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One dead 6 injured in New Year shooting at Bangkok nightclub


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1 hour ago, kingstonkid said:



I think criticizing Thais is not the issue.  The probelm is an international one where education needs to be stepped up and respect for others shown.



Yes lets have a go at the people of Chicago  for the killing of a Thai man in Bangkok by other Thai men.


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49 minutes ago, psyvolt said:

Bang on..

Then again, according to so many posters on here, They have nothing better to do they criticize Thailand and anything that ever goes wrong.


I rather think that one side claims that Thais do everything wrong, then the other side think they hardly ever do anything wrong, resulting in completely useless discussions where both parties are completely shoeless.

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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

If i was the General I would put  ban on guns….anyone caught with one, 6 years jail plus 2 mill baht fine.


No exceptions.

Absolutely NO exceptions (except Hi-So folk who are completely exempt from all laws, naturally)

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Reminds me of the farangs who get super mad with their bar girl after 10 beers an hour.  I can hear them yell when I am at temple.  


since the average expat in thailand is 87, blind, broke, and drinks cheap alcohol, i was sure this article didn't involve a farang.


ok, whose with me......protest for better safety measures!!!!!



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2 hours ago, gchurch259 said:

If they would start executing these type, pretty soon the "Gene Pool" might clean up, at any rate they will not create anymore trouble !!


You never miss a chance to squeeze in your pro-death-sentence little stance, do you gchurch259 ?


Just a few days ago I remember you quoting the Old Testament on that ('an eye for an eye etc.'). Apparently you have not heard of Jesus Christ and you have not read the New Testament, in which he preaches love, compassion, forgiveness, and NOT hate, revenge, and ignorance. In which he reminds those about to stone a woman accused of adultery that stoning other people does not clear them of their own sins.


You and the likes of you are the ones who initiated the Inquisition, the Crusades, who condoned slavery, who watched on while millions of native Americans were slaughtered. You and the likes of you are a disgrace and the SHAME of christianity.


You inserted the word 'church' in your handle and that kind of says it all. While I reckon that the church (along with - almost - all religious institutions) has produced some good things, it has also done so many bad things that one has to wonder which weigh more in the long run. People who sytematically hijack the message of Jesus Christ - who was nothing but Love and Light - to justify their hatred, their bigotry and their narrow-mindedness, are one of those bad things.

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35 minutes ago, Sirbergan said:


I rather think that one side claims that Thais do everything wrong, then the other side think they hardly ever do anything wrong, resulting in completely useless discussions where both parties are completely shoeless.


I beg to differ, Siber. Those 'parties' are not similar, and not on the same plane at all.


On one side is the Thai Bashing Brigade, alive and well, who will immediately generalize any bad attitude or action performed by a Thai person to all Thais, which is intellectually absurd and dishonest. As most of them have apparently chosen to live in this country, one may well ask why they stay if they hate it that much.


On the other side is (mostly) people who, when reading a Thai Bashing Post, feel how absurd it is to generalize thus, and take the time to remind the Basher that sh*t happens everywhere, that this is a News-based Forum which means that reports are mostly about bad things (good ones don't sell as much) and that, before accusing 70 million people of being a bunch of lazy-good-for-nothing-brutal idiots, one should, first and foremost, ask the relevant question : does this happen more in Thailand or does it happen pretty much everwhere ?


'Useless' discussion ? Well, you're most probably right on that, since only one side is actually trying to discuss. The other is just expressing anger, frustration, and a major dose of culture-shock : expats all over the world tend to bash the locals, the phenomenon is ancient - it also is sociologically and psychologically quite fascinating, actually.

Edited by Yann55
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19 minutes ago, Yann55 said:


I beg to differ, Siber. Those 'parties' are not similar, and not on the same plane at all.


On one side is the Thai Bashing Brigade, alive and well, who will immediately generalize any bad attitude or action performed by a Thai person to all Thais, which is intellectually absurd and politically dangerous. As most of them have apparently chosen to live in this country, one may well ask why they stay if they hate it that much.


