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Trump hits back at Meryl Streep, calls actress 'overrated'


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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Actually, he's not been acting like the president of the most powerful nation on earth.  Going after an actress like this is below him.  And going after disabled people is totally inappropriate.  Focus on what's important, this is not.


Quite right!


He should not lower himself and reply publicly. Just get the IR to do a very thorough full audit on her for the next few years!


(Satire Craig, a joke!).

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1 hour ago, nottocus said:

Ummm...u better talk to the anti-Trump and pro-Hilary supporters first about not hurting people.


Oh...and I'm still waiting for that earlier poster to explain to me how T is a misogynist.




I'm not that earlier poster .. but some of Trump's words:


"Fat. Pig. Dog. Slob. Disgusting animal."  "noone would vote for Carly Fiorina because of her face" - "women should be "punished" for having abortions - " “I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets?” (not mentioning he'd date his daughter...)

""You know, it doesn't really matter what [they] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass."

about Katarina Witt " "Wonderful looking while on the ice but up close and personal, she could only be described as attractive if you like a woman with a bad complexion who is built like a linebacker".

In an interview with New York Magazine, Trump uttered this charming phrase about women: 'You have to treat 'em like s----'.

“I think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing,” said Trump. “Unfortunately, after they're a star, the fun is over for me. It's like a creation process. It's almost like creating a building. It's pretty sad.”

“Rosie O'Donnell is disgusting, both inside and out. If you take a look at her, she's a slob. How does she even get on television? If I were running The View, I'd fire Rosie. I'd look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers and say, 'Rosie, you're fired.'

"We're all a little chubby but Rosie's just worse than most of us. But it's not the chubbiness - Rosie is a very unattractive person, both inside and out."

He says women throw themselves at him: “They’ll walk up, and they’ll flip their top, and they’ll flip their panties.”

He claims to be attracted to women who are 'a bit chunky' when Stern asks if he's ever 'reduced himself' to sleeping with a 'fat woman'. Trump also says he's 'been with women with extraordinarily bad breast jobs' and 'pancake tits'.

"How much money is the extremely unattractive (both inside and out) Arianna Huffington paying her poor ex-hubby for the use of his name?


and so many others to get sick

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31 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Exactly.  A squabble with a Hollywood elite over an alleged transgression a year ago is not important.  Jobs, cutting government expense etc is important.

Not alleged.  Trump mocked a disabled person.  Just one of his many transgressions against minorities, gays, foreigners, etc, etc, etc.


You are right.  He should focus on more important things.  Get off Twitter.  Act like a president.

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Trump do not needs nuke, he has Twitter...this guys will be such a joke once in the Oval office...I imagine him behind the desk tweeting rageous things without any thought, while his staff try to tell him to stop being such an amateur

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3 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

Trump do not needs nuke, he has Twitter...this guys will be such a joke once in the Oval office...I imagine him behind the desk tweeting rageous things without any thought, while his staff try to tell him to stop being such an amateur


140 is largely enough for him to expose his feelings

The problem is that his supporters think these are his thoughts.

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16 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Big Baby Donald strikes back at criticism via his twitter feed, as Twitter will be the new de facto White House spokesman.


God help us when this hypersensitive bully gets his hands on power ... I wonder how he'll cope when his honeymoon period is over? He simply does not have the correct temperament for the position. 



I think he is getting distemper shots to slow down his Twitter twaddle. With all his time spent on Twitter I wonder where he will find time to run the country.

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17 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

She is great actress, but I could care less about her political opinions and that goes for most celebrities. Their naivette usually makes me think less of them. 

Pretty much sure she doesn't care if you care either.  Maybe you should debate her?

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8 minutes ago, Opl said:


I'm not that earlier poster .. but some of Trump's words:


"Fat. Pig. Dog. Slob. Disgusting animal."  "noone would vote for Carly Fiorina because of her face" - "women should be "punished" for having abortions - " “I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets?” (not mentioning he'd date his daughter...)

""You know, it doesn't really matter what [they] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass."

about Katarina Witt " "Wonderful looking while on the ice but up close and personal, she could only be described as attractive if you like a woman with a bad complexion who is built like a linebacker".

