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Accident video: Netizens debate whether it was the taxi driver's fault or the bike rider's


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They are both at fault...2 stupid people meet at a high rate of speed...

I wonder if the law has any influence on this sort of accident, I don't think that both being stupid can absolve drivers of individual reponsibility, how does one measure stupidy except by the effect it has? My feeling is that the one who can easily see the danger is responsible and that is the one looking forward where the danger was in this case.

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The fault lies with the pea brained motorcycle rider! Seems he was travelling to fast for the conditions (compare his approach speed with the vehicles around him) and not being aware/prepared. However, perhaps the taxi driver may not have checked before changing lanes but motorcycles at speed and perhaps without lights on are very difficult to see.


As as long time motorcycle rider I learned from a young age to treat all drivers with caution. In a collision the motorcyclist will generally come out the worse for wear - rightly or wrongly.

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100% Motorcyclist is at fault, it's irrelevant how fast or slow the taxi was travelling, when you are following any vehicle you have to give yourself enough braking distance dependant upon your OWN speed. The guy on the bike is yet another example of little or no knowledge on how to ride a bike on public roads, always expect the unexpected and read the road ahead, not just under your nose.



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I think everyone's On a similar page... damn scooters!


it seems as though the taxi was undecided as to what lane he wanted to be in, and was drifting around a bit.... nothing really abnormal, if you weren't watching and waiting for the accident.


he very briefly indicated left, and swaps lanes, only to discover that there are other vehicles already there, perhaps going slower, so brakes to slow down to re merge into his origional position, drifting back ( without indicating)


then he gets rear rear ended.


its assumptive that the bike was weaving thru traffic, but probably right given it was slow traffic and the bike was going about a third faster than the herd.


but... rear ended.... scooter to blame, although I think that the non indication by the taxi driver will get the scooter off the hook


however... at about 2 min 25, whilst picking up debris from the crash, the scooter driver deliberately tosses a portion of faring or some such, over the edge of the motorway.... what? Nap that man and casterate him for littering!

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

100% correct, the taxi was slowly and slightly drifting out no sudden lane change slowing down or erratic driving, the MB driver simply was not paying attention and looked to me like he was going much faster than the traffic in front of him/her

The law says you should travel at a speed and distance behind the vehicle ahead that will enable you to slow or stop safely. Bike rider definitely at fault.

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2 minutes ago, TommyUK1960 said:

The Bike is at fault for failing to drive without due care and attention. He smashed into the back of the Taxi. In Thailand it makes no difference who's at fault, Cops try to blame car.


Ive had a scooter run up the back of my pickup, never at any stage did the police even hint that it was my fault.

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This a rear end accident....the motocy is wrong.

Get this. My wife parked her Vigo quite legally on the site of the road. She even left the warning lights on, as it was twilight and the road lights seemed not to go on.
Anyway, shortly after a motorbike drove into her Vigo at quite some speed and nearly killed himself.
Traffic police tried to blame my wife and took the case to court.
Luckily it was ruled the bikes fault. Btw he had no insurance and ask my wife if he could pay the damage in 1000 baht a monthly installments. Our insurance objected...
Nothing is clear cut here. Best to have good insurance taking care of things....
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Does not matter if he brakes or not the motorcycle should have been at a safe distance so he would have been able to brake without

crashing into the car


The motorcyclist was following too closely And on top of that the Taxi used his turn signal while changing lanes


End of case The taxi is 100% not at fault


Stupid bike rider  On top of the stupidity    he was not wearing a helmet but had it attached to his bike.

He is bordering on being a moron 

Edited by realenglish1
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4 hours ago, Thunder26 said:

Taxi is at fault for changing the lane without indicating and breaking like a moron. The motorcycle rider is at fault for not reading the situation on the road and going faster than the traffic. And if I am not wrong according to Thai law riders are supposed to ride on the far left, not in the middle of the road. 

