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Malta tells Britain to expect ‘inferior’ Brexit deal


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Malta tells Britain to expect ‘inferior’ Brexit deal




VALETTA: -- Britain’s deal for leaving the European Union should be “inferior” to membership, Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said on Wednesday, taking aim at eurosceptics who claim the UK could ‘have its cake and eat it’


Malta has just taken up the six-month rotating EU presidency and will play a role in shaping the policies of the bloc in the first half of this year.


“We want a fair deal for the UK, but that fair deal needs to be inferior to membership. We can see no situation where whatever is negotiated ends up being better than the current situation that the UK has. We for one will not engage in bilateral negotiation before the EU deal is struck,” he told reporters in Valletta during a joint press conference with Jean-Claude Juncker, the head of the European Commission.


“I have rarely been at a discussion on any other subject where the 27 member states have basically the same position,” Muscat added.


Britain voted in a referendum to leave the EU in June of last year. The country’s prime minister, Theresa May, says she will trigger the formal process of negotiating its exit by the end of March.


EU officials warn they will drive a hard bargain during those talks, saying that regaining greater control over immigration will come with a price for access to the single market.


Malta will host an informal EU meeting – without Britain – to discuss the Brexit issue early next month.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2017-01-12
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What other block or country demands freedom for its citizens to travel in and out of the other country, freedom to work, freedom to settle and claim the benefits of the other country in order to trade with each other? If the EU don't like it then let's have tarrifs with all their members and trade with the rest of the world and good luck to huge swathes of EU industry. These muppets can sod off.

Edited by timewilltell
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27 minutes ago, timewilltell said:

What other block or country demands freedom for its citizens to travel in and out of the other country, freedom to work, freedom to settle and claim the benefits of the other country in order to trade with each other? If the EU don't like it then let's have tarrifs with all their members and trade with the rest of the world and good luck to huge swathes of EU industry. These muppets can sod off.

UK is producing less food than consumed so export tarrifs on food from EU to UK....

The financial industry (that produce most of UKs GDP at the moment) has already started to look for other locations...

The UK oil industry is mostly located to Scotland and Scotland will most likely move to leave UK as the situation changed drastically for Scotland after the Brexit vote...

UK should leave Gibraltar and give that back to Spain as the people there want to be a part of EU...

Northern Ireland wants to stay in EU so why should they not have referendum to leave UK and reunite with Ireland and by that stop being a European North Korea...


64 million people living in today's UK compared to 444 million in the rest of EU... UK should just be booted from the single market.

And about what other block that alow people to travel between countries... US and it's all in it's name United States and also ASEAN is moving in that direction, not as freely but yet but it's on its way!


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1 hour ago, timewilltell said:

What other block or country demands freedom for its citizens to travel in and out of the other country, freedom to work, freedom to settle and claim the benefits of the other country in order to trade with each other? If the EU don't like it then let's have tarrifs with all their members and trade with the rest of the world and good luck to huge swathes of EU industry. These muppets can sod off.

Simpleton rationale....the giant Russian Federation, NZ/Australia have the same..

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The UK at its best. Thinking they still rule the world and that the EC will acquiesce to her demands. It won't happen as it's pay back time, especially for the French, for giving the EC the fingers. 


I hope the EC knocks the stuffing out of the UK and especially that utter creep and laughing Hyena  Lafarge. 

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Malta...A couple of tiny bits of rock in the Med, that produces <deleted> all,  "has just taken up the six-month rotating EU presidency and will play a role in shaping the policies of the bloc in the first half of this year".


"We for one will not engage in bilateral negotiation before the EU deal is struck,” the Maltese PM told reporters in Valletta during a joint press conference with Jean-Claude Juncker, the head of the European Commission.


What do the Maltese produce that we might want to buy? Only produce 20% of their own food needs.



Edited by phetphet
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And how much does Malta, population less than 1/2 million pay into the EU. Or does Malta receive from the E.U.( meaning mainly Germany + The UK ). Plus do UK citizens have the same rights in Malta as the Maltese have in the UK?

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3 minutes ago, phetphet said:

Malta...A couple of tiny bits of rock in the Med, that produces <deleted> all,  "has just taken up the six-month rotating EU presidency and will play a role in shaping the policies of the bloc in the first half of this year".


"We for one will not engage in bilateral negotiation before the EU deal is struck,” the Maltese PM told reporters in Valletta during a joint press conference with Jean-Claude Juncker, the head of the European Commission.