In an interview with New York Magazine, Trump uttered this charming phrase about women: 'You have to treat 'em like s----'.

“I think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing,” said Trump. “Unfortunately, after they're a star, the fun is over for me. It's like a creation process. It's almost like creating a building. It's pretty sad.”

“Rosie O'Donnell is disgusting, both inside and out. If you take a look at her, she's a slob. How does she even get on television? If I were running The View, I'd fire Rosie. I'd look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers and say, 'Rosie, you're fired.'

"We're all a little chubby but Rosie's just worse than most of us. But it's not the chubbiness - Rosie is a very unattractive person, both inside and out."

He says women throw themselves at him: “They’ll walk up, and they’ll flip their top, and they’ll flip their panties.”

He claims to be attracted to women who are 'a bit chunky' when Stern asks if he's ever 'reduced himself' to sleeping with a 'fat woman'. Trump also says he's 'been with women with extraordinarily bad breast jobs' and 'pancake tits'.

"How much money is the extremely unattractive (both inside and out) Arianna Huffington paying her poor ex-hubby for the use of his name?


and so many others to get sick

There are women out there that I hate. Does that make me a misogynist?


There are blokes out there I hate too. Does that make me a misandrist?

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17 hours ago, oilinki said:

That manchild is going to be the President of the United States. Good luck usa, you are going to need it. 




Makes me ill.

"She is a Hillary flunky who lost big."

What kind of a baby writes this crap?

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9 hours ago, nottocus said:

Streep is a great example of the reason DT won.


Because there are a lot of people who could care less about self-serving bullying or how their actions affect others? Yeah you may be right. 

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16 hours ago, Carib said:

Streep was not on about politics, but about ridiculing someone with a disability.

Trump is an idiot for showing this kind of behavior. This "person" is going to be president. Good luck with that.




Make America great~losers can't do that

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4 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

I think he is getting distemper shots to slow down his Twitter twaddle. With all his time spent on Twitter I wonder where he will find time to run the country.

Manchild's twitter cries might be actually good. This is in the case he spends his energy on twitter rage and thus he can be kept out from issues that really matters. 



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9 hours ago, nottocus said:

Streep is a great example of the reason DT won.


Streep's speech was about compassion and inclusiveness and how Trump has demonstrated neither. If Liberals' talk of compassion causes some to vote for a man who espouses the opposite, what does that say about those people?

And what does that say about the kinds of politics that will be successful going forwards, and the kind of world that will lead to? Is that the world we want?


As Jesus said to Dumbo the elephant, "I've got mine, F#@k everyone else. Let the hunger games begin!"



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7 minutes ago, nottocus said:

There are women out there that I hate. Does that make me a misogynist?


There are blokes out there I hate too. Does that make me a misandrist?

you re not the next POTUS, someone who should be the president of all the American, who should show some smart thinking, calm, trust...not that Trump has any of these but this is a difference between you and someone who is going to be POTUS...

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9 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

Get up, accept the award,  make a pointless speech and thank everyone under the sun including your parents, dog, god, landscaper is how it's done.


Just more noise from the leftie snowflakes, hope it has a negative impact on her career.


"She is a Hillary flunky who lost big."

I suppose you talk nonsense like this as well.  You really don't like intelligent people.  Can you tell us why?

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17 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

She is great actress, but I could care less about her political opinions and that goes for most celebrities. Their naivette usually makes me think less of them. 



Yes, of course because she has achieved so little in life and is obviously less intelligent then the average person who votes and has opinions ...such as yourself??

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7 hours ago, Ahab said:

For me it is the fact that she equates keeping illegal aliens out of our country to being against all people that are here LEGALLY from other countries. It is a small but often overlooked detail that is exceedingly important.


Some of his cabinet picks are pro white and anti immigration.  That's what they are talking about.  Do some research.  His cabinet picks reflect his thinking~if he can stop thinking about himself...

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Trading insults on Twitter like some emotionally insecure adolescent?


How self-demeaning for the President Elect and, by association, how demeaning for the American people.


