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Multiple Non Immigrant B : Last Options

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After KL beginning to deny multiple entries Non Imm B (with work permit and all papers), where are the option (except your own country)?

Singapore is not a good one for muliple as I read before?

Not a lot of information about Seoul, Taipei , Khota Baru, Beijing ?

I know about Perth, brisbane that should be OK, but this is quite a long way to go from Bangkok.

Any information welcome...

PS: This is for a non imm. MULTIPLE ENTRIES B



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I returned from Singapore about 3 weeks ago with a single entry "B" for my new job. Didn't ask for a multiple, but others who did didn't appear to be getting them.

Thanks Wilco. Sunbelt is not really optimistic about Singapore for multiple. If any other can confirm, this can be an option.

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My colleague tries to applied multi ‘B’in Singapore in October when the new rules kick in and what he get was only single entry. The lady at the embassy recommends him to apply this multi-visa at his own country or at suan plu immigration office.

At present, the new rules still make visa applicant very confusing. Either you head back to your own country or try your luck at regionals thai embassy. Good luck.

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I work for a MNC in Singapore with frequent travel in the region including Thailand. The guys who arrange all our visa's have told us that multiple entry's are not issued by the Thai Embassy here.

So rather than have circa 12 1 page single entry stamps we just do not bother with a biz visa for Thailand unlike everywhere else we need them for such as India etc

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