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Having Liquids in wrapped bag for hand luggage


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I am having a bit of a dispute with the Missus we are going to Penang for 3 day so obviously she needs to take cream , perfume ect, ect, She says if they wrap the make up bag she will be able to board with those liquids wrapped up tight in the bag. I'm not so sure a  hand luggage bag could be unwrapped in the plane Kharzi. I would have though the airlines would think of that and hand luggage bags would be checked before wrapping , plus the Xray machine will pick up any liquid in the wrapped bag.Anyone know the score with this can do without any hassle at Don Muang




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Thanks ,thats what I thought , The missus insists on taking creams, none of them are bigger than 150mm which as I recall was the limit of liquid you could carry on. Not checking luggage Hand Luggage only, only going for 3 nights. Ive found with don Mueng if possible no baggage saves you a lot of time.Check in at the"Kiosk" as they call it  and straight to immigration

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I think the limit is 100 ml per bottle. And yes, if she goes through security with any bottles of liquid over 100 ml she will have them taken from her, without any doubt.  As Savilesghost says, if she wants to take larger bottles, she must put them in the checked baggage

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Yes 100ml per bottle is the limit and you will most certainly have them taken away if it exceeds 100ml or the number of bottles is unreasonable. Another thing is that you cant, for example, take a 200ml shampoo bottle and argue that the content inside is less than 100ml.

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As said, maximum 100ml per container. And together all must be able to fit in a 1 liter ziplock bag.


I find the liquid regulations are slightly less rigidly enforced than in the initial period after they were introduced where they would often want to inspect a tiny bottle of nasal spray or eye drops. That never seems to happen anymore. But I am still quite regularly asked to open my bag at BKK because I have a can of shaving foam which though only about 70ml looks bigger on the xray.

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i've never been asked to put liquids in a plastic bag leaving thailand. one time i asked one of the staff standing next to the 'you must put liquids in a bag...' signs where i could get a bag, he just grunted at me so i didnt bother and nothing happened. no one cares.


leaving the uk the security staff are a little more switched on. and helpful.

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7 minutes ago, Dave67 said:

ripstanley Thanks for the link , liquid cannot total more than 1000ml even if its in jars less than 100ml


"All containers shall be placed together in a zipped plastic bag and shall have overall capacity not exceeding 1 litre (1,000 ml.)"


Reading the above from AOT's website you would think it means 1 litre total but it is just badly written English.


They really mean the overall capacity of the ziploc bag cannot exceed 1 Liter. So in reality, the total liquids allowed is much less than 1 liter.

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19 minutes ago, Dave67 said:

Thats a small bag


But plenty of liquid to make a pretty big bomb if one were so inclined.  And a real big bomb if half a dozen guys were working together.  


I don't get the conflicting requirements.  Either keep liquids out of the cabin, or let them on. Just making it inconvenient doesn't increase security.


All it does is make the people selling bottled water in the departure area rich.

Edited by impulse
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