On the other side is (mostly) people who, when reading a Thai Bashing Post, feel how absurd it is to generalize thus, and take the time to remind the Basher that sh*t happens everywhere, that this is a News-based Forum which means that reports are mostly about bad things (good ones don't sell as much) and that, before accusing 70 million people of being a bunch of lazy-good-for-nothing-brutal idiots, one should, first and foremost, ask the relevant question : does this happen more in Thailand or does it happen pretty much everwhere ?


'Useless' discussion ? Well, you're most probably right on that, since only one side is actually trying to discuss. The other is just expressing anger, frustration, and a major dose of culture-shock : expats all over the world tend to bash the locals, the phenomenon is ancient - it also is sociologically and psychologically quite fascinating, actually.



The apologists are equally biased, failing to recognize cultural and historical traits making certain behavior, crimes or actions more prevalent in this country than others, which in my mind makes them as biased as the Thai bashers. Eye of the beholder, I guess. Personally, I find both sides equally oblivious as far as reality goes.


 And make no mistake: Is this exact situation a lot more likely to happen here than in the western world? There is no doubt whatsoever. Loss of face and group mentality makes the dance floors a lot more dangerous than most places in the western world. Not so much for us westerners as for Thai people, though, but as a foreigner I would also be very careful.



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17 minutes ago, Sirbergan said:



The apologists are equally biased, failing to recognize cultural and historical traits making certain behavior, crimes or actions more prevalent in this country than others, which in my mind makes them as biased as the Thai bashers. Eye of the beholder, I guess. Personally, I find both sides equally oblivious as far as reality goes.




The fact that you use the word 'apologists' shows :


1/ on which side you are,


2/ that you didn't read my post thoroughly,


3/ that you want to think in terms of two groups, when only one really exists (ie the Thai Bashing Brigade). They coined the word 'apologists' and use it ad nauseam in an effort to collectively minimize and ridicule arguments that simply state how absurd it is to generalize. Sociology is not generalizing. 'Cultural and historical traits etc.', yes, that's what sociology is about. However if you remain a member on this Forum long enough, you will notice that 90% of the Thai Bashing posts are preposterous, biased, belligerent, purely reactive, totally uninformed, and belong to the beer bar category of discussions, nothing rational and certainly not a 'sociological' approach, lol.


End of 'discussion', as far as I am concerned, because you are doing precisely what you earlier identified as an error.

Edited by Yann55
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Nice try, but I used bashers in the same post. I was simply using commonly used terms in this forum, and you used that to try to score a cheap point.


You probably didn't get my addition/edit:


And make no mistake: Is this exact situation a lot more likely to happen here than in the western world? There is no doubt whatsoever. Loss of face and group mentality makes the dance floors a lot more dangerous than most places in the western world. Not so much for us westerners as for Thai people, though, but as a foreigner I would also be very careful.

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34 minutes ago, Sirbergan said:


...failing to recognize cultural and historical traits making certain behavior, crimes or actions more prevalent in this country than others.... And make no mistake: Is this exact situation a lot more likely to happen here than in the western world? There is no doubt whatsoever. Loss of face and group mentality makes the dance floors a lot more dangerous than most places in the western world.


What a load of rubbish &  "no doubt whatsoever" just confirms your tunnel vision!  Bar stool psychology at it's best!  Btw ' behaviour' is spelt thus!


I would suggest the prevalence of gun crime in any country/culture is directly related to the availability of guns and/or gun control....than some deep seated flaw in the psyche of said country/culture.

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22 minutes ago, Yann55 said:

Forum long enough, you will notice that 90% of the Thai Bashing posts are preposterous, biased, belligerent, purely reactive, totally uninformed, and belong to the beer bar category of discussions, nothing rational and certainly not a 'sociological' approach, lol.

When you give your opinion WOW you cover all the bases. Impressed the H out of me. Nothing left out or nothing left to the imagination. Now you got me combing through your answer to see where I fit maybe fractionally, partially, emotionally, drink wise, sometimes a wee bit preposterous, biased no, a bit reactive at times, a bit ungrounded (some lightin rod in me) somewhat passionate about things but not overboard. 

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1 hour ago, Yann55 said:


You never miss a chance to squeeze in your pro-death-sentence little stance, do you gchurch259 ?


