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Are there Taxis in Korat?


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Just checking to see what the situation is like in Korat (Nakon Ratchasima).  I think taking the train will be better that driving, but I'd like to know if taxis are readily available to get around. Mind you I'm not talking about Tuk-tuks  or Songtaews, but regular Blue/Yellow or Blue/Green Toyota Corolla taxis. 

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Korat certainly does have such a Taxi service.   The call center number is 044 37 0999.   Until fairly recently,  you paid an extra 20 baht to call a taxi to your home,  then paid the price shown on the meter.  Now however,  after calling the center,  a taxi will call you back and quote you an inclusive price.  No-one seems to use the meter anymore.  Prices have gone up considerably since this happened,  but the service has been a great deal better too.  It is rare,  other than perhaps the Bus Stations,  The Mall etc. to see a taxi to wave down.   Motor cycle taxis are everywhere should this be an option worth considering.

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Hello All, there is the red taxis at The Mall and

the blue ones at the Main Bus Station.

The ones at The Mall cost the same as a Tuk Tuk

to go to my house, both tend to have signs giving

the costs behind the drivers seat.


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