100% of the time a rear ending is the fault of the one in the rear

Glad you are not a investagint cop

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37 minutes ago, Skinlog said:

I didn't read all the comments,but i think most of you forgot or don't know that motorbike in Thailand can drive only in possible left lane. And bike also need to have enough space to emergency break,so for me look like 100% bike mistake 


17 minutes ago, StefanBBK said:


Get this. My wife parked her Vigo quite legally on the site of the road. She even left the warning lights on, as it was twilight and the road lights seemed not to go on.
Anyway, shortly after a motorbike drove into her Vigo at quite some speed and nearly killed himself.
Traffic police tried to blame my wife and took the case to court.
Luckily it was ruled the bikes fault. Btw he had no insurance and ask my wife if he could pay the damage in 1000 baht a monthly installments. Our insurance objected...
Nothing is clear cut here. Best to have good insurance taking care of things....


That is different case,because the car was parked. here the car is on the move

18 minutes ago, StefanBBK said:


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4 hours ago, fruitman said:

This boy is a really tough one, he made a summersault, landed on the tarmac and just picks up his bike like nothing happened.


But the pickup infront of the camera was wrong, he was driving too slow on the fast lane so they all passed him left.

The pick up was just entering the lane , and we all now Thai people drive fast but never accelerate when they should.


The motorbike is at fault.

They should give these people some better education and good drivers lessons, like you get in Europe.

I have my bike license and i can tell you it was not easy or cheap to get like in Thailand.

Edited by terminatorchiangmai
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3 hours ago, jasonsamui55 said:

It's ALWAYS the fault of whoever hits someone from behind. They need to leave more space or pay attention. In a world of "no fault" insurance, rear-ending someone is one of the few instances where you are 100% at fault no matter what.


I disagree with you.  There are some very specific situations.  I had one and mind you this was in Canada where most people (except for many Asian immigrants) do know how to drive.


It was a wet evening and I was following a car with sufficient distance but suddenly the car in front breaks while in middle of intersection.  I nearly rear ended her but I stopped in time.  I don't think what she was thinking but she panicked as the light started to turn.  She reversed and backed into me even though I was constantly honking.


She lied in front of insurance agents that I rear ended her.  This was before time of car cam dash.  F@ckin b#tch.



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8 hours ago, Crossy said:

Bike was too fast (look at the speed he went past the camera car) and likely weaving in and out of traffic as they are wont to do.


That doesn't excuse the taxi changing lanes to the right and then anchoring up, I see no real reason for either.


Left the bike with nowhere to go, he only braked a split second before impact, distracted perhaps.


Did the taxi even stop? Was there a deliberate act to take out the bike?


Looked like the taxi wanted it to happen.


Did anyone notice if the taxi had a series of M/C's painted on the drivers door?




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regardless of who is right or wrong in this video, the govt should make a law whereby no matter whatever happens on the road, if a motorcyclist is involved in any form of accident whether they are responsible or not, they are immediately wrong if they were not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.

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Motorbike was speeding and trying to weave thru traffic as they do here.  Taxi could have been more vigilant but man it is hard.  I spend 25% of my time babysitting those little boys on the bikes as they screech around to my left and right.  Then again, I don't shift lanes every 10 seconds like most do here.

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Ah hahahhaahahahahahahahah ferkin hilarious  oh my sides are  splitting, who cares whose to blame its great entertainment, Im sure all didnt learn any valuable lessons at all....please continue the hilarity, I liked the woman having a  good  ole  look, I was waiting for the next shunt from all the rubber  neckers

Good  to  see the helmet  did  its job of  protecting  his  wrist, at least he'll still be a class 1 w*nker

Guess those souped up narrow  rims and sparkly  bits  dont look so shiny  now

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40 minutes ago, phyx1u5 said:

regardless of who is right or wrong in this video, the govt should make a law whereby no matter whatever happens on the road, if a motorcyclist is involved in any form of accident whether they are responsible or not, they are immediately wrong if they were not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.

I think I might include, driving licence, tyres  not bald,  fully working brakes, Insurance, brake  lights, etc etc  and stop giving them "free insurance" but it aint going to  happen so Ill keep laughing at their stupidity

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4 minutes ago, kannot said:

I think I might include, driving licence, tyres  not bald,  fully working brakes, Insurance, brake  lights, etc etc  and stop giving them "free insurance" but it aint going to  happen so Ill keep laughing at their stupidity

Love the avatar.


Bikes fault IMO


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Basic rule of defensive driving and rule #4 of the Seeing Habits "Always leave yourself an out".

Totally the motorcyclists fault. It does not matter what the taxi was doing, if you run into the back of someone you are too close.

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