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Putin 'very smart', says Trump, as Russia fails to retaliate to US 'hacking' expulsions


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35 minutes ago, gabruce said:

Thanks for providing the quote. IMHO it disproves your position. It reads to me that Trump is saying that Kim Jong is competent and shouldn't be ignored. ie he's dangerous and shouldn't be treated by the US as a joke. Seems reasonable to respect enemies rather than ignore them.

A guy who kills his uncles is competent?  Who runs one of the countries currently considered one of the highest security risks for the world.  Who killed this guy in front of others with an anti-aircraft gun?  No way you can say anything like that about him.  He's insane.  Pure and simple.


Nobody in the US government is ignoring NK.  It's top of the list.  And definitely not treated as a joke.  Can you provide a link where the US is treating NK as a joke?



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54 minutes ago, oilinki said:

I'd be sour grape, if I had just lost my country's control to Russia. 


The fact is that soon USA is de facto lead by Putin and his inner circle who are more than willing to blackmail Trump with the damaging information in case Trump doesn't do what Putin wants. After that Russia is free to use it's military power in Europe.


Russia is great! Make America great again! #MAGA


LOL> when Trump haters can't think of anything to say they start fantasizing.


You only have to wait 3 weeks - better than being caught with egg on your face.

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Putin made a very smart move.  It doesn't change who he is.  He is at top of the meanest political system in world.  He is not a nice guy, and either is Trump.

I think Trump is going into uncharted waters and needs to pay attention.  Putin has no respect for Trump and hopefully is sharp enough not to let his ego say otherwise.

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38 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Trump has already said he doesn't think Russia did these hacks, said it could be a 400 pound guy on a couch.  He's dismissed the findings from the intelligence community as well as private companies.  So, it's fair to say Trump is OK with these hacks.  They did happen and he's doing nothing about it.  Other than praising Putin.



"He's doing nothing about it"?


He's not the president yet - what should he do?


In a post above you quote this:  "Donald Trump, a man who has tweeted more than 34,000 times, loves making time for Twitter — despite any other obligations he now has as the president-elect."


This is another example of ridiculous fake news the Democrats (and obviously you) love to spread.


Here are the facts. Login to Twitter and check Donald Trump's tweets to check them if you don't believe it.




Since he officially became President-Elect on November 9 he has tweeted exactly 236 times. That's an average 4.45 tweets a day, including Christmas, NYE and Thanksgiving tweets. Considering the short length of tweets, you can do that in a coffee break with time to spare.


How many times he tweeted during his campaign and the rest of his life is irrelevant, don't you think?


You're just a bunch of sore losers with nothing but hate for anyone who doesn't agree with you.

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1 hour ago, gabruce said:

Thanks for providing the quote. IMHO it disproves your position. It reads to me that Trump is saying that Kim Jong is competent and shouldn't be ignored. ie he's dangerous and shouldn't be treated by the US as a joke. Seems reasonable to respect enemies rather than ignore them.


That's exactly the way I read it. Trump is stating that Kim Jong-il is more powerful than many suggest and should not be taken lightly. This anti-Trump crowd twists everything around.

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22 hours ago, ukrules said:

Obama is trying to make things hard for Trump, I suspect he's just made it very easy for Trump to improve relations between the US and Russia.


Obama / Clinton want Trump for fail. He announced he wanted to build better relations with Russia, which Mr. Putin and the Kremlin applauded. 


It suits the Obama administration and their friends to paint Russia as the big threat bogey man:

  • blame Clinton's loss on them
  • divert from the content of all those emails that show her and the DNC corruption
  • press on the idea Trump only won because of Russian interference
  • make it seem any improvement in relations is simply Trump being Putin's puppet
  • undermine Trump's presidency as much as possible even before it begins.

Just imagine what the world would be had the liar and cheat Clinton been elected, serving her own interests above all other.


As for Tump. We shall all see soon enough if he's Trump the Chump or somewhat more clever. Is he cleverly setting the scene and laying groundwork or just a bozo? Time will tell.

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1 hour ago, jcsmith said:

  You are a lost individual if you think this is the way a president should be acting on Twitter.  



This is the American president currently. A complete joke. If you support it, it says something about you.


LOL>> insult the person who doesn't agree with you.


Apart from being lost, what else does it say about me?


If you want to have an adult debate please don't get personal if you don't agree. I'll also promise not to insult you.


(Reminder: Trump is not yet president)

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36 minutes ago, timber said:

Putin made a very smart move.  It doesn't change who he is.  He is at top of the meanest political system in world.  He is not a nice guy, and either is Trump.

I think Trump is going into uncharted waters and needs to pay attention.  Putin has no respect for Trump and hopefully is sharp enough not to let his ego say otherwise.

Good post.  Yet many here praise Trump and Putin.  Kinda like praising Duterte for killing all those innocent people.  I just don't get it.


P.S. I don't like Clinton, so this is not sour grapes.  But I don't like Trump either.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

The US has done lots of work with regards to cyber security.  It's all over the internet.  Easy to research.  To say they've done nothing and to blame Obama isn't right. But yes, there are still holes, there always will be.  Even when Trump becomes president, there will be security issues.


