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Malta tells Britain to expect ‘inferior’ Brexit deal


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My mum is Scottish and me da is mostly Irish . I consider myself British and if I was to be more specific , I would be English first. I voted remain as I believed that it was best to stay in the EU ect. Now I am glad we have voted to leave and rather shocked at the behaviour of the EU towards the English, I say English because I'm even more saddened by the reaction of Scotland and other home nations. Even so called Scottish, Irish posters on here seem to want the UK to be dismantled and the English punished!  Just let the UK get on with leaving , we are all in it together, like me accept the result . Stop all this historical hatred towards England because that's where it all stems from (I know I have close family members who have been leading their daily lives hating on the English over some historical wrong doing by the English government). I'm sure the English population suffered at the hands of their own government in the past  aswell but that's just not cool to bang on about that is it. 


Here's hoping we as the UK stick together and make the best of this for the UK and the EU's sake.  Whether the vote is right or wrong , it is what it is.



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4 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Because a great many of the EU politicians and political parties are working feverishly for a Federal State of Europe. A singe currency, the Euro, freedom of movement, open borders (for EU citizens), and centralized law making are all helping to create this as a "fait a compli" - without ever bothering to openly state their aim and actually putting it to a vote of the people. Slowly slowly catch a monkey. Obviously this clown supports that ideal.


Many of the politicians who passionately want this despise Britain for its democracy, parliamentary procedures (which the Tories are trying to weaken), its common law and enshrined citizens rights etc etc. They either wanted Britain to leave or tow their line,

Just out of interest what examples would you give of the enshrined citizen's rights that are superior to the EU's?

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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Both the EU and UK need to trade with each other.


The problem is that the EU knows the populace of other EU countries are less than happy with what is happening - and so need to discourage the population of other countries from forcing a referendum/voting in anti-EU political parties.


They're in-between a rock and a hard place.


I assume that the politicians will eventually come up with a deal that allows pretty much free trade - whilst both sides pretend that its nothing of the sort and that the UK is being punished.

Of course that will happen. Because they want to encourage other members to leave the EU too. And the best way to do that, is to make leaving as painless as possible. I know they definitely want to make sure that the UK gets to keep all the financial services within its borders. I mean, why wouldn't they? What country would want all the nasty income that the financial service industry generates?

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5 hours ago, gamini said:

I'm very glad that the UK is leaving the EU. They never should have let the UK join in the first place . I think the EU will do much better without them. I am very proud of my EU membership, I consider myself a European first and British second. Fortunately I can give up my British citizenship and become Irish.

Yet you will still claim all the benefits of being British no doubt.

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3 hours ago, lungbing said:

Yet you will still claim all the benefits of being British no doubt.


     Hope  so mate ,  not for  long , benefits  Britain is a disaster waiting to happen .

        Mister  Mannering ,  we are all doomed . RIP

Edited by elliss
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10 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


At some point the moving ever left wards EU will demand all member states become part of a federal union of Europe.


At some point that state will become at loggerheads with the US; unless it collapses before.


Be careful what you wish for - don't let your apparent hatred of Britain cloud things.


I have absolutely no hatred of Britain or the British people......quite the opposite. 


But they have been thrown to the wolves by those two total fools, twits, idiots and embarrassments.... Johnson and Lafarge.  No friends of the UK people's.


They may even be responsible for the breakup of the UK. Odd that for ones so "patriotic"  

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10 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


At some point the moving ever left wards EU will demand all member states become part of a federal union of Europe.


At some point that state will become at loggerheads with the US; unless it collapses before.


Be careful what you wish for - don't let your apparent hatred of Britain cloud things.


Actually it seems the EC is m

oving to the right 

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10 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:


Actually it seems the EC is m

oving to the right 


  The people may be moving to the right,while the EU Bureaucrats Are moving to the left,and as we see day by day with their pronouncements, they are intent on creating a federal Europe,whether or not the people are in agreement. 

All that happened last June,was that the British people showed democratically  enough is enough. Rather like the colonist did,when they held a tea party in 1773.

Edited by nontabury
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21 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Regardless of the pros and cons the EU commission and its bureaucrats, along with their political allies are starting to come across as bullies, threatening this and that and leaning on other countries to tow the line or else.


Suggests they are worried and insecure.

Bullies?  The UK tells the EU to get lost and you expect kisses from the EU? The UK wants to keep the privileges of being in the EU but not the obligations and it's the EU which is behaving badly?

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25 minutes ago, nontabury said:


  The people may be moving to the right,while the EU Bureaucrats Are moving to the left,and as we see day by day with their pronouncements, they are intent on creating a federal Europe,whether or not the people are in agreement. 

All that happened last June,was that the British people showed democratically  enough is enough. Rather like the colonist did,when they held a tea party in 1773.

The creation of a federal Europe has nothing to do with left or right.

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Malta - nice place, I love it, not crowded less than half a million people.

  • Exports. In 2014 Malta exported $6.2B, making it the 103rd largest exporter in the world. ...
  • Imports. In 2014 Malta imported $11.4B, making it the 98th largest importer in the world. ..

We will sure miss being in partnership with them.

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1 minute ago, uptheos said:

Malta - nice place, I love it, not crowded less than half a million people.

  • Exports. In 2014 Malta exported $6.2B, making it the 103rd largest exporter in the world. ...
  • Imports. In 2014 Malta imported $11.4B, making it the 98th largest importer in the world. ..

We will sure miss being in partnership with them.

Your comment might make sense if Malta was merely speaking for itself, But as it currently holds the presidency, it was speaking for all of the EU.