The fact that he can't ignore it, or let it pass in a dignified manner, shows how unsuited he is to the job.


If he can't brush off flies or deal with a fleabite how will he respond to a real threat?


It confirms that he is someone for whom only his thin skinned, pyschopathic self matters, everything else is secondary, everyone else no more than "materiel".


How long before he finds his "Brutus"?



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7 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

This story, and others like it, bring two problems to light.

1.  The next POTUS is extremely thin-skinned and cannot take any criticism.  He constantly lashes out at anyone, no matter how high or low their position, who criticizes or disagrees with him.  This is not 'presidential' behavior.  A president needs to be thoughtful and measured in his public statements.


2.  An even bigger problem is the behavior of some of his more devoted followers.  They are roused by his intemperate speech and his bullying behavior.  At some point, someone is going to get hurt.  Trump will point his finger and his followers will mob the target. 




He is a weak person playing a dangerous game.

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6 hours ago, Mousehound said:

How anyone can seriously respect this man is totally beyond me.  Every school bully had their weak minded followers.  I used to think America was the greatest country on earth.  That such a buffoon can be their elected  President tells me that this is no longer the case.  Really?  The most powerful man on earth denigrates a handicapped person?  He needs to stick to his comedy act on low level TV shows.


Very well said.  Really, without outside influence, he would not be our president, and he did not win the popular vote.  It's a discustingly sad time in our history, but he will get what's coming to him.  He has no option but to disgrace himself, and he will do it on his own.

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


The same old nonsense. I could care less what she thinks and I have never given Trump much praise for anything besides winning the election. I preferred him to his opponent and want to give him a chance now that he has been elected. That is about as far as it goes.


I'm an independent, and I would have taken anybody but him.

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5 hours ago, Emster23 said:

Notice that Trump and his fan boys do not address the issues, but do their normal "attack the messenger" stance. A mature adult would have apologized for mocking that reporter, in fact would praise him for pursuing that career in spite of handicapped. But you won't get any apologies from Trump because he said "I have nothing to repent because I don't make mistakes" (Paraphrased). Streep is a US citizen first, an actress second. She has a right to say what she thinks, as does Trump. As far as being overpaid goes, she is paid what the market is willing to pay. Same as everyone else.



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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Here's what she said, and it's spot on.  Sad the Trump supporters can't understand this.





Trump supporters, like Trump, attack the messenger rather than address the issue. Bashing Streep for this is pure deflection.  Those who criticize her just look foolish.





She's certainly entitled to her opinion.  But, expressing it in an awards show just adds more pomposity to an already pompous event.


If Twitter is good enough for Trump, it should be good enough for her.   :tongue:

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4 hours ago, Berkshire said:


Yes, just one in a long list of contradictions coming out of Trump's mouth.  He loves you until he hates you...and it doesn't take much to annoy the guy.  I think leaders like Putin and Netanyahu are smart enough not to insult Trump in public.  But man, I would love to hear what they say about him in private.  Putin in particular has got to think that Trump is the dumbest man alive. 


Trump is a counter intelligents agents dream.  Conning the most powerful person in the world.  They are both trying to make themselves the most powerful, but Putin is going to dump Donny like a peice of trash, when the time is right.  No breakfast, no note, and he may even take the food from the rerigerator.

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5 hours ago, soidog2 said:

Hoped for redneck salvation and bigotry is why Trump managed to get elected despite how ignorant, misogynist, and a complete fraud he is.

By the time Trump will be finished giving himself and his cronies endless tax breaks; the idiots that ate his lies hook line and sinker will be further in debt, their kids will be poisoned by Trump gutting the EPA, the public education system will be further stripped of resources so their kids will easily be further fooled by the next con politician.

What a shame this is our elected president.


That's the sick game plan

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1 minute ago, Redline said:

Trump is a counter intelligents agents dream.  Conning the most powerful person in the world.  They are both trying to make themselves the most powerful, but Putin is going to dump Donny like a peice of trash, when the time is right.  No breakfast, no note, and he may even take the food from the rerigerator.


Putin is overrated.


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