allowed anymore and doing so is a an offence like in China or some Arabian countries.

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29 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

If your talking about my wealth there is nothing to talk about. I stand corrected and will go to the balcony and flail myself. 

No need to go that far. Perhaps removal of a fingernail will suffice.:smile:


Merry Christmas

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This more thight up computer law has nothing to do with the security of Thailand. It's just to control people who are blaming the governement and all the responsible one in the country. But yes, they wont either hear the blame neither react in changes. But yes tehy want to restrain the freedom of expression so they can act they way they want without any responsibility of what they are doing:

POOR PEOPLE IN THAILAND. Keep on fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The problem they have is a lot of what the myth of the Thai state actually is, is itself a house of cards, built on propaganda. That worked great when the Thai world consisted of a couple of TV channels, pumping out the usual dose of fantasy at 8pm.

The awful reality of the internet is that is has unleashed a whole tsunami of raw information, which coupled with the fact that so many of the 'surfs' have gone overseas to work and been exposed to the rotten truth, is terrifying to the ruling elite.

The hyperventilation after the Bild photographs of 'you know who' at Munich airport, the overreaction to the BBC profile of 'you know who', is precisely why this is happening.

The junta took power to orchestrate the 'event' and the internet is making it so so difficult to control the narrative


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3 hours ago, SoFarAndNear said:


Yes until using a VPN or any kind of hiding your internet traffic is not allowed anymore and doing so is a an offence like in China or some Arabian countries.


The authorities can't stop you encrypting your internet traffic.

Whether that's done locally before it leaves your device or elsewhere on its journey to the internet, a law forbidding it is unenforceable.

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54 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

The problem they have is a lot of what the myth of the Thai state actually is, is itself a house of cards, built on propaganda. That worked great when the Thai world consisted of a couple of TV channels, pumping out the usual dose of fantasy at 8pm.

The awful reality of the internet is that is has unleashed a whole tsunami of raw information, which coupled with the fact that so many of the 'surfs' have gone overseas to work and been exposed to the rotten truth, is terrifying to the ruling elite.

The hyperventilation after the Bild photographs of 'you know who' at Munich airport, the overreaction to the BBC profile of 'you know who', is precisely why this is happening.

The junta took power to orchestrate the 'event' and the internet is making it so so difficult to control the narrative


A very brave post. It takes guts to speak truth to power - even on a Forum (in junta-run Thailand)!

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4 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

I find a bit of M and M tantalizing. One must measure their strokes to get just the right response. i hate pain. 

Please forgive my ignorance but what is M and M? I googled it and I am sure you don't mean the popular candies from the US. 


I can guess but thought I would just ask,,

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The Daily Mail is a UK based newspaper ( well some think its little more than a comic) it has been banned here since the wonderful day in Thai history when the Military rolled into town to save the country again. Why on earth have they not lifted the ban when anyone with a VPN can access the paper?

I expect that every ordinary Thai ( thats not a rich one) who is of voting age up thinks that the world is great, the Army are taking care, if they think is good then it is good, just so long as I can have Facebook, Sanook, line etc.

In the west we have had terrorism for a few years now and it has taken away our privacy to a degree so that security can monitor situations, most people understood and accepted that and if you have been involved in any of the events you are more accepting, the problem is its a bit like an evolving mission creep and with many saying they have nothing to hide it rolls on.

Now that here the powers that be are using the same words to have the potential laws to restrict information its a bit concerning, you only have to mention terrorism, fraud, money laundering etc for action to be taken, the only reason terrorists would come to Thailand to create havoc is because the security is so poor it would be easy for them to do whatever they wanted to do, as for the other 2 options along with corruption, well we dont want to go down that road do we? All the reasons I give are really a facade for stopping criticism, I think the Military did not understand that it came with the job, it does everywhere else, if you dont like it let someone else have a go. Simple really you either live in the free world or you dont.

Edited by nong38
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Just look what other countries around the World do in

the name of "National security",they use it to curb peoples 

rights and freedoms.

regards worgeordie



Other countries around the world do as you say have Computer National Security laws, but only those close to China and Russia have laws that just about wipe out the freedom of speech. The Internet was invented by the western world for communication and is not owned by China, Russia or even Thailand which North Korea found out to there losses. The web today brings business and pleasure to many millions, where would Thailand be if the switch was turned off? If it carries on like this it will be.


If my company located in the USA, UK and Europe wanted to say something which we are entitle to under those countries laws, Thailand can still arrest us if we ever returned there even as a tourist. That is not on as Thailand has never contributed anything to the working web, but has block freedom of speech. The web or Internet should not be policed by thailand and there are many who now feel its time for that switch to be turned off. God help those who press a share or like button on facebook simply because they like the photo and cannot understand the Thai Writing that came below it


Don't get me wrong We Love Thailand as much or even more than you do and so sad in 2014 we decided not to visit again, we miss the friends we have but have found even more near by and quality too.



Hackers do 2 things, they create attention on the plus side and havoc on the neg side, but sometimes they are needed? But then there are the criminals who hack for financial gain, these guys need their fingers cut off as they not only rob the rich but even people who work hard for a living and loose everything to the scum who have no remorse or Guilt. Hopefully most people know what those words mean. Perhaps not in one country I can think of?


The growing influence of China in Thailand can be seen even from here and who are the biggest copyright and hacking persons? You can fill that in I feel sure


Regards WakeUpPlease


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