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Dog Bite (maa Ant-a-lie) Through Shorts


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Just tonight walking to the Internet Cafe here in BKK, three doors down from the Cafe, a huge Dog bounded out of the doorway where he lurks, and tried to bite my upper right leg about a foot below my hip. I shouted Hey and he quit after taking a small chunk out of my shorts. Lucky I had two sets of keys in that pocket, he bit the keys. He left two teeth-marks. What a surprise.

Good Guy

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He left two teeth-marks.

Was the skin broken? You should be considering the possibility of rabies. Get a medical opinion! Can you check with the owner? A post-bite rabies vaccination course is not painful - Thai nurses are far more skilled at injection than British nurses. If you're going out of town, you may need to carry the vaccine with you in a vacuum flask. That's what I did six years ago.

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Yes, I once was bitten, actually in an home for stray dogs.

Within half an hour had a swelling of over 5 inches, made a u-turn to the next hospital to get my vaccination and the comment "Good you came immediately".

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What ever else you do get some of those Thai sausages, cut in 3 inch pieces,split open, hollow out a little bit,put in a half tea spoon of linnet,sew them back up, then make a trip by ever so often and drop a couple for the nice little doggies.There should be less dogs each trip.

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Unfortuneatly most people here feel no responsibility about their animals,,,, Just last week there was a commotion as we had a beer in the evening... The locals all came running and laughing..... Ohhh mar bite falang, hahahahahahahaha....

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Unfortuneatly most people here feel no responsibility about their animals,,,, Just last week there was a commotion as we had a beer in the evening... The locals all came running and laughing..... Ohhh mar bite falang, hahahahahahahaha....

Is that you included,as i noticed on another thread how your big dog kept your neirbour pinned up a tree,bet you had a great laugh.

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Guest chingy
Just tonight walking to the Internet Cafe here in BKK, three doors down from the Cafe, a huge Dog bounded out of the doorway where he lurks

after a great day of lurking, the dog came home laughting


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Bartender you dont even deserve a response you arsse shaggin poet of the I'll bend over society,,, Hit her home up my hershy highway said the BARTENDER.

Did I say something to upset???Sorry,got to go feed the cat,c you tomorrow

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Very strange that A Thai will not keep a dog up, I have 120 cm. chain link fence,My dogs are kept in the yard,just a little training and they will not go out even if the gate is left open,They stand at the gate when open,like for the water guy to bring in 8 big carboys of water,and look out,but will not go out, my wife said that it not right to keep them in the yard,they should be allowed to go and play with the other dogs.

A friend of mine was feeding a dog that belongs to his neighbor,and some other dogs of another neighbor of his came over and started to fight and bit him,he was out a few thousand baht for rabies shots and the guy refused to pay and will not talk to him anymore,[so I guess that all was not lost]

My bro in law has a big rotweiler cross dog that will bite people,so he does keep him tied,only Thai that I know of that will do such a thing,but the dog only bites Thai's as we got no farang here,and when he bit someone,he did pay and the dog does have rabies shots.

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What ever else you do get some of those Thai sausages, cut in 3 inch pieces,split open, hollow out a little bit,put in a half tea spoon of linnet,sew them back up, then make a trip by ever so often and drop a couple for the nice little doggies.There should be less dogs each trip.

What is Linnet and where do you get it?

The dogs round here are a pest.

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ASTRAL;My wife said that you can buy it at a farm and garden chem. supply store,She had a jilted girl student that was sad because her boy friend split,she ate some and didnt even have enough time to hardly put the can down before she was a gonner.

So I guess that the stuff is about the same as MARMITE,or VEGAMITE. :o

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Was the skin broken? You should be considering the possibility of rabies. Get a medical opinion! Can you check with the owner? A post-bite rabies vaccination course is not painful - Thai nurses are far more skilled at injection than British nurses. If you're going out of town, you may need to carry the vaccine with you in a vacuum flask. That's what I did six years ago.

No the skin was not broken fortunately. I guess it must it must have been a kind of canine wake-up call.

Good Guy

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Having suffered an attack from two dogs that pulled me off my bicycle resulting in a seriously broken leg, two years on, one plate left and still a large hole due to infection, I suggest feeding any aggresive mutt meat laden with parecetamol (it breaks down their central nervous system)(or so I'm told), and a baseball bat for when the owner comes up to you laying in the gutter with bones poking from your leg and gives you the inevitable "mai penn lai". By the way it may take a while before you can use the bat!!

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I was attacked by a mangy cur,a few years ago near Pattaya at a fishing park.

Sitting minding my own business with son ( then aged 3 ).

For some reason this ######er took a dislike to us ( probably due to the fact we resemble cats..)

He was doing circuits of this square pond we were fishing from . Each time he would get more and more aggressive , eventually the ######er bit me on the leg, still have the scar. My son started screaming , the ##### wouldn't let go. All the Thais around seemed concerned but wouldn't approach. Beat it over the head with fishing rod, no use. Son almost falls in the pond , dog won't let go, water is deep , me in lots of pain. Grabbed the big fishing knife on the floor and stuck it into the #####s neck hard as I could. It soon let go, died apparently a few hours later.

Twist in the story was that the ######ers tried to get me to pay for another dog.

I don't fish there anymore.

I still like dogs though , for some reason Tom , my son , prefers cats?


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