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Best Gf For U In Thailand? U Ladies, Best Bf? Must Ask Both Want To Be Politically Correct...


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Haha well certainly not in cloud cuckoo land i know that! Heartless? Never been called that before so I guess its 'up to you'

Is what happened so rare? Both trips had it happen, as did the 2 lads I went out there with, got ourselves gf's for the whole holiday for no cost (apart from already mentioned meals and bottles of water)

Gods honest truth my friend.

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Haha well certainly not in cloud cuckoo land i know that! Heartless? Never been called that before so I guess its 'up to you'

Is what happened so rare? Both trips had it happen, as did the 2 lads I went out there with, got ourselves gf's for the whole holiday for no cost (apart from already mentioned meals and bottles of water)

Gods honest truth my friend.

Good Luck........You have a lot to learn!

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Obviously by the reaction!

If I'm asked to pay I'll happily pay but while i'm not being asked.....

I guess when I reach 50, am declare clinically obese and start dribbling and smelling of p1ss then I will no doubt have to persuade them with a little financial gain

so please enlighten me why is it so unbelievable?

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Obviously by the reaction!

If I'm asked to pay I'll happily pay but while i'm not being asked.....

I guess when I reach 50, am declare clinically obese and start dribbling and smelling of p1ss then I will no doubt have to persuade them with a little financial gain

so please enlighten me why is it so unbelievable?

I didnt say it was unbelievable.

I just think if you want to go with a girl on a freebie, then there are plenty who do NOT work in bars.

Those who do are there to support their families, and although there are a few who will not ask for money they all expect it and rightly so. There are some who do not ask but expect to be given at the end of the holiday.

By not giving and having 3 weeks of fun, you have stopped her from 'earning" which is why I say that in my opinion you are at best thoughtless and naive, at worst heartless.

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Maybe shes got plenty of cash already and just liked the guy, it happens.

Thanks BKK, I was thinking it but didnt want to say it :o

I'm sure everyone who had the chance of a freebie whilst in Thailand would turn it down, and I can see all you lot handing over whatever the going rate is x 21 days at the end of your holiday, even if you wasnt asked for it, and it was never mentioned

to be honest I asked very few questions, prefered it that way but some of the girls who spent a lot of time with the 2 lads I went out with told stories of rich falang sending them money out each month after promising to 'stop work bar no like'. Some, would you believe it had several gullable foreigners sending monies out... I hope it wasnt any of you boys :D

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Do you really think they stand in those bars for fun??

I imagine a few possibly do, especially if they have one or several foreigners sending them a good wage each month. Let me think, sleep all day, disco all night, 7 days a week, bank account being topped up for just keeping myself free for a few weeks a year when he visits and being able to spend time with a nice lad should one come along (what fairytales are made of that last bit) for a couple of weeks

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glenbat - if you took a lady out of a bar/gogo you certainly should make an offer as a gesture because for the most part they will never ask you for dosh, out of embarrassment. Faire enough if she doesnt accept and I have seen ladies do such with my mates (refused dosh) - wanted it be known to who they were with that this wasnt business. In the end these ladies aren't doing it for fun (though some are), but for their families and a possibility of marriage with a farang.

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Maybe shes got plenty of cash already and just liked the guy, it happens.

to be honest I asked very few questions, prefered it that way but some of the girls who spent a lot of time with the 2 lads I went out with told stories of rich falang sending them money out each month after promising to 'stop work bar no like'. Some, would you believe it had several gullable foreigners sending monies out... I hope it wasnt any of you boys :o

Exactly dude, some of these girls are bringing in massive amounts of money from sponsors each month, when a young farang comes along or just someone they like then moneys not always asked for. At the end of the day, take away the prostitute and they are just young girls who want a bit of fun like everyone else. Bit of charm works wonders sometimes. :D

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Great thread :D

There is certainly some losers beginning to apear. :o

(and yes i married a bargirl :D )

