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UK pension/NICS contributions - confusion - help?

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Perhaps someone could explain the next step in this process or help to clarify in some way:


  • 65 later this year
  • have six years of NICS
  • need ten years for 'part pension'
  • asked HMRC for permission to pay extra contributions - yes; permission granted.
  • logically, will pay four more years contributions, to reach the minimum of ten years.
  • received the attached, which mentions payment dates in 2019



  • can pay the remaining four years, based on the figures listed in the document, now, resulting in minimum of ten years contributions?
  • on that basis will receive part pension from 65th birthday later this year - or have to wait until 2019?
  • how to pay the money - where/when?


Tried calling Pensions in UK. Taped message - eventually hung up. Ditto HMRC. Not living in the UK at present. Mail seems to take at least a month.

Any assistance gratefully appreciated.


IMG_4442 - Copy.JPG


you can claim your pension anytime after your 65th birthday, the 2019 date is the date by which any catch up payments have to be made, without penalties

it would seem you have paid class 2 contributions, it looks to me that in that 10 year period shown you would have 9 years of contributions'

Which years are paid

Are you registered on the government gateway, you can get a NIC contributions print out from there, and you can pay from there


Are you using this number -  + 44 191 203 7010

14 hours ago, steve187 said:

you can claim your pension anytime after your 65th birthday, the 2019 date is the date by which any catch up payments have to be made, without penalties

it would seem you have paid class 2 contributions, it looks to me that in that 10 year period shown you would have 9 years of contributions'

Which years are paid

Are you registered on the government gateway, you can get a NIC contributions print out from there, and you can pay from there


Are you using this number -  + 44 191 203 7010

I take the attachment as showing the gaps in NI contributions and the amount required to top up.If there are 9 complete years then the payment without penalty / final payment dates make no sense as you cannot top up a full year.

Maybe the OP can clarify if any NI paid during the period in the attachment



Thanks for the reply.

"...the attachment as showing the gaps in NI contributions... ". 

No contributions were paid during that 9-10 years on the attachment.   Had paid contributions - and have six years on record - but they were paid decades ago.

So...some confusion between the 'old' system and the new...I suppose.


When I tried to resume they would only let me do so at the vol class 3 rate instead of the lower cl 2; Some £12+ PW dearer for a 5 year shortfall of their making for my (b 1958 or later) generation.


Needless to say I declined.

1 hour ago, BaiLao said:


Thanks for the reply.

"...the attachment as showing the gaps in NI contributions... ". 

No contributions were paid during that 9-10 years on the attachment.   Had paid contributions - and have six years on record - but they were paid decades ago.

So...some confusion between the 'old' system and the new...I suppose.

Thanks for clarification

If to assume you will proceed on the new system  £155 for 35 years, then for every full year is equal to £155/35 , aprox £4.40 a week .

A minimum of 10years contributions required , 6 already thus a further 4 required, obviously you will choose the 4 years  with the lowest amounts 2006,2007,2009,2010, (a total payment of approx £550) for a pension of aprox £44 p/w. 

However if you paid for the additional full 10 years at a cost of approx £1800 , will give you 16 years and a pension of  £70 p/w (155/35x 16), which appear to be good value , the initial outlay being recovered during the first year.

I would try to establish that you will receive the new pension and not the old

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