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'How will we survive?': Syrian refugees trapped in poverty in Thailand


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Many very good people are stuck in difficult refugee status.  That is a tough situation.  But lets' back up for a moment.  How did this guy get to Thailand?  He says he has no money, yet he smokes 60 cigs a day?  Why did he choose Thailand?  what part of his skills did he think would be useful to making a living for him or his family? 

He and his family had to run, he may have had the equivalent of US $1 million in assets and plenty in his bank account back in Syria, but he's not able to continue to live there for the reason most refugees and asylum seekers end up moving to another country, leaving everything behind.
This is not some action that falls into the "lifestyle change" or "mid-life crisis" category.

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1 minute ago, Peterw42 said:

There are different ends of the spectrum, genuine refugees and people who use refugee status to cue jump, country shop and a back door to migrating to another country.

For once we can speak to the specific, a real situation and suddenly you want to generalise. I don't think you appreciate how poorly you approach their noted circumstances. They had  visa, arrived legally declared their situation are now in abeyance some years latter. THere is  no home to return to but you now want to deal with the bigger picture not mentioned in the OP.


Pray tell me exactly what they should have done except give up smoking? Thailand is not transit country  in this situation either in terms of UNHCR even it does not legally apply.


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Real refugees have nothing whatsoever to do with finacial status.

I'm 100% in agreement with your post.
One of the most generous people I know is a Syrian gentleman, financial support given to many organisations here in Thailand. For him and his wife they left early enough to be able to get the visas and flights. His sister wasn't quick enough to get out comfortably and she took the sea passage to Germany. His own son has been given asylum in a Nordic country.
Question not for you but for the negative posters, Is this the dream for this family? No but they are at least safe from the unbearable situation they found themselves in back in Syria.

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They could have protect their wealth in Turkey or Lebanon as well as they could have done here, while they where waiting to be processed as refugees by the UN. But like many they took the shortcut route, which is human, but was the wrong route.  

Okay so let's say you own the local BMW dealership in Damascus. 3 showrooms full of brand new cars and all your cash is tied up in stock and next thing the custard hits the fan...no one is buying your cars and you can only drive one to the border, but there you must leave it as you can't take it through the gate..why hasn't he got a bank account full of cash in another country. Okay so please tell us how easy it is to open a bank account in another country, especially if you don't even have a visa to be there.

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52 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

Many very good people are stuck in difficult refugee status.  That is a tough situation.  But lets' back up for a moment.  How did this guy get to Thailand?  He says he has no money, yet he smokes 60 cigs a day?  Why did he choose Thailand?  what part of his skills did he think would be useful to making a living for him or his family? 


If you read the article, you would receive the answer to your question. It is contained in paragraphs 5 - 8.

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1 hour ago, optad said:


The fact that Thai authorities and most Thaivisa posters cannot handle that simple reality, is an immature indictment on  both parties on these topics and global affairs.

I think that far more people than the Thai authorities and TV posters have little understanding off the big picture, the real story is kept buried.

Possibly? this is why some people put hope in Trump breaking the cycle of "globalism" we have been sucked into!

You can only hope for the best (& prepare for the worst!) hopefully any policy is better than where we were headed!

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...everyone deserves basic human rights....


...including those others that came here in good will....and money....once upon a time..


...stranded in a host country....penniless....for whatever reasons....should be a civilized concern...


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23 minutes ago, optad said:

For once we can speak to the specific, a real situation and suddenly you want to generalise. I don't think you appreciate how poorly you approach their noted circumstances. They had  visa, arrived legally declared their situation are now in abeyance some years latter. THere is  no home to return to but you now want to deal with the bigger picture not mentioned in the OP.


Pray tell me exactly what they should have done except give up smoking? Thailand is not transit country  in this situation either in terms of UNHCR even it does not legally apply.


I dont know the guys circumstance beyond what is in the article, It appears he chose Thailand because someone told him he would be resettled quickly. In hindsight, not great advice.

The article, "How will we survive", then goes on to say the family has been granted resettlement in the US.