Nowt wrong with that dave good on ya :D:D

I do hope your still paying her a daily rate though so not to upset people on here? :D

Actually Dave's Missus is paying Dave!!! :D

And not "in kind" either :D

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Thats disgusting Dave, have you told her about your several sponsors Western Unioning you hundreds of dollars every month? Surely if its real love you should want to be with her as you like her, not for the mon... silly me. that isnt allowed :D:o

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Maybe shes got plenty of cash already and just liked the guy, it happens.

to be honest I asked very few questions, prefered it that way but some of the girls who spent a lot of time with the 2 lads I went out with told stories of rich falang sending them money out each month after promising to 'stop work bar no like'. Some, would you believe it had several gullable foreigners sending monies out... I hope it wasnt any of you boys :D

Exactly dude, some of these girls are bringing in massive amounts of money from sponsors each month, when a young farang comes along or just someone they like then moneys not always asked for. At the end of the day, take away the prostitute and they are just young girls who want a bit of fun like everyone else. Bit of charm works wonders sometimes. :D

Charm and a cheeky smile certainly does my friend, and that charm your showing me would get you a couple of days off my time if I were a skinny assed thai chick, but alas I am not :D:o

I bet a few girls are earning more than I do back in the UK, granted I dont dance round a chrome pole every night or wander round in hot pants but thats not the point

PS apologies to Hey2u2 for un-intentionally taking over your post, I'm not normally like this I promise

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Have to say Hey2u2 you really didnt get the irony of the post about a guy falling in love with a bar girl and taken for a ride at all! It was a joke!! And you thought it was serious!!

And Glenbat, why are you and your mates going with bargirls? Why don't you meet some non prositutes? And I would love to see a pic of you and your mates. :o

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I guess because they're all free!! (sorry couldnt resist). Dont get me wrong Jookster I wanted to meet a 'non prostitute' thai girl, and on my second trip to Patts I did, and we're still in contact 4 or 5 times a week and it makes my day to hear from her (even if she does call me fat pig)

The bargirl came about on night 1 of my first ever trip to LOS, and like everyone else I fell for one. Second trip was slightly older (by 2 months) and a bit wiser I hope, and got chatting in a store during the daytime to the little darling :D

As for the picture I have to ask why? :o

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As for the picture I have to ask why? :D

Maybe you don't want to know. :D

What part of sunny essex you from Glenbat?

haha good point!! harlow my friend, not quite knightsbridge but hey its where the 'taluuung-ness' come from (see other posts) :D

the horrible part then? :o

I'm from sunny Romford.

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Sunny Dagenham, surely one of the finer parts of the county. :D

Heres a strange fact for the essex lads here, did you know The Edge from U2 was from Barking? I only found that out the other day, kind of surprising no? :o

Fanny-tastic Romford market on a summer's Saturday. Heard Beaties is long gone now though, I loved that shop as a kid. :D

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Sunny Dagenham, surely one of the finer parts of the county. :D

Heres a strange fact for the essex lads here, did you know The Edge from U2 was from Barking? I only found that out the other day, kind of surprising no? :D

Fanny-tastic Romford market on a summer's Saturday. Heard Beaties is long gone now though, I loved that shop as a kid. :D

Beatties has gone :o

I loved that shop as an adult. :D

I lived off of Longbridge rd near Barking as a kid.

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I went school at Longbridge Rd., Barking Abbey. They had a shop that even beat Beaties, 'Barking pets', the only place in the area that sold snakes and caimans and all the kind of things that filled it up with school kids everyday.

You ever go into East Ham and have the famous Robin's Pie and Mash Dave? My all time favourite food, double pie, double mash, plenty of liquor!

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I went school at Longbridge Rd., Barking Abbey. They had a shop that even beat Beaties, 'Barking pets', the only place in the area that sold snakes and caimans and all the kind of things that filled it up with school kids everyday.

