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Step-father bit young girl all over her body because she was crying


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The man is sick and needs to be dealt with accordingly.


but, like raw meat to a rabid dog, stories like this will lead some of the dim witted to gerenalize this behavior to the whole Thai male population. Nay, even Thai culture in general.


Remember. Perspective.

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So SICK  of hearing about children being raped ,abused and tortured..here and everywhere else. We need to start exterminating this type of vermin. 


I was in  Cali ,Colombia .  a few years ago . Walking down the street , at night, there was a man 'bout late 50's , an apprx. 6 yr. old boy and apprx. a 2-3 yr. little girl. They were beggars. The children were in rags and very dirty... and obviously undernourished. . . They all were sitting on a large piece of cardboard on a corner . The thin piece of cardboard was on top of cement.   The strange thing was is that the man was black. and the children were latino. And he did'nt look nearly as unfed or unwashed as they did. It was around 11pm I was sitting on a bench across the street from them on a park bench. There was no one around.. Then I saw that POS start screaming at the little girl and slapping her.   she was terrified and crying , the boy ,,who I later found out was her brother, tried to stop this scmbg from beating his little sister.  The ''man'' pushed the boy ..HARD to the ground ,,then picked up the ..toddler about 5 ft. off the ground and SLAMMED  her onto to one inch cardboard that was lying on top on CEMENT ..!  I FREAKED THE F@#!K OUT!!! I went at him like an animal He saw me coming at him and he wanted to fight , which we did, I   knocked him to the ground. And kicked him as hard as I fkng could...He got up ran to a tree and  pulled a piece of pipe out of one of the lower branches..obviously he kept it there for I suppose situations like this.  He grabbed the kids and took off... First thing next morning  I called the  cops. .. Went to the bodega where this lowlife parked himself at night...  They Found him a week later... the kids were not his ...he ''rented'' them so he could make money from tourists and locals ...their parents leased them out...not knowing,,,according what the cops  told me later,,, of the physical abuse he was causing them.  Same garbage different country..heartbreaking..And so it goes ,,,on and on...


I pray that the little girl here has no permanent damage...poor little thing..

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Just dump him in the darkest ,dankest cell they can find ,shut

the door and forget about him,some people just dont need to

be in civilized society.think we need to start culling the worst

of these animals.


regards worgeordie

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17 hours ago, Mook23 said:


  • Repeated exposure to crystal meth seems to increase aggressive behaviour.
  • People who use crystal meth can become aggressive if they perceive that they are threatened.
  • Crystal meth can provoke episodes of psychosis, which, in some cases, can lead to aggressive behaviour.

I think that METH/YABA is often involved when we read these sicko stories. *many* of my thai friends have urged me NOT to be out, after dark, into villages surrounding my town. i'm not in a major town and surely no touristy town. things used to be here very relax and peaceful. last 5 years there's an increase in violence, shoot-outs, aids (my buddy works at health center and there has been a substantial INCREASE amongst teenagers!), etc. a lot of stuff is kept locally (domestic violence, rape, child abuse, etc) where village honchos try to solve matters WITHOUT involving the law. there's also a sort of omerta where villagers all know what is going on but don't dare to speak out, ie. mind their own business AKA mai bpen rai. 


and honestly, i also think thai society is more and more getting dysfunctional because of all underlying social issues and the advent of social media increasing rage, hatred, jelousy, etc.

Mmm,my Thai friends told me the same thing 10 years ago.If i am on the turps in my own village,no probs,but be home before 8pm from surrounding villages and drive a car,no motorbike.My Thai aunties adopted son was dancing naked one day in broad daylight.A week later he burnt her house down.He was seen to by family and the Puu Yai Barn banned him from the village.He wanted auntie to sell her land and give him the money.This is what meth does.

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5 hours ago, thhMan said:

This world is really getting f..... up


I wonder if bigger fines and tougher sentencing would get the laws of the country into some of these think heads....

This cruel act is just beyond imagination.....  ***speechless***

I would say bigger fines and longer sentences would be the last thing in a drug addled brain.Educating the young by social media,tv and school.Get ex meth addicts to tell their story.It is too late when your on it.

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19 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Those photos are horrific.  Lucky the bite marks don't seem too deep.. so should not leave a scar.


That guy must have a mental health problem or been out of his brain on drugs. 


