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Election may be held 19 months after constitution is activated


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The problem is, the people voted for the constitution when clearly it was ridiculous and they were supposed to vote against it. Now its hard to stop the movement towards elections.


The problem is, they all keep voting wrong!

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11 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Thailand is a 'patrocracy.'   Yes, I made the word up.  'Pater' for 'father' ....also the root of patrician, patricide (to kill one's father), patrimony, paternal, and the Spanish word, "patron" which is what you call your mafia boss, unless you want to lose your kneecaps.


Thais need to be told what to think.  The junta is in place to tell them. 



Patron is also what we need to drink while ( whilst) waiting out till the next election.  

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I know that poster JAG will be on here to point out with a great deal of validity the hardline stance taken against dissent. However if some kind of stand is not taken, in my opinion the Thai people can forget any form of representative democracy for the next generation to come. It is really highly depressing...


Reactions take time to build.

Remember the structure is built upon rotten foundations.
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8 hours ago, naboo said:

The problem is, the people voted for the constitution when clearly it was ridiculous and they were supposed to vote against it. Now its hard to stop the movement towards elections.


The problem is, they all keep voting wrong!


The problem  is, 

Did they vote for the constitution? ?

I mean really? ?

We will never know. 

Really !!!!!!!

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On 7 January 2017 at 4:52 PM, wakeupplease said:

You can no longer believe anything that comes out of this country

would rather lie than tell the truth

or they do not know what the meaning of truth is


If I was an expat here I would be thinking of moving fast


before they get the idea of ransoming your freedom


anything to make money


Man this lot stink rotten to the core

you leave ive been here over 30 years and army have always saved Thailand from itself. All will be as usual but i do note a slight lessening of corruption. taksin just went over top instead of normal 10% he wanted it all and wanted no one else to have any. Its still a million times better than so called democracy of west and corruption in west is 100 times worse its just doem in legal wasy in west wake up and open your eyes 

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9 minutes ago, icare999 said:

you leave ive been here over 30 years and army have always saved Thailand from itself. All will be as usual but i do note a slight lessening of corruption. taksin just went over top instead of normal 10% he wanted it all and wanted no one else to have any. Its still a million times better than so called democracy of west and corruption in west is 100 times worse its just doem in legal wasy in west wake up and open your eyes 

Whatever it is you do care about certainly doesn't involve punctuation or facts...

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Too many gullible misinformed ( unintelligent?) in some countries to handle a free election in a so called democracy. The majority of Thais keep voting in a "Thaksin" & in the USA they voted for an inexperienced blow-bag with narcissism- Trump. I feel more confident with a military enforcing the rules & trying to get rid of corruption than a ting-tong politician.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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52 minutes ago, toenail said:

Too many gullible misinformed ( unintelligent?) in some countries to handle a free election in a so called democracy. The majority of Thais keep voting in a "Thaksin" & in the USA they voted for an inexperienced blow-bag with narcissism- Trump. I feel more confident with a military enforcing the rules & trying to get rid of corruption than a ting-tong politician.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Yes, they're enforcing the rules. THEIR rules, and they make them up as they go along. Trying to get rid of the corruption? Have you even been following what's happened in Thailand since the junta took power???



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The key words are "may be held" and "after constitution is activated or royally endorsed". The former is ambiguous while the latter is now a political hot potato. I rather see delay and the draft constitution re-written to clip the dominance of the military than a crooked military constitution.      

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10 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

The key words are "may be held" and "after constitution is activated or royally endorsed". The former is ambiguous while the latter is now a political hot potato. I rather see delay and the draft constitution re-written to clip the dominance of the military than a crooked military constitution.      

I think the new top man isn't too happy with a few things with the draft at the moment

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4 minutes ago, greenchair said:


Yesterday they said 2018 again because of new changes. 

But today we are back to 2017. 

I think they are using the confuse and conquer technich. 

When given the choice between incompetence and conspiracy, I go for incompetence every time...

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2 hours ago, baboon said:

When given the choice between incompetence and conspiracy, I go for incompetence every time...


"Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence"


Napoleon Bonaparte, a chap who knew a thing or two about military governments....

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