Just a few days ago I remember you quoting the Old Testament on that ('an eye for an eye etc.'). Apparently you have not heard of Jesus Christ and you have not read the New Testament, in which he preaches love, compassion, forgiveness, and NOT hate, revenge, and ignorance. In which he reminds those about to stone a woman accused of adultery that stoning other people does not clear them of their own sins.


You and the likes of you are the ones who initiated the Inquisition, the Crusades, who condoned slavery, who watched on while millions of native Americans were slaughtered. You and the likes of you are a disgrace and the SHAME of christianity.


You inserted the word 'church' in your handle and that kind of says it all. While I reckon that the church (along with - almost - all religious institutions) has produced some good things, it has also done so many bad things that one has to wonder which weigh more in the long run. People who sytematically hijack the message of Jesus Christ - who was nothing but Love and Light - to justify their hatred, their bigotry and their narrow-mindedness, are one of those bad things.


You feel better now ?

I do not take religion lightly, nor do I believe the Death Penalty is the only answer, I do however, do not condone some one killing, raping, battering another, drug dealing and repeat drug users paying a few baht, go to the Temple and get away with it. When you deal with people who have no or little regard for human life what do you think the Penalty should be ?

i like wise do not believe in slavery.


Church happens to be part of my name, not a reference to my religious beliefs.

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Yes sir it is well known that "Thai Somchais" that come with an attitude and carry a gun and like to drink and get drunk are bad news for the public in general while you do not want to be around them and their often short fuses as they are easily angered and embolden to exact revenge for some of the most slightest of provocations...or lose of face.

Of course not all of them ...but all too many ..as you are learning by way of this news article and the hundreds if not thousands of cases having already occurred in the past and long before this one.



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They will ask them to pop in for a chat and if they don't then they will get a 2 day warrant and will inform them they have a warrant and will be around at 4.30 p.m on wednesday weather permitting.

So much for ridiculous comment as they have already arrested one of the suspects.
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2 hours ago, Sirbergan said:

Nice try, but I used bashers in the same post. I was simply using commonly used terms in this forum, and you used that to try to score a cheap point.


You probably didn't get my addition/edit:


And make no mistake: Is this exact situation a lot more likely to happen here than in the western world? There is no doubt whatsoever. Loss of face and group mentality makes the dance floors a lot more dangerous than most places in the western world. Not so much for us westerners as for Thai people, though, but as a foreigner I would also be very careful.

Good job I don't dance.

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2 hours ago, onthesoi said:


What a load of rubbish &  "no doubt whatsoever" just confirms your tunnel vision!  Bar stool psychology at it's best!  Btw ' behaviour' is spelt thus!


I would suggest the prevalence of gun crime in any country/culture is directly related to the availability of guns and/or gun control....than some deep seated flaw in the psyche of said country/culture.


Haven't been spending a single evening in a bar the 10 years I've lived here (I'm a family man), I speak the language fluently and my "no doubt whatsoever" is based on own experiences raising a step son and a step daughter through their teenage years. As for behaviour vs. behavior, good work on the attempted cheap shot – they are both right, though, depending on whether you type UK or American English, neither of which are my first language.

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52 minutes ago, ldiablo72 said:

So much for ridiculous comment as they have already arrested one of the suspects.

Shhhhhhhhh, too many ppl here would rather give stick to the Thai Police, and now you havr ruined it by showing they have done a good job.. What are the Thai Bashers going to moan about now???

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2 hours ago, psyvolt said:

Shhhhhhhhh, too many ppl here would rather give stick to the Thai Police, and now you havr ruined it by showing they have done a good job.. What are the Thai Bashers going to moan about now???


The police doing a good job - just taking along several well armed soldiers for company.

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11 hours ago, gchurch259 said:

If they would start executing these type, pretty soon the "Gene Pool" might clean up, at any rate they will not create anymore trouble !!

I guess with the planet running at 7.3 billion souls we could spare a few idiots. Selective cleansing but then I like your Gene pool term cleanup in aisle 7.

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12 hours ago, psyvolt said:

Bang on..

Then again, according to so many posters on here, They have nothing better to do they criticize Thailand and anything that ever goes wrong.

if  the  Thais  arent  responsible  in  Thailand who  is?

Edited by kannot
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