I hope there will be a follow up on this story to see what punishment he gets.... I hope he won't be let off as seems to happen in most of these cases.



Wait until the army gets hold of him


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10 hours ago, whatproblem said:

 It's not any different this week than any other ,Thais are cruel people and they only really care about their children when the kids get to near working age .

Oh ! really. I did'nt know that, must of been blind for the last 10 years.

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This brings to mind the saying "The punishment should fit the crime".

After reading about the female teacher that beat the young boy 99 times with a stick, and now this. These people really need to feel the pain of there victims to understand what they have done.

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8 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Nobody appears to have noticed the earlier signs of this abuse and yet surely those horrific wounds were not all inflicted in a single day. Did this poor girl never take a supervised shower? It seems as if initial abuses are ignored to the point where the victim's life might be at risk and then (sometimes) the mother or a relative takes positive action. In a normal family, any small wound on a young child would be noticed almost immediately and enquiries made resulting in appropriate action, medical at least.

OMG ! Your imagination amazes me. Did'nt you read that the kid was living with her grandmother and had just moved to be with her mother and her new husband.

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11 hours ago, whatproblem said:

 It's not any different this week than any other ,Thais are cruel people and they only really care about their children when the kids get to near working age .

Odd. First thing I noticed about Thai culture is the obvious, love, care  and attention heaped on their kids. Furthermore and unlike back home in North America, I was pleasantly surprised at the many Thai males holding hands, cuddling, carrying, playing and laughing and generally taking a loving interest in their kids....more often than not, with an available  mom walking alongside.

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8 hours ago, lvr181 said:

I am an optimist.


I just hope that someone beats the c**p out of this oxygen thief to within an inch of death. He deserves nothing less! "Official" deterrents/punishments DO NOT work.


Psycho he may be and that may be the reason but it cannot be used as an excuse for his animalistic behaviour! You reap what you sow.

Ought to do all that and more...... in public!! Advertise it!!! Sell tickets!!! Take the kids!!!

Do it en mass, a Saturdays afternoon, televised. Do it, and empty expensive psych hospitals and insane asylums. Psychotics too, need to  "reap what they sow."

Added boon would be less unneeded government spending while lowering my taxes, so I can buy that new expensive cell with  the new app that strokes my genitals as I text my brainless pals.

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On ‎12‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 1:35 PM, Bluespunk said:

What the #%€¥ is going on in this country at the moment. 


It's being reported, always been there.  It seems that step parents don't take their roles responsibly and care nothing for their partners children.  At two it is physical sickening assault but by the early teens it's likely to be something else. A very screwed up society indeed!

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On ‎2016‎-‎12‎-‎27 at 9:18 PM, Mook23 said:


  • Repeated exposure to crystal meth seems to increase aggressive behaviour.
  • People who use crystal meth can become aggressive if they perceive that they are threatened.
  • Crystal meth can provoke episodes of psychosis, which, in some cases, can lead to aggressive behaviour.

I think that METH/YABA is often involved when we read these sicko stories. *many* of my thai friends have urged me NOT to be out, after dark, into villages surrounding my town. i'm not in a major town and surely no touristy town. things used to be here very relax and peaceful. last 5 years there's an increase in violence, shoot-outs, aids (my buddy works at health center and there has been a substantial INCREASE amongst teenagers!), etc. a lot of stuff is kept locally (domestic violence, rape, child abuse, etc) where village honchos try to solve matters WITHOUT involving the law. there's also a sort of omerta where villagers all know what is going on but don't dare to speak out, ie. mind their own business AKA mai bpen rai. 


and honestly, i also think thai society is more and more getting dysfunctional because of all underlying social issues and the advent of social media increasing rage, hatred, jelousy, etc.

There you go...IF, repeat IF, there is or was drug use involved then this is a near perfect example of the ramifications and problems associated with addictive drug use.

A really contentious situation where if the drug remains illegal then it is all the more problematic while if the drug were to be legalised for public consumption the legalisation would NOT stop the kinds of ramifications that are known to exist, and seen in this post, regardless of being legal or illegal.

Tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of Thai people legally addicted to Ya Ba.....

How reassuring can that be???



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/28/2016 at 11:39 AM, gchurch259 said:

He does not need Military Time, he needs a 9MM to the back of the head trying to escape !!


By the way, using words like "shacked-up" is a little off color for an Editorial ""


"Shacked - Up" Totally off color for an Editorial.

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