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Trump hits back at Meryl Streep, calls actress 'overrated'


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Trump hits back at Meryl Streep, calls actress 'overrated'




(Reuters) - Donald Trump hit back at Meryl Streep on Monday, calling her an overrated actress after the three-time Oscar winner condemned the U.S. President-elect's imitation of a disabled reporter.


Streep had turned an acceptance speech at Sunday's Golden Globe awards into a blistering attack on Trump. "This instinct to humiliate when it's modelled by someone in the public platform by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody's life," she said.


Streep and much of Hollywood supported Trump's rival, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, in the November election.


Trump, a Republican, wrote on Twitter: "Meryl Streep, one of the most overrated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes.


"She is a Hillary flunky who lost big."




The tweet was Trump's second public response to the Streep speech. Early on Monday, he said in a telephone interview with the New York Times: "People keep saying I intended to mock the reporter’s disability, as if Meryl Streep and others could read my mind, and I did no such thing."


Streep was referring to a 2015 incident at a South Carolina rally where Trump flailed his arms and slurred in his speech in apparent ridicule of New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, who has a physical disability.


In his Twitter comments, Trump repeated his denial that he had mocked the reporter.


Streep, without naming Trump, used almost the entire speech when accepting the Cecil B. DeMille lifetime achievement award to criticize the real estate mogul's behaviour and policies, while calling for Hollywood to stand strong against any attacks and to support a free press.


(Reporting by Mohammad Zargham in Washington; Editing by Lisa Von Ahn)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-1-9
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Big Baby Donald strikes back at criticism via his twitter feed, as Twitter will be the new de facto White House spokesman.


God help us when this hypersensitive bully gets his hands on power ... I wonder how he'll cope when his honeymoon period is over? He simply does not have the correct temperament for the position. 



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Streep was not on about politics, but about ridiculing someone with a disability.

Trump is an idiot for showing this kind of behavior. This "person" is going to be president. Good luck with that.



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Meryl Streep is an extremely accomplished actor and deserving of the awards and accolades she has received, including this one.   Her remarks were measured and specific and it's hard to disagree with her about the number of immigrants that were in the room and their contribution to the arts.   


The fact that Trump would bully a handicapped person is deplorable beyond believe and the words she chose to express it are true.   His behavior and supporting his actions is deplorable.   


Congratulations on your win Meryl.   

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I could care less about her political opinions and that goes for most celebrities.


Kudos to you. If only the president elect of the world's greatest super power could be as mature as you, because he seems to care enough to tweet about it to his worldwide audience.

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Get up, accept the award,  make a pointless speech and thank everyone under the sun including your parents, dog, god, landscaper is how it's done.


Just more noise from the leftie snowflakes, hope it has a negative impact on her career.

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this guyTRUMP has got no class at all, any other statesman would just have ignored it, but no,, shit for brains had to reply, just cant keep his big gob shut, about time one of his advisors, one with a brain, told him to shut the <deleted> up. USA politics will be getting like thai visa

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1 hour ago, mercman24 said:

this guyTRUMP has got no class at all, any other statesman would just have ignored it, but no,, shit for brains had to reply, just cant keep his big gob shut, about time one of his advisors, one with a brain, told him to shut the <deleted> up. USA politics will be getting like thai visa

USA politics will be like Thai Visa, except without a forum moderator!

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This story, and others like it, bring two problems to light.

1.  The next POTUS is extremely thin-skinned and cannot take any criticism.  He constantly lashes out at anyone, no matter how high or low their position, who criticizes or disagrees with him.  This is not 'presidential' behavior.  A president needs to be thoughtful and measured in his public statements.


2.  An even bigger problem is the behavior of some of his more devoted followers.  They are roused by his intemperate speech and his bullying behavior.  At some point, someone is going to get hurt.  Trump will point his finger and his followers will mob the target. 



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1 hour ago, Luckysilk said:

Get up, accept the award,  make a pointless speech and thank everyone under the sun including your parents, dog, god, landscaper is how it's done.