What do the Maltese produce that we might want to buy?



apart from being a major money-laundering hub for Russians among others, and a major factory for EU passports?

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Good to see the "George Cross Island" (1942) maintaining the sort of intelligence, prudence, pragmatism and wisdom that were once the hallmarks of British Foreign Policy.


A tragedy that those virtues seem to have been consigned to the flames of "popular" bitter, disappointed, unreasoning, xenophobia, that appear to be consuming Britain itself.







Edited by Enoon
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It depends which side you look at it. How about the rest of the EU that they will be getting an inferior deal. No more handouts and they can keep their products we will do business elsewhere. I think you might find that all this you will be getting an inferior Brexit Deal will be hot air.


Either way the EU and the way they are behaving is showing how right the UK people majority were right to vote leave. The EU are also showing what bullies and dictators they are. Hardly inviting other members to stay. Please keep it up so we will have no EU soon and we can get proper trade and agreements void of the corrupt EU commission.

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2 hours ago, timewilltell said:

What other block or country demands freedom for its citizens to travel in and out of the other country, freedom to work, freedom to settle and claim the benefits of the other country in order to trade with each other? If the EU don't like it then let's have tarrifs with all their members and trade with the rest of the world and good luck to huge swathes of EU industry. These muppets can sod off.


Because a great many of the EU politicians and political parties are working feverishly for a Federal State of Europe. A singe currency, the Euro, freedom of movement, open borders (for EU citizens), and centralized law making are all helping to create this as a "fait a compli" - without ever bothering to openly state their aim and actually putting it to a vote of the people. Slowly slowly catch a monkey. Obviously this clown supports that ideal.


Many of the politicians who passionately want this despise Britain for its democracy, parliamentary procedures (which the Tories are trying to weaken), its common law and enshrined citizens rights etc etc. They either wanted Britain to leave or tow their line,

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2 hours ago, mfd101 said:

You'll get what you voted for: control over immigration, with all that goes with that - major damage to the NHS and the 70% of British exports that go to the EU facing new tariff barriers.


How many workers in the NHS are non EU citizens as opposed to EU? You might want to research the reality.


Lots of posturing going on - and Juncker and his mates need to up the scare tactics to frighten other countries from leaving. They are scared LePenn or Wilders gets elected. One more big country leaving and the dominoes will fall!

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14 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It depends which side you look at it. How about the rest of the EU that they will be getting an inferior deal. No more handouts and they can keep their products we will do business elsewhere. I think you might find that all this you will be getting an inferior Brexit Deal will be hot air.


Either way the EU and the way they are behaving is showing how right the UK people majority were right to vote leave. The EU are also showing what bullies and dictators they are. Hardly inviting other members to stay. Please keep it up so we will have no EU soon and we can get proper trade and agreements void of the corrupt EU commission.


Regardless of the pros and cons the EU commission and its bureaucrats, along with their political allies are starting to come across as bullies, threatening this and that and leaning on other countries to tow the line or else.


Suggests they are worried and insecure.

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


How many workers in the NHS are non EU citizens as opposed to EU? You might want to research the reality.


Lots of posturing going on - and Juncker and his mates need to up the scare tactics to frighten other countries from leaving. They are scared LePenn or Wilders gets elected. One more big country leaving and the dominoes will fall!

That may well be true. But it merely confirms that the possibility of Britain eating its cake and having it is slight indeed. Still, many people live in Cloud Cuckoo Land ...

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1 hour ago, bangon04 said:

apart from being a major money-laundering hub for Russians among others, and a major factory for EU passports?


They are indeed one of the embarrassing nations of the Eu that sells off citizenship and EU passports with it!


Tourism and dodgy wealth laundering as you say.


Knew some Maltese in the 70's. They hated Mintoff as the RN were a big source of income. Now seems they've found a lovely new source in kind Brussels.

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2 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:

The UK at its best. Thinking they still rule the world and that the EC will acquiesce to her demands. It won't happen as it's pay back time, especially for the French, for giving the EC the fingers. 


I hope the EC knocks the stuffing out of the UK and especially that utter creep and laughing Hyena  Lafarge. 


At some point the moving ever left wards EU will demand all member states become part of a federal union of Europe.


At some point that state will become at loggerheads with the US; unless it collapses before.


