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Citizenship Views

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I am interested to know what members opinions are  on the


Pros and Cons for my Thai Wife applying for UK Citizenship including the Brexit ?


She has ILR  and 10 year Biometric Card been in the UK since 2012 and entered the UK Prior to the New 5 year rule 09 July 2012.


Thanks in advance.





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1) As a British citizen she will be able to vote and even stand for political office should she choose to do so.


2) A British passport allows visa free entry as a visitor to far more countries than a Thai passport does. Unless Brexit goes completely tits up, I can't see that changing for entry by British citizen tourists to EEA countries. 


3) A BRP has to be renewed every 10 years; citizenship is for life. Yes, I know a British passport is only valid for 10 years as well, but there is no compulsion for a British citizen to have a passport.


4) ILR will lapse if the holder spends a continuous period of two years or more outside the UK, in which case she would need the appropriate visa to enter the UK. In addition, if UK immigration have reason to believe that an ILR holder entering the UK is not actually a UK resident but lives abroad and is just using their ILR to enter the UK for visits then they could cancel their ILR on the spot; though the person would be allowed in as a visitor on that occasion.


British citizenship will never lapse; no matter how long the citizen spends out of the UK.


Though it could be removed if she were convicted of a serious criminal offence or she obtained it by deception.




As both the UK and Thailand allow dual nationality, I can't think of any.


Except, maybe, the cost; currently £1236.

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Other than the cost I would say it is a great thing to have a British passport/citizenship.

Nobody can tell what changes future governments might  make to the immigration system. Pretty unlikely that they would modify ILR but there are no guarantees!

It brings a certain 'status' that the added freedom to travel around the world provides.

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Hi 7x7 thank you for sharing all the pros for the UK Citizenship with my wife and myself and thanks for all the details mostly all good points too I note.

Much more practical too.I appreciate your time on replying to my question.I suppose you can guarantee one thing more in the Con list.... biometric card price going up!

Best of luck ...as always to you.



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Hi Bobrussell 

   Thanks for your helpful reply true good for travel around the world

it just made us think with the Brexit as we didn't think of this may be a problem

but good to get some professional members on the Forum to share views.

Thanks for taking the time to give food for thought

much appreciated too 


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