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Three Thai airports may not meet international safety inspection standards


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1 minute ago, maxcorrigan said:

Very True, if you are referring to the UK, they are also using "Fox in Charge of the Henhouse" system all security staff at LHR term 2 and 3 are manned completely by moslem staff, crazy!


No it was at Schiphol airport which has the same staff as LHR.


But it's very important to test securitysystems like on an airport. It should be done every year on every airport, especially the backdoors for staff.

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I have been so concerned about Airport security that I have written to Nok Air (as one of my concerns relates to that Company) and Airports of Thailand as my other concerns relate to Don Mueang and Surathani Airports.

Have sent 13 emails in the last five weeks and can not get a reply !

Any suggestions who I should contact next ?

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3 hours ago, sanukjim said:

Sometimes the delaying of expensive important projects until the last minute by the Thai Government amazes me, Those in charge seem to want to hold on to the moneys until the last second to pay for any project that has to be done and could have been completed months ago at less cost.Of course paying for a family members new Mercedes (with the same governments money)there will be no delay.

Well said follows my train of thought as well. This is just one small part of the total infrastructure. I am continually amazed at all these super trains etc. on the DRAWING board. Will they ever see the light of day. Then one has to wonder if they are really needed. I would think a total upgrade of the present system would be more in order. Chevrolet solutions before Cadillac implementation after all this is Thailand not Dubai.   

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Stop being so harsh, this is Thailand and they operate on Thai time.  You know, the time they tell you for an appointment and they're never on time, always late, so why should anything else be different.  And no, not Thai bashing, just telling it like it is.:wai:

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12 hours ago, cracker1 said:

I have been so concerned about Airport security that I have written to Nok Air (as one of my concerns relates to that Company) and Airports of Thailand as my other concerns relate to Don Mueang and Surathani Airports.

Have sent 13 emails in the last five weeks and can not get a reply !

Any suggestions who I should contact next ?



Maybe go outside and talk to the wall, you will get a quicker response, but then if not you will know you've just been bashing your head against it.:wai:

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19 hours ago, JoePai said:

Somsak Hommuang of the communications ministry has ordered the creation of a committee


Just what is needed another ***** committee, what a bunch of muppets  :bah:  Pull your fingers out, you have 6 months for heavens sake !


I think your comment is very unfair and uncalled for. My god, man surely you must know that Thai authority loves to talk at great length before considering carrying out any positive action? Where have you been hiding? :cheesy:


Yup, couldn't organize a p***up in a brewery or a sex in a brothel, comes to mind. :whistling:

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23 hours ago, JoePai said:

Somsak Hommuang of the communications ministry has ordered the creation of a committee


Just what is needed another ***** committee, what a bunch of muppets  :bah:  Pull your fingers out, you have 6 months for heavens sake !

But is it a super committee?

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it is often a challenge here, when they are asked to be up to international standards. Things seem to work very well here, within the bubble. Such as the recent episode with Little P. telling a group of school children that there is a good chance Thai will become the next major world language. His reasoning? Thai has 44 letters. It has many words that have multiple meanings. It is unique. Therefore it should take the place of English. Many people are studying it now. 


Wow. What can one say? How do you respond to that reasoning?  

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We are all concerned about security but the part of the game is the updating of the system each time by being compelled to invest in expensive scanners and other equipments. Sometimes i ask myself if it is not a big buisiness going on! If the airport does not comply it is black listed, all airlines companies around the world are informed and their insurance companies as well. 

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