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British Conservationist Fights to Save Seahorses in Cambodia


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British Conservationist Fights to Save Seahorses in Cambodia



ACH SEH ISLAND, Cambodia — A 7-inch creature with a head resembling a horse and a monkey-like tail glides gracefully out of a dark coral crevice off the Cambodian coast. Master of camouflage, unrivaled as a hunter and a much-loved figure of ancient myths and legends, the seahorse may be spiraling toward annihilation after surviving beneath the waves for some 40 million years.


Taking photographs and detailed notes, two divers swim through turbid water to spot the male in the crevice and a nearby female, both hanging on in a once-pristine habitat turned to withered coral beds and ragged remnants of seagrass meadows.


The tropical seas around this jungled island depict, in microcosm, both the seahorse's threatened state — tens of millions are harvested globally each year — and possible ways to save the iconic species from extinction.

"The seahorse faces an enormous variety of threats," says Paul Ferber, a British conservationist who has lived on Ach Seh Island for three years, studying the genus Hippocampus and trying to protect its ravaged environment against an armada of illegal trawlers, crab traps and divers in sleek longboats specifically targeting seahorses and related species.

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

Why not go and fight for clean air in London, the most polluted city in Europe, it can only get worse with Brexit.

Animals are easier to deal with than human beings. Humans harm animals and humans harm themselves as well. When you say go to London and fight for clean air I can picture the guy on a soapbox waving a Bible shouting "Your Days are Numbered"

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1 minute ago, Dtaw said:

Because he's fighting for what he's passionate for. 

I cant knock that. Being passionate about something in the third world can get you a prison sentence, or worse, if you tread on too many toes. There was a woman murdered in Africa because she tried to help preserve great apes. Clean air for London would seem a safer although unreachable goal.

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22 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Why not go and fight for clean air in London, the most polluted city in Europe, it can only get worse with Brexit.


What a very strange comment. Both about why a conservationist trying to save a rare breed from annihilation would be advised to do something about air pollution in London. But then to say after Brexit it will get worse. Any chance of an explanation or just 2 really stupid random comments?

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1 hour ago, jinners said:


What a very strange comment. Both about why a conservationist trying to save a rare breed from annihilation would be advised to do something about air pollution in London. But then to say after Brexit it will get worse. Any chance of an explanation or just 2 really stupid random comments?

Well since they are Englishmen i can't see the point in getting passionate about a little sea creature thousands of miles from their own home when there are more worthy causes in their own home towns, homelessness, air pollution etc. which they may be able to influence without getting killed by irate trawler captains. Why the Brexit connection ? There are many laws from Brussels which infuriate in their pettiness  but there are also laws which do good concerning things that have been ignored by the UK governments for years, pollution being one of them. I have seen pictures of beaches and countryside before Brussel laws and afterwards, a stunning difference. London is still the most polluted city in Europe despite many warnings from the EU, apparently they would rather pay the fines although they have changed a few things but without  much enthusiasm. Conservation, like Trident and two aircraft carriers, costs money, it is apparent where the UK's priorities lie and it is not with the health of their citizens 

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On 1/7/2017 at 4:48 PM, soalbundy said:

Why not go and fight for clean air in London, the most polluted city in Europe, it can only get worse with Brexit.


What a very strange comment. Both about why a conservationist trying to save a rare breed from annihilation would be advised to do something about air pollution in London. But then to say after Brexit it will get worse. Any chance of an explanation or just 2 really stupid random comments?


Fortunately for the rest of us, there are people out there that care about more than their own backyards. This has been going on for generations and have been responsible for stopping man's treatment and destruction of the planet from being a whole lot worse. As recently seen with the ivory ban. This was forced upon China not by Africa but by many nations concerned about the future of the elephant. This is to be commended and not ridiculed. Whatever the reason is for your obsession with London's air quality, I am sure there is a whole army of officials from Europe and beyond doing what they can to reduce the current levels. I don't sea 2 conservationists in south east Asia making any difference whatsoever. If they are making news globally on the protection of a defenseless creature the other side of the world however, they just might do. Whatever their nationality.

Europe and their incessant meddling and need for total control is another issue. While I agree they have been responsible for the improvement of many things, their over reaching and never ending meddling in affairs not of their concern will be the final undoing of the Euro club. Brexit being a huge nail about to knocked hard to the lid.

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