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9 hours ago, Enoon said:


I guess it feels "normal" to them.  It did to me 27 years ago.


It was the "look" of my own obesity that persuaded me to lose 20pounds in 10 weeks.


I didn't expect to feel so good about the new found agility that I acquired as a result.


Obesity has become so normalised in the UK that I have been told by some (even though my BMI is just within limits) I look "a bit thin".


When there I work with a vast, bloated lump, whose knee joints are collapsing as a result of his enormous bulk (maintained by a regular and frequent intake of chips, saveloys, pies, chips, chip sandwiches, pizzas, more chips, packets of chocolate biscuits eaten in one go, etc, etc......).


He says his knees are not recovering because the NHS is failing to give him the "right sort of physio".  


He never mentions his weight.  Why should he?  It's up to an increasingly stressed NHS to fix him.


It's his "right".  He's "normal". 


Aren't we all in todays world of "equality"?


Thank you.  Geez the sane ones are coming out of the woodwork now...:jap:

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8 hours ago, possum1931 said:

I do not think that one cup, or in my case, mug of tea with two sugars ( the packets of "Lite" sugar)  and half the calories, and a couple of biscuits will do any harm.

Have you heard the saying that "a little of what you fancy does you good" apart from smoking, I think there is a ring of truth to it. 

Key phrase, "I do not think."

8 hours ago, chiang mai said:

There's a number of medical conditions where the only real outward symptom is a large or swollen abdomen, to most people it appears the person lacks exercise, eats too much or drinks beer all day. Not so in many cases, fatty liver and kidney problems both cause swollen belly and but only blood tests and ultrasound scan can confirm, both can be life threatening so not always best to assume only alcohol or sloth is involved.

Correct.  Caloric overload is only the majority, not all of cases.

8 hours ago, tropo said:

Have you considered that many just don't care? I've seen a lot of health fanatics a lot unhappier with their lives than many of these less healthy specimens. It doesn't matter how healthy we are, we're all going end. Being too health conscious causes a lot of stress those other guys don't have. I know one guy as described in the OP - he's a very jolly fellow who really enjoys life... more than I do with a 6-pack.:smile:

However everyone pays for the reckless abandon of gluttons, 

8 hours ago, RandolphGB said:



What does it have to do with you? Their bodies, it's up to them what they do with it. 



BS.  Everyone pays dearly for their gluttony.  For others with increased health care premiums, family and health care providers.  Are you mad.  Really?

8 hours ago, tropo said:

Seriously, most amputees probably had decades to correct the condition and they are generally the ones who gave up. That's the advanced final stage. 

What's your point?  Are you recommending decapitation vs extremity amputation?

8 hours ago, smudger1951 said:

Funny thing is women like tubby telly tubbies probably because they dont they will get such a hard time in the sack. Carryying (some) excess weight while not healthy will never be as life threatening as smoking .


7 hours ago, williet98248 said:

Six or seven years ago I ballooned to 204 pounds.  My clothes didn't fit, i wasn't too proud of my looks, I huffed and puffed, avoided mirrors and my tool wasn't so sharp.  I 'acquired' a younger (much) girlfriend at the time and when she went on a two month trip I went on a diet and excercise routine and lost 16 pounds in six weeks.  Alas, she is gone now but I have kept the weight off and in 2016 I lost several more pounds and weigh in at 180 now.  Feel much better, look much better, clothes fit and my tool is sharper as well.  Lots of benefits to keeping fit.  Bicycle, weight training and proper(mostly) diet.

Excellent.  Keep up the good work man!!!

7 hours ago, Squeegee said:


So you were given something for free and think it's an achievement, that doesn't leave much room for confidence in your talent or ability to use it, then, does it?


1 minute ago, joeyg said:

BS.  Everyone pays dearly for their gluttony.  For others with increased health care premiums, family and health care providers.  Are you mad.  Really?


Calling it gluttony is a bit harsh. I wasn't referring to a 400 lb glutton. Just years of moderate to heavy drinking and eating a bit more than you need will do it. Increasing body weight by a few kilos a year will land you with a gut by the time you're 50. In many cases it creeps up so slowly they don't realise it's happening until the problem is extreme.

10 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Correct.  Caloric overload is only the majority, not all of cases.