For your education:



I only meant Obama had done nothing new to address the growing threats, i.e., make a change.

Not that the government has done nothing.


USG Cyber security budgets have been increasing about 14%/year, since before Obama. (2006)

See:  http://cybersecurityventures.com/cybersecurity-market-report/  (lots of info)


See also: The US government is not spending enough on cybersecurity

http://www.businessinsider.com/us-government-cybersecurity-spending-2015-9  (2015)


The $19 billion budget mentioned by the WH  is a one time spike in the future 2017 budget.

But it is welcome.

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11 minutes ago, tropo said:

LOL>> insult the person who doesn't agree with you.


Apart from being lost, what else does it say about me?


If you want to have an adult debate please don't get personal if you don't agree. I'll also promise not to insult you.


(Reminder: Trump is not yet president)

You said his tweet was spot on. A foreign power hacks your own country, and pretty much all of congress who has been briefed agrees it was Russia, yet Trump instead refuses to believe it and then praises the foreign power responsible. If you think that was a great tweet then I think you have lost your way. 

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2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Good post.  Yet many here praise Trump and Putin.  Kinda like praising Duterte for killing all those innocent people.  I just don't get it.


P.S. I don't like Clinton, so this is not sour grapes.  But I don't like Trump either.


LOL> now if we like Trump it's like a vote for Duterte and suggesting he's (Trump) a killer of innocent people by default.


That's seriously twisted logic.



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9 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

You said his tweet was spot on. A foreign power hacks your own country, and pretty much all of congress who has been briefed agrees it was Russia, yet Trump instead refuses to believe it and then praises the foreign power responsible. If you think that was a great tweet then I think you have lost your way. 


And you're at it again. I'm lost because I don't agree with your theories?


Yes, I said his tweet was spot on. That's my opinion. Your opinion differs? Have you lost your way?


You did mention twice that Trump is the president. That could be a sign that you're lost.


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23 minutes ago, tropo said:

And you're at it again. I'm lost because I don't agree with your theories?


Yes, I said his tweet was spot on. That's my opinion. Your opinion differs? Have you lost your way?


I love how you insult the other guy (telling him to relax and breathe then going on to say how you liked the tweet) and then you act offended because I called you a lost individual. Trump is the president-elect, what he says matters. Particularly when he refuses to acknowledge the Russian hacks for reasons unknown. While his own party is calling for harsher penalties on Russia he's buddying up with Putin. You apparently think that is a good thing. 

You said you wanted to debate that, so lets. Please explain to me what you liked about what he said. Was it the president-elect insulting half the country? Was it him buddying up to the country which just tried to hack the American election (which put him in power)? Or was it him attacking news outlets who didn't agree with him?

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6 hours ago, oilinki said:

Russia, with the population less than Thailand and Vietnam combined, is now in control of USA. Well, played Putin, well played. 


Yes, Putin is smart. He also have various intelligence agencies working for him and making him smarter. Something Trump would have as well, if only he would listen what they say. 


Unfortunately I have to agree with you however I doubt Putin would let Trump  use Russia's intelligence agencies.

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I'm not sure it's that smart for Trump to congratulate Putin when the stake is US national security.

Now that Trump has shown whose side he is on, I do think Obama was very smart to create this little incident before leaving the W.H.

Putin's reaction or retaliation is not the main aim of this move: It's Trump,   passing the stress test.

Let's see.


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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

So you're saying it's OK to allow Russia to hack US computers?  With no retaliation?  More like what a plonker Trump is.  Ignores national security.  Not a president we need.


everybody hacks everybody these days….whether its ok or not….theres a suspicion that BO is just stirring the pot since he's stunned that his acolyte/guardian of his legacy aka crooked hillary lost to an amateur tv show host.


His reasons are suspect.

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17 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


everybody hacks everybody these days….whether its ok or not….theres a suspicion that BO is just stirring the pot since he's stunned that his acolyte/guardian of his legacy aka crooked hillary lost to an amateur tv show host.


A suspicion by who? Donald Trump and people who haven't seen any evidence? Congress has been briefed and we even see his own party demanding more. 16 agencies agree its Russia, congress agrees its Russia, the CIA and FBI agree its Russia. We're supposed to disregard all of that because it's Obama imposing sanctions? The claim came from the intelligence community. It was made before the election.

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Mr. Obama is still the President of the USA and he is still sworn to defend the nation.  The president has acted upon the advice of his national security agencies, his military and of his experience with real politik.


Mr. Trump is still playing the  contrarian looking for attention and to play brinksmanship. That is not how the world works. It's fine for real estate  transactions and  promotions where media attention is valuable,  but it won't work when the safety of the USA is at stake. Mr. Trump has his fetish for former communist east bloc nation women, but  Mr. Putin is rather different and will eat him for breakfast.