Just more noise from the leftie snowflakes, hope it has a negative impact on her career.


IMO Trump continually disrespects the Office of the President of the United States, an example is his ugly sneering attacks of critics. 


The text of Meryl Streep's speech is at the URL below. Exactly what principles in the speech do you protest against and insult?



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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

She is great actress, but I could care less about her political opinions and that goes for most celebrities. Their naivette usually makes me think less of them. 


How do your bigoted, myopic words apply at all to what Meryl Streep said about an ignorant,

crass buffoon ridiculing a handicapped man?

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2 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Exactly what principles in the speech do you protest against and insult?



For me it is the fact that she equates keeping illegal aliens out of our country to being against all people that are here LEGALLY from other countries. It is a small but often overlooked detail that is exceedingly important.

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1 minute ago, Ahab said:

For me it is the fact that she equates keeping illegal aliens out of our country to being against all people that are here LEGALLY from other countries. It is a small but often overlooked detail that is exceedingly important.


Correct. It is a dishonest talking point that is used constantly.

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The incoherent man-child strikes again: :laugh:


In 2015, Donald Trump Said Meryl Streep Was One of His Favorite Actresses


In an Agust 2015 interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Trump praised the Academy Award-winning actress not only for her talent,

but also for her character."


"Meryl Streep is excellent; she's a fine person, too."


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How anyone can seriously respect this man is totally beyond me.  Every school bully had their weak minded followers.  I used to think America was the greatest country on earth.  That such a buffoon can be their elected  President tells me that this is no longer the case.  Really?  The most powerful man on earth denigrates a handicapped person?  He needs to stick to his comedy act on low level TV shows.

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We've got our share of Meryl Streeps in the world of British entertainment as well. They are hugely overpaid, completely out of touch with reality and know nothing of how hard things have become for the working man. They live in the same fantasy land they inhabit when they're on the stage. A pink and fluffy fantasy land right out of some fairy tale.


They are more than happy to employ Polish domestic servants and are pro immigration to a man or woman. As long as they don't have to live among these immigrants and as long as their wealth and welfare is unaffected by them.


We recently had Lily Allen, a singer, crying her eyes out to the media about the 25 year old 'child refugees' in Calais in Northern France hoping to be able to live a life on benefits in the UK. She wants us to let 'em all in. When asked she refused to comment on how many she would be providing accommodation for in one of her several large homes. Typical.

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12 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

She is great actress, but I could care less about her political opinions and that goes for most celebrities. Their naivette usually makes me think less of them. 

Hollywood should stay out of Politics.

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12 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

She is great actress, but I could care less about her political opinions and that goes for most celebrities. Their naivette usually makes me think less of them. 


If she had praised Trump, you'd be showcasing that praise, as would Trump and the sheeple he surrounds himself with.


That reminds me, didn't Trump write in one of his books how he likes to surround himself with stupid people?  


30 March, last year, Trump told a gathering of students:  "...and you'll find that when you become very successful, the people that you will like best are the people that are less successful than you, because when you go to a table you can tell them all of these wonderful stories, and they'll sit back and listen," Trump said.


"Does that make sense to you? OK? Always be around unsuccessful people because everybody will respect you. Do you understand that?"

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:


If she had praised Trump, you'd be showcasing that praise, as would Trump and the sheeple he surrounds himself with. 


The same old nonsense. I could care less what she thinks and I have never given Trump much praise for anything besides winning the election. I preferred him to his opponent and want to give him a chance now that he has been elected. That is about as far as it goes.

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Notice that Trump and his fan boys do not address the issues, but do their normal "attack the messenger" stance. A mature adult would have apologized for mocking that reporter, in fact would praise him for pursuing that career in spite of handicapped. But you won't get any apologies from Trump because he said "I have nothing to repent because I don't make mistakes" (Paraphrased). Streep is a US citizen first, an actress second. She has a right to say what she thinks, as does Trump. As far as being overpaid goes, she is paid what the market is willing to pay. Same as everyone else.

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