As a dyslexic I thought that meant too much Church :)

6 hours ago, denby45 said:

I was very lucky. I have asthma and if I even put on a few pounds I can have problems so I have to keep it off and exercise regularly to keep it at bay. If I look at chocolate I put on weight so I could get very big. Means I have to be very restrictive with my diet.  Didn't think I was lucky as a kid with asthma but now I see the benefits.    



Very good man.  It's all about discipline.  Sounds like it saved your life. Most here consider it a dirty word,

12 minutes ago, joeyg said:

What's your point?  Are you recommending decapitation vs extremity amputation?


I wasn't recommending anything. I just made a point which was quite clear, irrespective of whether you agree with it or not.


I don't pay too much attention to other people and how fat they are. Live and let live. In a selfish way, the worse others look the better I look by comparison. LOL.

2 hours ago, louse1953 said:

Why not,it is their body,up to them.They are not here to please you,only themselves.After all it is the only thing we own that they can't take from us.

Gluttony is pulling down the entire health care system.  destroying families and creating unwarrented stress on health care providers.

6 minutes ago, tropo said:

Calling it gluttony is a bit harsh. I wasn't referring to a 400 lb glutton. Just years of moderate to heavy drinking and eating a bit more than you need will do it. Increasing body weight by a few kilos a year will land you with a gut by the time you're 50. In many cases it creeps up so slowly they don't realise it's happening until the problem is extreme.

Thanks for clearing that up.


The most amazing thing is that many of them happen to be proud of it. I see the same in Europe, everywhere. 

There are guys who pull up their shirt on top of their disgusting huge belly and walk around like that. Like in the middle age when it was actually cool to be fat coz there was such shortage on food that if you were obese, that meant you had money. 

Who knows maybe they are stuck in another era. 

2 minutes ago, tropo said:

I wasn't recommending anything. I just made a point which was quite clear, irrespective of whether you agree with it or not... or are only medical doctors entitled to opinions on here?


I don't pay too much attention to other people and how fat they are. Live and let live. 

Glad my health care is free.  Courtesy US Military.  Everyone else is getting screwed beyond belief.  FYI medical bills are the #1 cause of bankruptcy. 

1 minute ago, A1Str8 said:

The most amazing thing is that many of them happen to be proud of it. I see the same in Europe, everywhere. 

There are guys who pull up their shirt on top of their disgusting huge belly and walk around like that. Like in the middle age when it was actually cool to be fat coz there was such shortage on food that if you were obese, that meant you had money. 

Who knows maybe they are stuck in another era. 

I know.  Crazy really though...

Just now, joeyg said:

Glad my health care is free.  Courtesy US Military.  Everyone else is getting screwed beyond belief.  FYI medical bills are the #1 cause of bankruptcy. 


So some have to choose between death or bankruptcy? I can't afford medical bills, which is one of the main reasons I try my best to stay healthy.

2 minutes ago, A1Str8 said:

The most amazing thing is that many of them happen to be proud of it. I see the same in Europe, everywhere. 

There are guys who pull up their shirt on top of their disgusting huge belly and walk around like that. Like in the middle age when it was actually cool to be fat coz there was such shortage on food that if you were obese, that meant you had money. 

Who knows maybe they are stuck in another era. 


That type of thinking is still common in poorer provincial areas in the Philippines. Fat people carry around their fat with pride. My mother-in-law is one of them.


Good luck to everyone who is trying to slim up.  Just think how a few extra years will mean to you at the end.  

I really wish some of the food producers and restaurants would be held responsible for some of this  problem.  I mean they produce sodium laced prepackaged foods.  They use all kinds of coatings on french fries to addict us to fried foods.. They use the cheapest oil rather than the healthy type.  Luckily the public is demand is changing this somewhat.   But also it relates to the farm subsidies making corn sugar so cheap...  Many studies relate the rise of obesity to corn sugars surge in the American diet.   Also look how these food groups fight even the slightest change to the food pyramid.  Special interests have really controlled the FDA.  I think there should be a tax on soda.  

53 minutes ago, kenk24 said:


Well, any time you head a topic calling men '9 months pregnant', it is going to set a derogatory tone - so, if I got a wrong impression of you, that is where it stems from. I don't know if you realize how difficult it is to lose that excess belly fat and how quickly it comes back... losing it is one battle, but the stats I see say that 90% of people gain it back... if you want to go after a cause, there is a documentary that I saw recently, I think it was called "Fed Up" and it talks about the added sugars that are in near everything in the supermarket. My pet peeve is the misleading labelling, the cereals and products packed with sugar that still have "Nature" in the brand name. 


