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Visa expire on weekend

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You cannot extend a visa.

I assume are extending a permit to stay from a visa of some kind.

You can do it early and loose no days since the extension starts from the end of your current permit to stay. Best to not wait until the last day.

If you go to immigration on Monday you could apply and not be fined for an overstay. After Monday it would be a 500 baht fine for everyday.

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I always go at least 1 week early, so if I encounter any problems, however unlikely, I have time to deal with them.  As UJ pointed out, you loose no days by doing this. 


Again, unlikely, but you could even be arrested for overstay over that weekend.  Go early and relax. 

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2 hours ago, tiptap said:

if my visa expires on the weekend, am i ok to extend on the following working day ie monday.


Expiration of a visa is irrelevant once you're in the country. The expiration of the permission to stay stamped in your passport at the airport or land border is what matters. No need to wait 'til the last minute to extend the permission. In fact it makes more sense to do it a week or so ahead of expiration. You lose (or the popular but erroneous "loose") nothing by extending your stay early. The additional 30 days on a tourist visa entry or visa exempt entry is added to your current permission to stay.

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21 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

You lose (or the popular but erroneous "loose")

That made me smile. I'm one of those people who is fussy about grammar and spelling but I didn't dare point it out. Especially when the authors concerned are of such high stature in this forum and always very helpful. 

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Hi, I arrived in Thailand Friday 23 evening . Today, Saturday and tomorrow the immigration in Jomtien is apparently closed. Can I , must I , do my presence reporting on Monday ? I asked the office girl who did the 2 month rental contract, and she said she'd do it over the Internet, but then she couldn't do it, and that the office Jomtien was closed this weekend. She will also do it Monday. I will be staying here in Jomtien a day or two under two months. ( i have a 2 month visa and then must ask for an extension in 60 days time ) then I will be staying in hotels for another 15 days in Koh Chang and Bangkok, before leaving Thailand. Thanks.

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