Be careful what you wish for - don't let your apparent hatred of Britain cloud things.

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2 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

UK is producing less food than consumed so export tarrifs on food from EU to UK....

The financial industry (that produce most of UKs GDP at the moment) has already started to look for other locations...

The UK oil industry is mostly located to Scotland and Scotland will most likely move to leave UK as the situation changed drastically for Scotland after the Brexit vote...

UK should leave Gibraltar and give that back to Spain as the people there want to be a part of EU...

Northern Ireland wants to stay in EU so why should they not have referendum to leave UK and reunite with Ireland and by that stop being a European North Korea...


64 million people living in today's UK compared to 444 million in the rest of EU... UK should just be booted from the single market.

And about what other block that alow people to travel between countries... US and it's all in it's name United States and also ASEAN is moving in that direction, not as freely but yet but it's on its way!



Not a believer in democracy are you? The country is called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The referendum was held in that country. I might not like the result, and there are strong arguments it was only "advisory" which was stated in the legislation that created it. But the result was unexpected and has prompted a constitutional crisis. 

None of which means any region or part of can decide to leave and declare themselves independent.


Do you also think that the US states that voted for Clinton, and clearly hate Trump, should secede as they don't like the result too? Or does this only apply to countries you don't like?


Your understanding of Northern Ireland is somewhat lacking. The majority are unionist, as are Scots, Welsh and English.



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2 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:

The UK at its best. Thinking they still rule the world and that the EC will acquiesce to her demands. It won't happen as it's pay back time, especially for the French, for giving the EC the fingers. 


I hope the EC knocks the stuffing out of the UK and especially that utter creep and laughing Hyena  Lafarge. 

I'm very glad that the UK is leaving the EU. They never should have let the UK join in the first place . I think the EU will do much better without them. I am very proud of my EU membership, I consider myself a European first and British second. Fortunately I can give up my British citizenship and become Irish.

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1 hour ago, Enoon said:


Good to see the "George Cross Island" (1942) maintaining the sort of intelligence, prudence, pragmatism and wisdom that were once the hallmarks of British Foreign Policy.


A tragedy that those virtues seem to have been consigned to the flames of "popular" bitter, disappointed, unreasoning, xenophobia, that appear to be consuming Britain itself.







Blame politicians for the rising tide of xenophobia.  They were the ones who allowed this to happen as the average person became poorer whilst the rich became richer.


Salaries (for the average - not those at the top of the pyramid) stagnated as more and more people from poorer countries were allowed in to take the bottom jobs on minimum salaries at best, the consequences of which worked its way up 'the chain' to affect the pay of those in average paying jobs.


The open borders policy is only partially responsible for what has happened - but politicians are entirely responsible.


Its going to be an 'interesting' few years as the EU tries to punish the UK, whilst also having to deal with companies in other EU countries that need to trade with the UK.

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Thank god we have a representative democracy and don't rely upon the opinions of the population generally. So much stupidity, misunderstanding and confusion. 


I hope the UK just goes. For god's sake go. I shall remain .....

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The Maltese Prime Minister said:

“I have rarely been at a discussion on any other subject where the 27 member states have basically the same position,” Muscat added.


Wow, another BIG country taking advantage of its 6 months' of fame.  Those 27 countries he refers to may all  have leaders who support the same position (until they realise that their attitude will have consequences for their own countries too), but how many of those leaders have allowed their electors to have their say on the central issue of EU membership and all that goes with it?


Those leaders are too scared to allow a referendum in their own countries because, having witnessed Brexit, they fear the result  Even Donald Trump in the USA has proved beyond doubt that leaders have completely lost touch with the people and that they can no longer rely on expected election wins and this feeling of the public being effectively disenfranchised and left out in the cold is spreading throughout Europe.    Elections this year in France and Germany may shed some more light on the doubtful future of the whole EU project.

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Mark Carney is now saying that the EU has more to lose from a hard brexit than the UK:






Which mirrors what such as Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser said a few months ago.


Either the EU are turkeys voting for Christmas, or they're trying to affect a tough negotiating stance. Either way, they're going to have to back off when the real talking starts, if they want to survive.

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9 minutes ago, Khun Han said:

Mark Carney is now saying that the EU has more to lose from a hard brexit than the UK:






Which mirrors what such as Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser said a few months ago.