When I was a kid, it seemed that every class had one overweight kid, not more. There are so many now. School lunches are run by McD and pizza hut. Sugary soft drinks are everywhere, even things that sound healthy like fruit juices are loaded with sugar. These people are good at advertising and junk food is in your face. I could go on and on, but if you really are interested, check out the documentary. I have seen a few and the history of it is fascinating. If that is not the correct name for the doc, you can pm me and I will get it for you - - but you should know the facts and understand the battle before being critical... 

Much of what you say is true.  My field was "Integrative" Internal Medicine.  Perhaps a bit of sensationalism for effect?


Just now, Elkski said:

Good luck to everyone who is trying to slim up.  Just think how a few extra years will mean to you at the end.  

I really wish some of the food producers and restaurants would be held responsible for some of this  problem.  I mean they produce sodium laced prepackaged foods.  They use all kinds of coatings on french fries to addict us to fried foods.. They use the cheapest oil rather than the healthy type.  Luckily the public is demand is changing this somewhat.   But also it relates to the farm subsidies making corn sugar so cheap...  Many studies relate the rise of obesity to corn sugars surge in the American diet.   Also look how these food groups fight even the slightest change to the food pyramid.  Special interests have really controlled the FDA.  I think there should be a tax on soda.  

110% correct.  Education is essential.  Application and compliance is a whole other challenge.


1 hour ago, kenk24 said:

Here is a trailer for the documentary I mentioned...




McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, Starbucks, Dunkin' Donut, Krispy Kreme, Auntie Anne's, Mrs Field, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and dozens of others in Thailand. Laden with sugar, even when sugar is unnecessary for the taste: they add it anyway just to fuel the addiction.Merchants of disease and an early grave. 

Wall Street investors are doing well out of it.


I'm a 80 kg 180 cm guy.   I don't fluctuate to much. Maybe 2-3 kg.   

My heaviest is usually about this time of year.   Then I use swimming to fill the gap till summer hiking and biking.  One swim season I just couldn't get this 2 kg off.   I even went drastic and only allowed one IPA beer an evening and a few days a week i had none.   Then one day I was looking at the label of the Irish cream coffee creamer.  2000 cal per pint. Hmmmm.   And I was using way more than the normal serving size.  I dropped this extra 300-500 cal per day and in a week I lost that 2 kg.   Learned my sugar lesson right then.    Now I just use real cream.   One other thing I learned that helped me was learning how much exercise is needed to burn 100 calories.   I learned that 1 oz liquor is 90 cal and that it takes a hard  8 mins swimming to burn 100 calories.   8 mins of my 40 min 2 km swim!!! Omg moment for me.   Dam  one drink  negates 20% of a hard effort. How can people drink these 600 calorie Starbucks drinks?.  So I now envision how much effort things i eat require to keep a balance.    Our body is nothing more than a furnace.  Energy in- effort out= left over energy that can be stored by the body.   Our human bodies are a thing of natural beauty and efficiency.   And our impact and time on this earth is so precious. That's why I think many of us don't like seeing bodies and lives being abused by obese persons.    I seem to be seeing so many leg amputations these days and I don't ask but I assume type 2 diabetes was the culprit.    

Folks please just count your calorie intake for a month.  You  Just need a good scale and one of the many phone apps.   You will be shocked.   Restaurant proportions are almost 2 X what a man my size needs.    I have been laughed at when I talked to  the owner of a popular Mexican food chain about reducing his burrito size by 50% but charging 60-70% of the original price.   He sad many save it for the next day.   I told him many don't and many don't carry an ice cooler In the summer or have a fridge at work to save it.   

5 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, Starbucks, Dunkin' Donut, Krispy Kreme, Auntie Anne's, Mrs Field, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and dozens of others in Thailand. Laden with sugar, even when sugar is unnecessary for the taste: they add it anyway just to fuel the addiction.Merchants of disease and an early grave. 

Wall Street investors are doing well out of it.

Most people know this directly or indirectly.  However they eat these things because they "taste good"  I don't think anyone thinks junk food is good for you.  Do you?


Yes, one of the main ingredients in coffee creamer ( no matter what nice flavour they call it) is solidified corn syrup. Poison.

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