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by Wanwisa Ngamsangchaikit  

SIHANOUKVILLE, 20 January 2017: Some Sihanoukville beaches will be declared protected areas according to Cambodia’s Ministry of Tourism new development plan in a bid to curtail expansion that could destroy the beach environment.

Cambodia Daily reported the new plan will ensure some beaches will be declared conservation areas off-limits to tourism development. Investors will be invited to develop beach resorts only at areass that are outside the conservation zones.


Some coastal areas will be open to conservation projects for research only, while others will be limited to ecotourism. The remaining beaches will be open for development with limits on construction from the beach front and the size of the properties.

inside no 3All projects must be approved by the National Committee for Bay Management of Cambodia, it said.

Sihanoukville tourism department director, Tang Socheat Kreasna, was quoted saying water treatment and sewage management would have to meet specific standards.


read more http://www.ttrweekly.com/site/2017/01/cambodia-to-save-its-beaches/



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