Either the EU are turkeys voting for Christmas, or they're trying to affect a tough negotiating stance. Either way, they're going to have to back off when the real talking starts, if they want to survive.

Both the EU and UK need to trade with each other.


The problem is that the EU knows the populace of other EU countries are less than happy with what is happening - and so need to discourage the population of other countries from forcing a referendum/voting in anti-EU political parties.


They're in-between a rock and a hard place.


I assume that the politicians will eventually come up with a deal that allows pretty much free trade - whilst both sides pretend that its nothing of the sort and that the UK is being punished.

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5 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

UK is producing less food than consumed so export tarrifs on food from EU to UK....

The financial industry (that produce most of UKs GDP at the moment) has already started to look for other locations...

The UK oil industry is mostly located to Scotland and Scotland will most likely move to leave UK as the situation changed drastically for Scotland after the Brexit vote...

UK should leave Gibraltar and give that back to Spain as the people there want to be a part of EU...

Northern Ireland wants to stay in EU so why should they not have referendum to leave UK and reunite with Ireland and by that stop being a European North Korea...


64 million people living in today's UK compared to 444 million in the rest of EU... UK should just be booted from the single market.

And about what other block that alow people to travel between countries... US and it's all in it's name United States and also ASEAN is moving in that direction, not as freely but yet but it's on its way!



Northern Ireland might well like to leave the UK to stay in the EU but there is absolutely no way the protestant majority will join the catholic South.  There has already been decades of bloodshed over just that issue.

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The simple fact is UK is recognised as entering the EU and will have to exit as such.

They will not get a deal which in anyway, part or whole is better than a member state, for fear  it would promote further withdraws from the EU.

For sure NI and Scotland want to be in, never the less the EU will only allow the withdraw of UK.

That may trigger referendums in NI and Scotland in the future and if separation happens then they can reapply for EU membership but not until, and for a referendum London has to agree  it which in the current state of affairs cannot happen till article 50+ at least 2 years ( maybe more )

Whether then if there is separation either NI or Scotland could meet the stringent requirement for re-joining the EU is also a matter for debate, and means not only being able to meet the criteria but also application ( get to the back of the queue  - more likely Ukraine before them )

The reality is going to be a hard exit, never the less both need one and other, there are losses for both parties, and there will need compromise.

Until all that is sorted EU ( all countries ) CANNOT negotiate in isolation with UK , or for that matter any other coutry, binding membership of EU dictates that no separate trade agreements, there can only be EU trade agreements, that is why Brussels have failed to pass anything meaningful in terms of trade deals.

Once exited however Britain can, and if EU put on tariffs then so will UK ( lose - lose )

However when May threatens she will lower corporation tax to 10% or something daft, EU posturing may take a different negotiating stance.

The fact is UK is one of only a few positive contributors to the EU budget, ( Germany are cacking their pants on the loss  as only they can pick up the slack.


I personally think it was a mistake by UK, never the less the people spoke, and it will happen.

Best to be first off the sinking ship rather than go down with the captain. Once the dust has cleared, article 50 triggered, UK out, EU will be forced to take a long hard look, especially as the Italian banking system collapses and change will come from within, maybe then once we are no longer UK, rather England and Wales, then we will reapply, as Scotland and NI, however they will be behind us as they are unlikely to meet the membership criteria

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In the Brexit text nothing was mentioned about: leave next year, next decade, century, millennium, so I presume: per A.S.A.P.

Also nothing about: at which contditions. So, whatever, even when the British ( English) economy drops back to the Middle ages:


G O !


Remind: according to the man who is now Minister orf Foreign Affairs, the NHS will get 350 million pounds per WEEK, money what is now waisted in the EU.


So, be happy: LEAVE !

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9 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

In the Brexit text nothing was mentioned about: leave next year, next decade, century, millennium, so I presume: per A.S.A.P.

Also nothing about: at which contditions. So, whatever, even when the British ( English) economy drops back to the Middle ages:


G O !


Remind: according to the man who is now Minister orf Foreign Affairs, the NHS will get 350 million pounds per WEEK, money what is now waisted in the EU.


So, be happy: LEAVE !

Nearer 250, never the less good luck asking, Greece, Italy, Malta, Romania et al to fund that........oh sorry it will be the few positiove contributors, and the amount will get bigger make no mistake.

You do not have to worry Brussels will let you know what your increased contributions are for French farmers, not growing food in your land..........we are happy, we ARE leaving

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