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HRW rights assessment ‘outdated and unfair’


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14 hours ago, impulse said:

The reality is that Thailand had abysmal human rights problems long before the junta.  They'll have abysmal human rights problems after the junta.


And a lot of international organizations are using the same-ol' same-ol' to ram their western concept of democracy down the throats in a culture where kleptocracy is a more accurate name for it.   The junta are hardly to blame for that- it's thousands of years of feudalism.


I don't recall them digging up any mass graves of human trafficking victims buried under the junta's watch.  Maybe that's progress...



Interesting post because it's giving the junta some rope and doing it far better than usual. I do think there is progress on their watch but chucking motorcyclists off the pavement back onto the road all with their helmets on surely is inevitable homogenisation?


[I mean, if they can't be blamed for their feudalistic ways then they can't be lauded for sweeping a few boxes of dildos off Sukhumvit Road or forcing jet ski operators a few yards along a beach.]




"They'll have abysmal human rights problems after the junta."


You don't know that.






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13 hours ago, Squeegee said:

"They'll have abysmal human rights problems after the junta."


You don't know that.


I don't know if the sun will come up tomorrow, either.  But I have seen a definite pattern...  And that's the way I'd bet- if I were a betting man.

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On 1/15/2017 at 9:19 AM, craigt3365 said:

Agreed, but those fishing fleets with slaves and still using illegal techniques are now out of Thai waters and in places that aren't easy to monitor.  Officials in the West know this.  They aren't stupid.


I for one, am glad they are ramming the western concept of democracy down this cultures throat.  Any culture that allows slavery to happen, with officials at the highest levels of government profiting off it, needs to be shaken up.  It's disgusting. 


Luckily, the EU and the US are going after companies that break the IUU laws.  Fantastic. 




Hard to argue with the above.

Something is tugging at the 4 pillars and its not Samson. Its not just Thailand its world wide. The elite meeting in Davos this week are no doubt concocting a plan to increase our slavery which exists at our level as well as others. Slavery exists at many different levels and in different forms. 

Edited by elgordo38
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