I note how the Bush collective who  still hold influence  in the old guard GOP have been channeling their views through intermediaries and those views parallel Obama's position. Obama has maintained US policy and strategy that has been tested and proven reliable since the time of Thatcher and Reagan when they  caused the demise of the Soviet Union.

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“You know, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way. Because I’ll tell you what: No computer is safe,” Trump told reporters during his annual New Year’s Eve bash.

Trump says he ‘knows a lot about hacking’ and doesn't trust computers. He added, cryptically, that he also knows “things that other people don’t know. And so they cannot be sure of the situation.”

Asked what he knew that others did not, Trump said, “You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”







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4 hours ago, tropo said:

Please explain to me how you deduced that Trump thinks that it's OK to allow Russia to hack US computers based on a single tweet. Also please explain how Obama's actions will help the US in any way?


It was a case of bad timing, and V Putin's response shows he's a lot smarter than Obama.



Obama spanked the little man and Putin cannot respond because his hand is very weak. Obama's actions won't effect the US much but they sure will hurt the Russian people. Putin sure doesn't need any more sanctions.

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Actually, Trump is right.  Putin is 'very smart.'  ....but not necessarily because he didn't retaliate against the US expelling Russian diplomats.


Putin is smart because he and his operatives tangibly aided Trump getting elected.  Trump will be a better president from Putin's perspective than HRC.  HRC would be concerned about Russian human rights offenses and Russia attacking/commandeering territory belonging to other countries.  Trump doesn't care if Russia hammers back pieces of its Soviet empire.  That's why it was smart for Putin to assist Trump's campaign.   Money is Trump's God.   Trump is easier to play than a $15 <deleted> on the wrong side of the tracks.

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The reason Putin chose not to retaliate is because these knee jerk actions from BO are coming in the last 3 weeks of his term….he's trying to give Trump some face and both thrust him into a conflict from the first day of office. As I said everyone hacks everyone….the answer is not to attack someone when they do it but to focus on building your cyber defences.

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51 minutes ago, jcsmith said:


That's a stretch. It was you who said you wanted to have a debate. I'd guess the real truth is you don't have an answer to the question.


I don't want to debate with you and I made my reasons quite clear. Are we going to waste more time arguing about that now? Let it go - find some other Trump supporters to insult.

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

Mr. Obama is still the President of the USA and he is still sworn to defend the nation.  The president has acted upon the advice of his national security agencies, his military and of his experience with real politik.


Mr. Trump is still playing the  contrarian looking for attention and to play brinksmanship. That is not how the world works. It's fine for real estate  transactions and  promotions where media attention is valuable,  but it won't work when the safety of the USA is at stake. Mr. Trump has his fetish for former communist east bloc nation women, but  Mr. Putin is rather different and will eat him for breakfast.


I note how the Bush collective who  still hold influence  in the old guard GOP have been channeling their views through intermediaries and those views parallel Obama's position. Obama has maintained US policy and strategy that has been tested and proven reliable since the time of Thatcher and Reagan when they  caused the demise of the Soviet Union.

Obama has maintained US policy and strategy that has been tested and proven reliable since the time of Thatcher and Reagan when they  caused the demise of the Soviet Union.


Then why did the Soviet Union shrink under Reagan and Russia expand significantly under Obama on two fronts, including military bases in the Middle East? Russia is now on the march (as is China). They ran from Reagan.


Reagan built up the US Military.

Obama reduced it.


Reagan open mike comment "Bombs away"

Obama open mike comment "Tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election"

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There is a very old piece of wisdom: never underestimate your opponent.

Obama has, in my opinion, consistently underestimated Putin and has been made to look really stupid by a smarter and more statesmanlike man.

Trump is showing signs of not underestimating Putin which is a good thing if you see Russia as the enemy. The other smart thing Trump is doing is not treating Russia like an enemy as the stupid neocons do.

The US hacks into other sovereign nations computer systems. It even hacked Merkel's phone for goodness' sake. How hypocritical can you be to complain if Russia hacks you back?

Plus after the WMDs in Iraq and what is going on in Syria where the US has been seriously exposed supporting the very groups that brought the WTCs down, I would not trust the US security agencies as far as I could throw them. They need cleaning out and the zealots fired. And the world would be an infinitely better place without the CIA. Overall, based on what limited information that has been released there is not a shred of evidence that Russia hacked the DNC. The 13 pager was a joke, saying that Russia has the capability therefore it did it. Nothing that would stand up in a court of law anywhere on earth. 

More informed opinion (opinion which I believe) tells me that if the DNC was hacked by Russia, why would they use old malware from the Ukraine when they have better tools. When a computer is hacked, there are bits of code left which can be used to identify the source, and since the US monitors everyone remotely connected to Wikileaks they would have seen the transfer of data there and could have identified the source for sure. Assange, a hero to me, says that he did not receive the info from Russia…why shoudln't I believe him. His mate, whose name escapes me says he picked the info up on a stick from a person in the US that actually leaked it…a disillusioned aide in the Clinton campaign.

We all believe what we want to believe, and this is my belief based on what I have read and my own past observations of situations.

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