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

So you concede that your point about Malta's economy is irrelevant. Well, that's a start.


Just now, ilostmypassword said:

So you concede that your point about Malta's economy is irrelevant. Well, that's a start.


Just now, ilostmypassword said:

So you concede that your point about Malta's economy is irrelevant. Well, that's a start.


Most countries economy in the EU is irrelevent

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17 minutes ago, uptheos said:




Most countries economy in the EU is irrelevent

In that case, why should the UK even bother to negotiate?  After all, it generates a whopping 10% of the EU's total GDP.  And it's definitely going to improve its balance of payments when it loses much of its financial industry. Clear sailing!

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2 hours ago, stevenl said:

The creation of a federal Europe has nothing to do with left or right.


Actually I'm apt to agree with you,although the Bureaucrats  do tend to be left wing orientated. What I was doing,was replying to a point that "  harleyclarkey" had made.

And in doing so  Emphasising that the Eurocrats are out of step,not only with the majority of Brits, but also with an ever increasing number in the rest of the EU.

  I just think it's a shame that these Eurocrats have managed,without the support of the people to foster THEIR idea of a Europe onto the people, instead of sticking to the original EEC. An organisation that was democratically supported by the British electorate in the European referendum of 1975.




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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Bullies?  The UK tells the EU to get lost and you expect kisses from the EU? The UK wants to keep the privileges of being in the EU but not the obligations and it's the EU which is behaving badly?


Your interpretation is a bit hysterical (quite typical of remainers, actually). We haven't told the EU to get lost, we've told them we want to remain friends but we don't want to be so closely tied in with them. We don't want to keep the privileges of being in the EU, we want to remain friends and mutually beneficial trading partners but we don't want to be so closely tied in with them.


Our leaders have been polite and friendly toward the Eurocrats. The Eurocrats have been surly and childish toward our leaders. They are bullies. And, like all bullies, they will come unstuck.

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:


Actually I'm apt to agree with you,although the Bureaucrats  do tend to be left wing orientated. What I was doing,was replying to a point that "  harleyclarkey" had made.

And in doing so  Emphasising that the Eurocrats are out of step,not only with the majority of Brits, but also with an ever increasing number in the rest of the EU.

  I just think it's a shame that these Eurocrats have managed,without the support of the people to foster THEIR idea of a Europe onto the people, instead of sticking to the original EEC. An organisation that was democratically supported by the British electorate in the European referendum of 1975.





Most Brits are not just out of step with the EU they are out of step with themselves and tripping over as a result. I have given up even attempting sensible discussion on here because people are so badly misinformed that debate is impossible....


I now WANT the UK out without further delay. I shall remain one way or another.....

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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:


Your interpretation is a bit hysterical (quite typical of remainers, actually). We haven't told the EU to get lost, we've told them we want to remain friends but we don't want to be so closely tied in with them. We don't want to keep the privileges of being in the EU, we want to remain friends and mutually beneficial trading partners but we don't want to be so closely tied in with them.


Our leaders have been polite and friendly toward the Eurocrats. The Eurocrats have been surly and childish toward our leaders. They are bullies. And, like all bullies, they will come unstuck.

Yes, the UK wants borders to disappear with that's to its advantages and for walls to be erected when that's to its advantage.  And it's not even true that the UK's leaders have been polite and friendly unless you set a very low bar for manners.

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2 hours ago, nontabury said:


Actually I'm apt to agree with you,although the Bureaucrats  do tend to be left wing orientated. What I was doing,was replying to a point that "  harleyclarkey" had made.

And in doing so  Emphasising that the Eurocrats are out of step,not only with the majority of Brits, but also with an ever increasing number in the rest of the EU.

  I just think it's a shame that these Eurocrats have managed,without the support of the people to foster THEIR idea of a Europe onto the people, instead of sticking to the original EEC. An organisation that was democratically supported by the British electorate in the European referendum of 1975.




I find it hard to believe that the bureaucrats are left-wing.  Building up their own power base/salaries/reducing genuine democracy is applicable to both right and left-wing parties.


It makes more sense to me that the EU leadership is right-wing, but intelligent enough to try to prevent domestic discontent by supporting workers' rights (to a certain extent) to mitigate the obvious discontent fostered by other policies.


e.g. their own huge waste of money on salaries and admin/open-borders policy that only benefits those seeking to move to wealthier countries and, of course, big business - their main interest as that is where they obtain well-paid consultancies/directorships etc. etc.

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12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Yes, the UK wants borders to disappear with that's to its advantages and for walls to be erected when that's to its advantage.  And it's not even true that the UK's leaders have been polite and friendly unless you set a very low bar for manners.


My interpretation of the manners displayed is fine. Anyone remember the studiously ignorant reception which greeted PM May's short, non-confrontational speech at the last big meet-up. Remember those hilarious handshake photos with a beaming PM May and determinedly po-faced Junckers and others (made me want to have been there pulling silly faces in front of them to try to make their faces crack into a smile :laugh:)?

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On 12/01/2017 at 6:52 PM, lungbing said:

Yet you will still claim all the benefits of being British no doubt.

Never happen. I left England a long time ago. And never went back.Never used the NHS.  It would be the last place I would want to live. I can not name one benefit that British nationality will have once they leave the EU.

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On 13/01/2017 at 3:33 PM, ilostmypassword said:

Yes, the UK wants borders to disappear with that's to its advantages and for walls to be erected when that's to its advantage.  And it's not even true that the UK's leaders have been polite and friendly unless you set a very low bar for manners.

Hang on.. Didn't Germany, Austria and Sweden recently set up border controls when it was to their advantage, to (not) curb the passage of migrants?

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