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Russian who tried to blow up Hua Hin ATM arrested at Suvarnabhumi Airport


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12 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

wait until the ferry from Pattaya to Hua Hin starts running in January.


Boat loads of "I just got out of prison looking people" will be visiting.



Your loss is Pattaya's gain or vice versa.If they like it maybe they will stay.

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7 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Will they  be able to afford the  ferry fare? Keep in mind that these are people who chase all you can eat  99 baht buffets. They also chase questionably legal sex trade workers   in Boyztown and on walking street. They are in for a shock in Hua Hin; no visible  transvestite hookers, no  boiler rooms to work in, no hairless boys and girls to molest, no chain smokers with guts and yellowed false teeth like them, no one wearing thongs or wife beater singlets etc. The chavs, yobs, slobs and  mental cripples will feel as out of place in Hua Hina as they did back in their school days when no one wanted anything to do with them and girls laughed at them.  


The Russian came when he had money. Based upon his criminal act in Hua Hin, criminality is not out of character for him and I anticipate that his original  source of funds wasn't gained from   a reputable business undertaking.

Lock up your sons,daughters,mums and aunties,the Pattaya party boys are coming to town.Pity the first bar off the ferry,some probably will stay there the whole day.

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On ‎12‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 4:31 AM, NCC1701A said:

wait until the ferry from Pattaya to Hua Hin starts running in January.


Boat loads of "I just got out of prison looking people" will be visiting.



Pattaya Boys, Pattaya Boys

Coming to s--g all your wimin and drink all your beer...:shock1:

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22 hours ago, TSF said:

Good point, heissounds like a dimwit and considered doing a dumb thing but didn't do anything. So if he's charged with a crime then what is that crime? He did not blow up an ATM, he did not rob an ATM, he did not damage an ATM. Maybe they'll charge him for being a dimwit.




Stupidity, unfoftunately, Is not an offence, and very lucky that Is, for probably 90%++ of the population.




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2 minutes ago, Phuketboy said:

So he thought about doing it, prepared to do but didn't do it.  Then the police arrested him at the airport and now detaining him on charges of what?  Until he actually does something they haven't got anything. 

making an explosive device in preparation to commit a crime.

Showing immense stupidity in a public place

Edited by soalbundy
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On 29/12/2016 at 2:06 PM, AlQaholic said:

Uhmmmm......he didn't do anything? Thinking of doing something.....planning to do something....preparing to do something......almost doing something.....but not doing it....adds up to not doing it!

Somewhat similar to what others are doing at a certain Wat

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17 hours ago, louse1953 said:

Wouldn't you like a return cultural trip with your new best friend from Sin City?


I appreciate the thought but decided some time ago that I was better off in a long term monogamous relationship with someone who sees me as something more than just a walking ATM.  Fortunately for me, I found her.

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On 12/29/2016 at 9:35 AM, whatproblem said:

I don't think he was going to blow it up ,maybe use the torch to cut it open but the Thai police are not known for their brains 


On 12/29/2016 at 5:24 AM, halloween said:

Just another case of terminal stupidity.

You are wrong boys.Not stupid at all!This modus operandi - blowing ATM using gases was successfully implemented in Europe,German police has just busted the international gang doing this - so many times.You do not need explosives!kitchen gas,O2 and some rubber pipes will do.Do not forget about lighter!

Edited by moonray
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On 12/29/2016 at 8:06 AM, AlQaholic said:

Uhmmmm......he didn't do anything? Thinking of doing something.....planning to do something....preparing to do something......almost doing something.....but not doing it....adds up to not doing it!

He had attached gas lines to an ATM and was about to blow it up when stopped by a member of the public.  Are you seriously suggesting that a person who is clearly about to set off an explosion, potentially injuring or even killing himself and others cannot be considered liable for arrest?  So if the police were there and saw him, they would have to wait until after the explosion before arresting him?


That's not the case in most countries as far as I am aware.  For instance in the UK, under the Explosive Substances Act of 1883 it is an offence to make, possess or control an explosive substance with intent to cause an explosion likely to endanger life or cause damage to property.

Under the same Act is is also an offence simply to "possess explosives under suspicious circumstances."

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8 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

He had attached gas lines to an ATM and was about to blow it up when stopped by a member of the public.  Are you seriously suggesting that a person who is clearly about to set off an explosion, potentially injuring or even killing himself and others cannot be considered liable for arrest?  So if the police were there and saw him, they would have to wait until after the explosion before arresting him?


That's not the case in most countries as far as I am aware.  For instance in the UK, under the Explosive Substances Act of 1883 it is an offence to make, possess or control an explosive substance with intent to cause an explosion likely to endanger life or cause damage to property.

Under the same Act is is also an offence simply to "possess explosives under suspicious circumstances."

Admittedly I didn't read the post carefully enough or would have seen the obvious, sorry for that. I will be more careful in the future, thanks for you diligent work of uncovering the erroneous ways of mine and have a happy new year!

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On 12/29/2016 at 8:06 AM, AlQaholic said:

Uhmmmm......he didn't do anything? Thinking of doing something.....planning to do something....preparing to do something......almost doing something.....but not doing it....adds up to not doing it!

All the steps you list are crimes. Especially the first one, in this country. Best the population are not taught to think, ok laddy, be on yer way son.

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On 29 December 2016 at 1:30 PM, Honthy said:

Maybe I am wrong, but this article does not report if the ATM was exploded. 

So why did he do that if he had money enough for this equipment - roughly 3000 Bhat- tax I think-, gears to and fro and to the airport another1000+ 5000 from Hua Hin  to Suvarnabhumi at least, and the flight ticket to Russia. So he must have had about 10K Baht just to dump his equipment opposite to an ATM. 



Taxi from Hua Hin to  Bangkok is usually 2,500 baht. 


Unless you can persuade the driver to use their meter.


It's less then...

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On ‎29‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 9:47 AM, TSF said:

Good point, he sounds like a dimwit and considered doing a dumb thing but didn't do anything. So if he's charged with a crime then what is that crime? He did not blow up an ATM, he did not rob an ATM, he did not damage an ATM. Maybe they'll charge him for being a dimwit.


He has already admitted to police that he was going to blow up the ATM in order to get money and that he purchased certain items to assist in that regard.  The cops don't have to prove intent, he has already admitted that.


So I'd say that under Section 80 of the Thai Penal Code, which is that "Whoever commences to commit an offence, but does not carry it through, or carries it through, but does not achieve its end, is said to attempt to commit an offence. Whoever attempts to commit an offence shall be liable to two-thirds of the punishment as provided by the law for such offence.


So what was his intention and what did he attempt to do?  If you can answer those two questions then you will understand that if it was someone's intent to carry out a criminal act, and despite failing to do so is, regardless, able to be charged with the attempt of that offence.  I am sure there will be other offences forthcoming considering what he was using.:wai:  

Edited by Si Thea01
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