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Israel: 'Ironclad information' White House behind UN rebuke


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Israel: 'Ironclad information' White House behind UN rebuke



JERUSALEM (AP) — Doubling down on its public break with the Obama administration, a furious Israeli government on Tuesday said it had received "ironclad" information from Arab sources that Washington actively helped craft last week's U.N. resolution declaring Israeli settlements in occupied territories illegal.


The allegation, which was denied by the State Department, further poisoned a toxic atmosphere between Israel and the outgoing administration in the wake of Friday's vote, raising questions about whether the White House might take further action against settlements in President Barack Obama's final weeks in office.


With the U.S. expected to participate in an international peace conference in France next month and Secretary of State John Kerry planning a final policy speech Wednesday, the Palestinians hope to capitalize on the momentum. Israel's nationalist government is banking on the incoming Trump administration to undo the damage with redoubled support.


Although the U.S. has long opposed the settlements, it has generally used its Security Council veto to protect its ally from censure. On Friday, it abstained from a resolution calling settlements a "flagrant violation" of international law, allowing it to pass by a 14-0 margin.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has had a cool relationship with Obama, called the resolution "shameful" and accused the U.S. of playing an active role in its passage.


On Tuesday, his spokesman went even further.


"We have ironclad information that emanates from sources in the Arab world and that shows the Obama administration helped craft this resolution and pushed hard for its eventual passage," David Keyes said. "We're not just going to be a punching bag and go quietly into the night."


He did not identify the Arab sources or say how Israel obtained the information. Israel has close security ties with Egypt, the original sponsor of last week's resolution who, as the lone Arab member of the Security Council, was presenting it at the Palestinians' request. Under heavy Israeli pressure, Egypt delayed the resolution indefinitely — but other members presented it for a vote a day later. Egypt ended up voting in favor of the measure.


In Washington, State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Kerry would lay out his vision for Israeli-Palestinian peace in the speech Wednesday. "He feels it's his duty in his waning weeks and days as secretary of state to lay out what he believes is a way to a peaceful two-state solution in the Middle East," Toner said.


Toner also rejected Israeli allegations of conspiring against it, saying Egypt and the Palestinians drafted the resolution and the U.S. worked with them on the language only after the intention to go forward was clear. "The idea this was pre-cooked in advance is not accurate," he said.


The Obama administration has acknowledged that it considered the possibility of abstaining on a settlements resolution over the past year as various drafts were circulated by different countries. In announcing the abstention, U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power referred to continued Israeli settlement construction and a recent effort to retroactively legalize dozens of illegally built settlement outposts.


A White House official said the U.S. was approached repeatedly by countries urging it to let the resolution pass, yet only replied by saying the U.S. would feel forced to veto any resolution that didn't also criticize the Palestinians for inciting violence. The official wasn't authorized to comment by name and requested anonymity.


The Palestinians, with strong international backing, seek all of the West Bank and east Jerusalem, territories captured by Israel in 1967, as part of an independent state. They say continued Israeli settlement undermines that goal, since already some 600,000 Israelis live in these areas.


Israel is livid that the resolution does not appear to recognize its claim to any part of the occupied areas, including Jewish holy sites in Jerusalem's Old City, though the resolution leaves the door open to agreed land swaps. The Palestinians did not embrace several past peace offers that would have left them with a state on the vast majority of the land, with a foothold in Jerusalem.


Past Security Council resolutions on the issue have been more vague. Critics of Israel argue that by insisting on the settlements, Netanyahu has earned the global impatience.


Netanyahu has made no secret that he is counting on President-elect Donald Trump to contain the damage. Trump has indicated he will be far more sympathetic, and has appointed an ambassador with deep ties to the settler movement.


Israeli Culture Minister Miri Regev, a close Netanyahu ally, dismissed Obama. "He is history," she told Channel 2 TV. "We have Trump."


The resolution seems largely symbolic, lacking any enforcement mechanism.


But Palestinians believe it will strengthen their position as they push on with a campaign to pressure Israel on the international stage.


President Mahmoud Abbas said Tuesday he hopes an upcoming Mideast conference in France will lead to concrete measures. "We hope this conference comes up with a mechanism and timetable to end the occupation," Abbas told a meeting of his Fatah party. "The (resolution) proves that the world rejects the settlements, as they are illegal."


Husam Zumlot, an adviser to Abbas, told The Associated Press the Palestinians want the resolution to serve as a "foundation" for any future peace talks. He also said the Palestinians would use the text to bolster their case at the International Criminal Court, where they are trying to push a war crimes case against Israel over settlement policies.


French officials expect some 70 nations to participate in the Jan. 15 conference. Israel and the Palestinians are not expected to be invited, though officials are considering inviting the Israeli and Palestinian leaders for follow-up talks. Abbas seems open to this, while Netanyahu has chafed, saying international dictates undermine negotiations.


Netanyahu has instead called off a number of diplomatic meetings and visits with countries that supported the resolution.


On Wednesday, a Jerusalem municipal council is expected to grant building permits for roughly 600 new homes in Jewish areas of east Jerusalem.