You ever go into East Ham and have the famous Robin's Pie and Mash Dave? My all time favourite food, double pie, double mash, plenty of liquor!

Not tried that one but i used to use Brooks (Eastbrook) alot and the one at the Chequers and the one in South st.

My Dad reckons we should open one in Pattaya. :o

Do you remember Hungercure opp the station?

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I think I heard Brooks was pretty good. Nope, don't remember Hungercure. I know you know Jakes though, god I miss those 16 ounce burgers.

I reckon a Pie and Mash would do well out here, it'd be the only one in Thailand for sure and certainly enough cockneys and essex boys in Patters to keep it busy.

Late night proper English curry would go down a treat in Bangers too. I never got why all the Indians in Bangkok shut down so early, all the ones in the UK do trade after the pubs are closed.

I thinking we might be going off topic here, but I'm sure everybody's buzzing to read about Essex's top retails outlets from the 80s. :o

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I think I heard Brooks was pretty good. Nope, don't remember Hungercure. I know you know Jakes though, god I miss those 16 ounce burgers.

I reckon a Pie and Mash would do well out here, it'd be the only one in Thailand for sure and certainly enough cockneys and essex boys in Patters to keep it busy.

Late night proper English curry would go down a treat in Bangers too. I never got why all the Indians in Bangkok shut down so early, all the ones in the UK do trade after the pubs are closed.

I thinking we might be going off topic here, but I'm sure everybody's buzzing to read about Essex's top retails outlets from the 80s. :o

Mintz and Davis?

What was the one at East Ham station?

Jakes :D:D

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Hey Man you know really it's like anywere else. You just need to know what YOU want, be in the game, but don't commit till you are satsifed that you have what you want. Took me 3 years there to find my fiance' and I went through alot of pleasent yet meaningless , stagnant relationships that wern't going anywere. As far as the one that got away, don't worry about it. If she loved her self or you she would have told the family to kiss off. My Grandmother in law came from a rich chineese family too. She ran off with her Pakistani Dance instructor and never looked back. So don't belive them when they say, Oh I can not! Because if they love you enough they will come with you. IF and this is a big IF they belive you will be true to them and not leave them. Because if you do leave and they ditched their family they will be totaly ass out.

But anyway, check out www.thailandfriends.com It worked for me. Yes there are some shadey hoes on there too apparently, however it's a good place to start.

Best of luck and just take it as it comes, and don't accept anything less than whats best for you. You know when your with a good woman when being with her forces you to kick it up a notch. Mine has helped me become a better man, challenged me to do more. And in return she has given me more and allowed me to mentor her into a better woman.

You can do it. Good luck and take your time.

Yes and end Up with Auntie Dracular fom the Blackest Parts Unknown...Hmnnn... :o:D

LOL! True True, but atleast I don't have to wake up next to the bitch :D

Oh and I spotted another poster a few posts back that said something moronic like "I lived in Thailand for 2 years and normal women never go out with Farangs unless it's about money..."

You sir, or lady as the case may be, are a F'ing Moron!

I don't even want to bother tearing apart that obviously inaccurate statement. I will just say to the OP, people are people man. The same time of "normal"folks back home that would date a forgiener are the same time of people here that will.

I mean hel_l, everyone likes something different right? Check it out some old timers that been around here for awhile. You can almost tell what nationality the BG has been messing around with just by how she looks. I've noticed that Europeans, Germans and Scandi's especially will always hook up with the blackest skinniest girl they can find, each and every time. While You know a girl has spent time in the Harem of some Saudi Sheik if she is big and fat and white as Arabs and Africans especially, can't get enough of them. Japanese go for the little white lolita looking chicks. Yes of course these are just generalizations but it happens allot.

Bar girl or Not, Thai or Farang, many "Normal People" like something different. And theres some girl out there just for you. Take your time, enjoy the game, for one day you will have to put it on the shelf and play a new one when you get committed.

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