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My 4 years old son almost got denied leaving the country without mother.


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Just to let you all know that you may need to have a consent form done from a mother if you are leaving with your child/children without mother. My son has my surname and has two passports. We used of course Thai passport leaving Thailand.


What happened to me in December 14th. My wife took me and my son to the airport and we checked in. Hour later at the immigration guy asked where is the mother. I said she cannot make it to the trip because of work. Then they took me and my son to the other desk and lady asked my wife's phone number and demanded her to get back to the airport and do the consent form that she allows my son to leave the country. My wife was already other side of Bangkok and it was pretty pain in the ass to travel back to the airport.


I asked from the immigration why this was not mentioned before. They just said that they do this randomly. I understand this but did not know that you need to do this consent before the flight to make sure. I tried to ask also from them that does my wife need to be at the airport every time we leave the country. Did not get clear answer. 


Seems like immigration is getting more and more tougher and tighter. Luckily my wife talked on phone enough at the end that she did not have to come to the airport. Immigration gave me a form I need to fill for next time leaving with a child under 15 years old. I attached the image of the form. I think I just had bad luck with the officer but make sure you have atleast mothers phone number when leaving with a child who has Thai mother.

IMG_4817 (1).JPG

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You should always have a letter of consent (with ID copy/sig of mother/father) wherever you are travelling in the world if you have your kids without the other half. They check because some parents do a runner with their kid(s) and are well within their rights. It's up to the parents to know this.

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20 minutes ago, Thanyaburi Mac said:

Can you please provide a good scan or photo of the form, would be useful for other people in your situation.




+1 - A Scan or Good photo of the form is an excellent idea...  Or perhaps a PDF could be pinned at the top of the appropriate forum.


Recently, while I was in another country, my Wife flew, with my Son to meet me... The trip was planned at short notice.

One of my concerns was that my Wife didn't have this form or any version of a notarised letter from the second parent permitting international travel.


Of course, my Wife encountered no issues, neither have some of my friends (male) who have travelled with their Child on a 'single parent' trip.

However, one friend has been asked for and could not provide this form in the past. The immigration were kindly flexible in phoning his Wife.


It is my understanding that this form is a requirement, but inconsistently enforced.





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Not sure if the upload worked but here should be a copy of a standard consent form any country's government website should have. It has been widely known for at least the past 30 years that children under 15(possibly 18) should have this letter either travelling alone, with a single parent/ guardian, or other friends and family.


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19 hours ago, Thanyaburi Mac said:

Can you please provide a good scan or photo of the form, would be useful for other people in your situation.




I found this information when I did a Google search.






http://<URL Automatically Removed>/doing-things-legally/121026-who-believe-immigration-amphur-parental-consent.html




I hope that this will be able to help some people.


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