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Cheating in police exams - man took 400,000 baht a head in bribes


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1 minute ago, Banana7 said:

Re-test all police, not just recent recruits. Anybody who fails, give them a second chance 2 weeks later. If they fail twice - fired immediately without compensation.


That sounds good on paper but I know Thai lads whose parents have given everything they have just to enter the lad, transport, hotels to get their kid a job without the under the counter stuff...They would be stuffed to do it again.....

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1 hour ago, TKDfella said:

I agree with others here in that one person could not have achieved this alone. '... He said he knew lots of people such as advisors who were close to the setting of the exams...' and so a nod and wink does it? Unlikely. Requires a thorough investigation to sort it out, which no doubt will happen...yeah, not on this planet!

Yes no doubt they are busy trying to put lipstick on this pig. They are trying to come up with something plausible and still protect the ones higher up the food chain. A delicate balancing act no doubt. 

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2 hours ago, opouri said:

Just yesterday I reed General PM was telling teachers to teach students Morality. Think he needs to start at the top Police first.


Good post! Speaking and urging are not likely to amount to anything,though. Teachers need material, direction, training (especially if it is a foreign concept) and, if they are done at the state level, there is a good chance that there will be a standard that can be "assessed and expected", and that they can be done better and more economically/efficiently. Whether or not these were just words or wishful thinking and even genuine thinking remains to be seen. Actions speaks louder than words. (Btw, corruption is everywhere. There is plenty of documentary demonstrating that all countries have some.)

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On Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 4:42 PM, mikebell said:

Until the RTP are brought to their collective knees, Thailand will continue to be a 3rd World country.  I agree with Smedly above, Prayuth must act decisively, ruthlessly and soon.


Decisive action?  Won't happen.  Far far too many vested interests at play here, and the far too many skeletons in too many closets.


Prayut had the opportunity to do something when the Koh Tao murders happened.  He did NOTHING.  Worse, he actually commended the police for doing a good job and gave them a reward.  THAT was when I lost all hope that things would change in this country.


Let's face it, Prayut is just a puppet for the elite.

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10 hours ago, mikebell said:

Until the RTP are brought to their collective knees, Thailand will continue to be a 3rd World country.  I agree with Smedly above, Prayuth must act decisively, ruthlessly and soon.


As an Army General he must be used to giving orders. For once I would like to see him really lose his rag, order a few top branches to be cleared, and REALLY do his nut if these instructions are not met - IMMEDIATELY!

Without wanting to go off topic, I believe he ordered the fiasco of the non working incinerators on Koh Samui garbage dump to be sorted out last year. Anything done yet apart from another "meeting"?

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5 hours ago, soalbundy said:

In a land full of cheats and corruption what is one supposed to do? break a lance for honesty,  be poor and get yourself killed? It is easy for us to talk, not so easy for those living and relying on the system. Ones friends and colleagues are working the system, to try and be honest would result in you being ostracized, alone and without protection.   

"Serpico", anyone?

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when you see how stupid some of the police really are you realize that cheating has been going on for a very long time in every area. Alsoyou have to look at how they pay to get their promotions, it is one huge money spinner for certain higher ups

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22 hours ago, cracker1 said:

This  cheating in Police Exams here is an "annual event" and it amazes me that the Authorities administering these exams do not fix the problem ?

Every year they loose more face.

And make  money.

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23 hours ago, mick220675 said:

This means that an increase of 5,000 baht in every cop's monthly salary would cost the government a politically untenable 15 billion baht annually

This approach to government policy is so wrong; the driving philosophy should be that creating or supporting conditions that make corruption of police officers inevitable is "politically untenable".  Politics is not a career that requires intelligence, only common sense, decency and integrity.

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