Deputy Jerusalem Mayor Meir Turgeman, who heads the zoning committee, also said this week he will push plans for some 5,600 additional housing units in the eastern part.


A municipal official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media, said those projects are only in their preliminary phases.


Associated Press writer Josh Lederman in Honolulu contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-12-28
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1 hour ago, ezzra said:

It was reported that Joe Biden took pains to personally phone some head of states to insure the vote in favor of the resolution,, this is a blatant

and orchestrated meddling and cohesion on the part of the US.....


This after reports Obama interfered in Israel's last election.




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1 hour ago, ezzra said:

It was reported that Joe Biden took pains to personally phone some head of states to insure the vote in favor of the resolution,, this is a blatant and orchestrated meddling and cohesion on the part of the US.....

I can guarantee that takes place from many different countries on every UN vote. 

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

This is a typical lie from Marc Thiessen and the right wing lie machine., What happened was that a consultant from the 270 Consulting firm which does work for Obama also did some work for the Labor party in Israel. Other consultants who have worked for Obama Bill Knapp and Jay Isay have also consulted for Netanyahu. I guess in these cases Obama was interfering in Israeli elections for Netanyahu?

And a Republican consultant Arthur Finkelstein also worked for Netanyahu.  


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Good. Finally the US has grown some balls in  our relationship with Israel in supporting what has been US policy for 50 years in regards to the issue of Israel and a Palestinian state. Perhaps only briefly, not a lapdog to Netanyahu. It has been entertaining to watch Netanyahu, red in the face, blow steam on TV. With governments such as his in power, there will never be peace with the Palestinians. They don't want peace. They want to drive the Palestinians off their own land by any means while using western guilt over the holocaust and American Evangelical fanaticism to bolster their claims to the land.

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55 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

And the problem is? Settlements and occupation are the major roadblocks to any kind of peace happening and are illegal. 

Tell that to victims families of Israel who have been murder by the PLO. A political group does not deserve a country.


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54 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

And the problem is? Settlements and occupation are the major roadblocks to any kind of peace happening and are illegal. 


Other roadblocks to peace are - Militant Arabs attacking Israel in mass from which they lost possession of the disputed lands, rocketing Israel with deadly flying bombs, instigating random knife attacks upon Israeli citizens, having suicide bombers blow themselves up in Israeli cafes, invading Israel using tunnels to go under security perimeters.... but the Arab allied excuse makers cannot see anything because of their blindness..

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9 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:


Other roadblocks to peace are - Militant Arabs attacking Israel in mass from which they lost possession of the disputed lands, rocketing Israel with deadly flying bombs, instigating random knife attacks upon Israeli citizens, having suicide bombers blow themselves up in Israeli cafes, invading Israel using tunnels to go under security perimeters.... but the Arab allied excuse makers cannot see anything because of their blindness..


Just what country is going to put up with Islamic terrorism? I would call those things the MAIN roadblocks to peace - besides the fact that the Palestinians have no interest in it.


More about Obama interfering in Israel's politics.



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49 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


This is a typical lie from Marc Thiessen and the right wing lie machine.





Israelis think otherwise.


Twice as many Israelis say that US President Barack Obama’s administration is interfering in the election as those who say it is not, according to a Panels Research poll taken for The Jerusalem Post and its Hebrew sister publication, Maariv Sof Hashavua.

Sixty-two percent of respondents said the Obama administration is interfering, 31% said it is not interfering, and 8% did not know.



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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Just what country is going to put up with Islamic terrorism? I would call those things the MAIN roadblocks to peace - besides the fact that the Palestinians have no interest in it.


More about Obama interfering in Israel's politics.



Really? Obama interfered in Israeli politics. Netanyahu did an unprecedented thing for a head of state by bypassing the President and accepting an invitation from Congress where he inveighed against Iran in a clear attempt to undermine US negotations with Iran.  More news from oppositeland.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



Israelis think otherwise.


Twice as many Israelis say that US President Barack Obama’s administration is interfering in the election as those who say it is not, according to a Panels Research poll taken for The Jerusalem Post and its Hebrew sister publication, Maariv Sof Hashavua.

Sixty-two percent of respondents said the Obama administration is interfering, 31% said it is not interfering, and 8% did not know.



I thought for a minute there you might not have proof. But clearly, Israeli public opinion is definitive and absolute proof of your point. Is this the evidence that the Israeli government plans to submit.  Unimpeachable stuff you've offered here.

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Israel is not averse to exercising it own pressure with rogue language.


Israel warned New Zealand that

UN resolution was 'declaration of War


"If you continue to promote this resolution from our point of view it will be a declaration of war. It will rupture the relations and there will be consequences."


Appalling phone call to a respected international member.


What absolute arrogance from Israel to a member of the council, when it knew what was coming.  Settlements were illegal before and 14-0 again. 


Pull them out or be a pariah state.

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4 minutes ago, optad said:

Israel is not averse to exercising it own pressure with rogue language.


