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Man shot dead during Buddhist ordination ceremony in Chaiyaphum


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3 hours ago, lvr181 said:

"Christians" were never a religion of peace.

An apostasy from Jesus' teachings was foretold both by Jesus as well as by the Christian Bible writers. Less than 70 years after Jesus' death, Bible writers were already identifying apostate teachings and antichrists. So "Christianity" has for most of its existence not represented the peaceable teachings of Jesus.

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12 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:


Thai Buddhism. 


Very kind, peaceful, respectful. Just with the odd bit of murder, violence, drug running and money laundering from time to time. 

they smile and after they shoot u in yhe face at broad daylight.....they say mai ben rai and sell drugs to scool children....they say be happy snd rent u their daughter for one hour...the many features of the thai mind

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On 1/3/2017 at 8:12 AM, Retiredandhappyhere said:


I agree with you Licka, I thank God I am an atheist.


    You claiming that there are no heathen or atheist murderers ? ?    I bet there have been, and are... lots of 'em ! ! 

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On 1/3/2017 at 8:12 PM, Retiredandhappyhere said:

I agree with you Licka, I thank God I am an atheist.

I belong to that club too, much better to off people for more rational reasons like, you know, if they piss you off or something.

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On 03/01/2017 at 10:57 PM, George Graham said:

Your comment betrays a total ignorance of that conflict.

I think he has a good point re the people in N.Ireland killing each other by the thousands. These people claim to be Catholic or Protestant in religion but don't live by the teachings of their founder.

Similarly, there are many 'Buddhists'in Thailand(no such thing as Thai Buddhism, as a previous member said) that live a life far from their founder's teachings.

These ordinations are traditional, not religious in most cases and obviously political other other interests will get mixed up with these ceremonies.


PLEASE don't blame the religion of Buddhism, the Thai people, or anyone else apart from the guy who pulled the trigger, who may well have been an atheist. Actually, science has now proved that there is no such thing as an atheist but that is going off on a tangent. http://www.science20.com/writer_on_the_edge/blog/scientists_discover_that_atheists_might_not_exist_and_thats_not_a_joke-139982?psych

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1 hour ago, TheLairdofCockPen said:

I think he has a good point re the people in N.Ireland killing each other by the thousands. These people claim to be Catholic or Protestant in religion but don't live by the teachings of their founder.

Similarly, there are many 'Buddhists'in Thailand(no such thing as Thai Buddhism, as a previous member said) that live a life far from their founder's teachings.

These ordinations are traditional, not religious in most cases and obviously political other other interests will get mixed up with these ceremonies.


PLEASE don't blame the religion of Buddhism, the Thai people, or anyone else apart from the guy who pulled the trigger, who may well have been an atheist. Actually, science has now proved that there is no such thing as an atheist but that is going off on a tangent. http://www.science20.com/writer_on_the_edge/blog/scientists_discover_that_atheists_might_not_exist_and_thats_not_a_joke-139982?psych



Lmao...." might not exist"... as stated in the text, does not translate into "science has now proved there is no such thing as an atheist"


look up Jainism... an atheistic religion, from whence comes a lot of the factors that this article suggests proves atheism is not possible, such as karma


atheism is a reasoned choice, based partly on the fact that it is less absurd than theism, although different people make different choices as to why they reject a supreme deity concept... but that they reject the concept, makes them atheist by definition


that said... yes, some atheists are recidivist... but you get that




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