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Trump attacks civil rights leader who questioned his election win


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Do you know how a filibuster works? So yes, by the mid terms the Americans saw nothing getting done and they had a Kenyan Muslim President in the Whitehouse - according to people like Trump and the Republican pack dogs. Time will tell. It will be lucky if anyone turns up at the inauguration at this rate. How embarrassing for US politics.

Thanks to the democrat's Harry Reid, they willingly gave up much of the power of the filibuster. Many democrats are already regretting that decision in that they are unable to do much of anything to stop Trump's cabinet picks.

And no, I don't agree that the reason for the mid term losses was due to racism.

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Not really. The decision was not determined before the scotus decision. Fact.

Sorry for heading out on a tangent here. My point was merely that it was not so clean and simple as your point in saying that Bush won "via a Supreme Court decision." There are a number of varying perspectives, and each one makes a compelling argument.


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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Bush wasn't elected strictly speaking in 2000. He won via a Supreme Court decision.


Lewis works for the branch of government that legislates election laws.  He's a hypocrite.

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On 15/01/2017 at 9:26 AM, sirineou said:

and that's why he disputes the legitimacy of Trump's presidency, because in his opinion and the opinion of many , " an individual's right to chose his preferred presidential candidate " was circumvented by external enemies of democracy as in the Russians. and internal as in the case of the FBI director.   

I think this clown called Bush "illegitimate" as well. He is a Democrat, need one say more?

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On 15/01/2017 at 9:48 AM, pitrevie said:

Can you imagine if these results had been reversed. If Hilary had won the electoral college and Trump led by nearly 3 million in the popular vote. 


Four years ago, the political landscape was just a little different. At one point during election night, it looked like Mitt Romney might win the popular vote, but lose the Electoral College and presidency to Obama.
At the time, politician-in-waiting Donald Trump took to Twitter to express his displeasure with that democratic result. Given what happened last night in the popular vote and Electoral College, these tweets are probably worth revisiting.


We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!

Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble...like never before.

and my favourite of all:

The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.


In fact Obama won the electoral college and the popular vote.

Correct, the USA is a Republic, not a "democracy"

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Just now, Jingthing said:

The problems in Florida in 2000 were propagated at the local level.


Did Lewis, and his fellow legislators, fix those problems for the next 'federal' election?  


If he did...then what's his problem?  If he didn't...then he's the problem.

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Just now, rijb said:


Did Lewis, and his fellow legislators, fix those problems for the next 'federal' election?  


If he did...then what's his problem?  If he didn't...then he's the problem.

You're just spouting trumpian logic now. Deflect, deflect, deflect. It's annoying. Lewis' specific complaint about the last election was Russian influence. That's external anyway. 

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On 15/01/2017 at 1:28 PM, ding said:

Trump said Lewis is "All talk, no action"?


Wasn't Representative Lewis almost murdered marching for Civil Rights on the Edmund Petis bridge?


What action has Trump done? Trump was born of 3rd base and thinks he hit a homerun.

Trump wrote NO SUCH THING. That is a misquote, and you would do well to read the original tweet. You are guilty of the same egregious behaviour of the MSM.

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Just now, Jingthing said:

You're just spouting trumpian logic now. Deflect, deflect, deflect. It's annoying. Lewis' specific complaint about the last election was Russian influence. That's external anyway. 


No, that's your limited thinking.  My problem has alway been with Congress.  Until they have term limits, it doesn't matter who's in the oval office.

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On 15/01/2017 at 6:57 PM, rudi49jr said:

Just goes to show (for the umpteenth time) what a petty and vindictive man Trump really is. He's like a schoolyard bully, can't take any form of criticism and has to lash out viciously when he feels he's being attacked. And this short-tempered excuse for a man is going to be the next president of the USA. What a joke!

It was a measured response, and was in no way "vicious" re-read the full text

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14 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

They did a lot worse. They filibustered every single bill he ever tried to pass, and stopped a Government working for 8 years. It was a national disgrace and Republicans and Trump deserve every bit of lack of co-operation that can be mustered by the popular vote and their political representatives. At the Mid Terms say goodbye to the Republican party for ever.

The "swamp" contains members from both sides of the house, as well as the beltway in general!

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One thing that impresses me is the resilience of the the two party system in the US. My memory goes back to Goldwater, who was painted as a lunatic and his candidacy seemingly signified the end of republicans. A number of years later Nixon rose up and thoroughly stomped old George McGovern and that signaled the end of democrats. Fast forward and after Obama's election, pundits were declaring that republicans would be forever banished to the political wilderness, especially as Hispanic voters increased in numbers.

And now we have seen a turnaround once again, and if I was a betting fellow, would lay money that we will see a few more changes from democrat to republican to democrat majorities and presidents before my time on this great rock is over.

No matter who is president, I am confident that the checks and balances, including elections will keep things, for the most part, within a semi wide range of the middle. When politics and governmental policies move too far to the right or left, the pendulum seems to adjust things.

And, in my opinion, may we never implement term limits as a solution.

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trump has attacked the wrong civil rights leader.



Trump’s presidency is doomed

Yes, Trump won in the electoral college, and that, alas, is all that matters. But on the larger point, Lewis is right. Trump conducted a dirty, dishonest campaign that sullied the very presidency he won. He questioned Barack Obama’s legitimacy, trafficked in racism and demagoguery, and seems to have had poll workers in far-off Moscow. Still, he’ll be the president.



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21 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

More drivel from the WP. I am sure the NYT has spouted similar opinion. These are the same failed MSM mouthpieces who brazenly tried to put HRC in power through one-sided opinion and openly one sided reporting.


Wait and see - you might all get a surprise.


As for "trafficked in racism" - please find an original source supporting that.

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26 minutes ago, DrDweeb said:

Wait and see - you might all get a surprise.

The only surprise I foresee is just how much of a sh!t storm the man-child will create before he is impeached and taken down. I hope the world isn't irreparably damaged because that narcissistic troll cares only about himself.

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1 hour ago, DrDweeb said:

These are the same failed MSM mouthpieces who brazenly tried to put HRC in power through one-sided opinion and openly one sided reporting.

If Trump could have shut his mouth and stopped tweeting then the MSM would have had balanced two sided reporting. With Hilary sat at home at the weekend having a G&T watching SNL and Donald out tweeting 'Mexicans are rapists' who are they going to write about on Sun morning?

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

If Trump could have shut his mouth and stopped tweeting then the MSM would have had balanced two sided reporting.


Sure. For the first time in modern history. The MSM was biased before the election, during the election and now. Tweeting has little to do with it.

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While I understand Trump being offended that Lewis questioned his legitimacy, attacking a well respected civil rights leader over and on Martin Luther King Day is a very bad move. He needs to have thicker skin, and he also needs to remember he spent years attacking Obama's legitimacy. He can't attack everyone who speaks out against him.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Sure. For the first time in modern history. The MSM was biased before the election, during the election and now. Tweeting has little to do with it.

Tweeting at 3am like a pubescent teenager has got EVERYTHING to do with it. Can you go in the bathroom, look in the mirror and slap yourself on the face screaming WAKE UP! This man child is about to become President!

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Sure. For the first time in modern history. The MSM was biased before the election, during the election and now. Tweeting has little to do with it.

Nonsense, Trump wanted this.there was no biased reporting, just reacting to his speeches and tweets. He got all the publicity and stayed in the news continuously, exactly as he wanted.
He used the media.

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