Israel warned New Zealand that

UN resolution was 'declaration of War


"If you continue to promote this resolution from our point of view

it will be a declaration of war. It will rupture the relations and

there will be consequences."


Appalling phone call to a respected international member.


What absolute arrogance from Israel to a member of the council, when it knew what was coming.

Settlements were illegal before and 14-0 again. 


Pull them out or be a pariah state.

Not only that. It's also temporarily suspended relations with the UK which has traditionally been the strongest European supporter of Israel.  I guess Obama got to them, too.

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7 minutes ago, optad said:

Israel warned New Zealand that

UN resolution was 'declaration of War



Israel has withdrawn its ambassador to New Zealand, barred New Zealand's ambassador to Israel, and warned of further sanctions. All perfectly sensible things to do to respond to this treachery.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:




Israel has withdrawn its ambassador to New Zealand, barred New Zealand's ambassador to Israel, and warned of further sanctions. All perfectly sensible things to do to respond to this treachery.

You are completely out of touch with world sentiment on this one Ulysses. 


Natural justice needs these settlements to stop and a pathway to a palestine solution. You might not like this perspective but there is natural justice behind these thoughts adn shared generally.


Question of time and how.

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We in Kiwiland are breaking out the fishing boats and drill training with our 303's in response to Israels declaration of war against us. We should be OK against their US supplied nukes. Jest sure but it shows how bigger ignorant morons the Israelis are when they act like thugs to anybody and everybody who challenges there self indulged land grab. Especially to a nation who have tolerated their scumbag activities in the past. 

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JERUSALEM (AP) — Doubling down on its public break with the Obama administration, a furious Israeli government on Tuesday said it had received "ironclad" information from Arab sources that Washington actively helped craft last week's.


What kind of rubbish is this? For the sake of argument let's say that they do have 'ironclad' information that the U.S. was involved in the writing. So what? The settlements ARE illegal under international law but Israel just refuses to accept the fact. Rather than argue the point they expand the settlements too. With its veto power the U.S. has been giving the (U.N. founded) state of Israel a virtual 'iron dome' for decades despite what most all other countries desire.


Although the U.S. has long opposed the settlements, it has generally used its Security Council veto to protect its ally from censure. On Friday, it abstained from a resolution calling settlements a "flagrant violation" of international law, allowing it to pass by a 14-0 margin.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has had a cool relationship with Obama, called the resolution "shameful" and accused the U.S. of playing an active role in its passage.


You see the word 'flagrant' there? The link and most media sources say something along the lines of ' U.N. resolution declaring Israeli settlements in occupied territories illegal' but they already know that. Hence the use of the word flagrant


  so obviously inconsistent with what is right or proper as to appear to be a flouting of law or morality <flagrant violations of human rights>



So the U.S. abstains from a vote where all 14 others are in agreement and Israel starts to toss its toys out the pram.  Bibi called the resolution shameful but has never given a coherent reason as to why the action (agreement) itself is shameful. He can't, so is flailing about calling in various foreign dignitaries in order to gesticulate at them.

I'll tell you what is shameful PM Netanyahu.... To expect others to be on your 6 when you have known legal, moral and ethical reasons not to go that way is pretty shameful. The real shame is having a go at a body (an old friend) for being honest.

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Really? Obama interfered in Israeli politics. Netanyahu did an unprecedented thing for a head of state by bypassing the President and accepting an invitation from Congress where he inveighed against Iran in a clear attempt to undermine US negotations with Iran.  More news from oppositeland.

Tit for Tat  ... I would say 

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Sure, but plotting against enemies, not friends.


"Friends don’t take friends to the Security Council."

Not really.  It's called lobbying.  Every country does this to try and get things passed they are interested in.  And with the way Israel is acting, who needs "friends" like that.  The US abstained.  They didn't veto the resolution.  Huge difference.  As you know, I'm against how the veto can totally derail a resolution.

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Perhaps Israel should consider venting their anger towards the 12 members who voted for this resolution.  3 abstained, US, UK and Norway.


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44 minutes ago, Roadman said:

We in Kiwiland are breaking out the fishing boats and drill training with our 303's in response to Israels declaration of war against us. We should be OK against their US supplied nukes. Jest sure but it shows how bigger ignorant morons the Israelis are when they act like thugs to anybody and everybody who challenges there self indulged land grab. Especially to a nation who have tolerated their scumbag activities in the past. 

That's rich coming from colonialist New Zealand, created by a land grab. 




The Jewish people are indigenous to Israel.


Hmm ...


Many people don't know this, but there is an international movement of sorts of INDIGENOUS people globally to find SOLIDARITY with the state of Israel and recognize the legitimacy of the  ancient connection of the Jewish people to the land Israel.


Pretty much the opposite of what the U.N. has been doing. Their agenda seems to be about DENIAL of the ancient connections of the Jewish people to the land of Israel. 




Edited by Jingthing
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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Perhaps Israel should consider venting their anger towards the 12 members who voted for this resolution.  3 abstained, US, UK and Norway.


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I think the sponsors are getting the attention. That doesn't seem logical to you?

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