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:


This is what happened when a people smuggling gang get their pay and dump their cargo just anywhere, why have the Thai government has allowed passage in to these people without thinking of  the consequences late that I don't understand, and where is the UN in all of this mass? aha, busy vilifying and demonizing Israel...

Ezzra, in Hebrew your name could be translated as either "I will help" or "bad goat" which do you prefer? 

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1 hour ago, louse1953 said:

If you actually read the full story you would know that they flew out with visas.Your story just highlights your predudices.

Agree. The Israelis have been conducting what has been referred to as a "slow-motion holocaust" against the Palestinians since 1948 and all that happens is they are vilified. Oh Baruch Ha Shem how unfair.

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Give them to Malaysia , they welcome [emoji185] Muslims .

Malaysia is already having many such people arriving, as they are a fairly easy country for many from predominantly muslim nations. In the first instance being able to board a flight without a visa and then being able to arrive and be given visa exempt entry

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1 hour ago, optad said:

Jesus, forget the cigarettes. The focus on the penny ante on TV is tremendous.


If you were in that situation, would you and have a frank discussion with your family about legalities or just go where you could? It is absurd. And what merit you you derive from your judgements? Thaivisa likes?


I don't understand the breadth of heartlessness on TV re others/

If they were inside Syria yes but they werent. Their lives was not under immediate danger they had money and means to support themselves. They were in a much better position than hundreds of thousands other Syrians caught up in fighting which they couldnt escape. If you look at my comments you will see that I said I have sympathy for refugees because my parents was at a time also refugees and had to survive without help. They left with their lives and what they could fit into a car. So please dont lecture me on heartlessness. Its not an issue of heartlessness but one of people trying to take advantage of countries hospitality and being selfish. Rather than spending money on these people the Thai government can rather assist those that are suffering in refugee camps and those that are under attack on a daily basis. I do however not have sympathy for refugees that want to jump the que and not follow refugee procedures. They then in my eyes become immigrants and arent refugees anymore. What is happening in Europe is the result of refugees using their money to buy entrance into Europe but these people are taking away the opportunity of poor refugees thats following the correct procedures and dont have money to buy their way into Europe. 


I dont agree with the Thai governments policy on refugees as this took away the future of many Burmese refugee children who couldnt attend school or receive proper medical care. 

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Actually it's quite a positive article. The family are afraid of the authorities but treated well by the locals. Many other countries would have  deported them by now as they are illegal immigrants. They should've picked a country where they could work for a living, perhaps...

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1.one celeberity went to Alleppo from Pakistan to gave funds and donations so to find out wether their money is going to right deserving people. He said when i reached there i DIDNT see anything violent what they show on media the pictures they videos they show were from 2015 begining that what the people living there said also its only media playing emotional game to get more funds.

2. Most of the countries where UNHCR is working the other communities are sidelined dont know why you can visit unhcr thailand facebook page and you will figure it out. Why funding and donations collected are for refugees in other countries while they have so much to handle here.

3. Most of the churches are always helpful and the syrians here are assisted by many organizations and  unhcr is not able to give dime. in prolong processing many people get sick and medical cost consumes more.

4. you can google two things during obama era how many muslims were resettled 11K and christians 38 recently many organizations said 2016 stats show christianity is most persecuted religion. 

you can search "our world thailand asylum crackdown"

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out  of thee country deport them to tuerkey where they have safe refugee camps. thereto tuerkey has passed legislation that allow syrian to work legally. the guidian notoriously know for its populiistic left wing howling and as ususal muslims are depitic themselves as victims to be pittied.





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24 minutes ago, hansnl said:

May one wonder why those fugitives are not welcomed in countries in the ME?

Why is it they seem to end up in non Islam countries, and how?

There's no excuse for being ill informed, particularly if you're going to make controversial claims. The information that contradicts your assumption is readily available.





More than 4.8 million Syrian refugees are in just five countries Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt:

  • Turkey hosts 2.7 million Syrian refugees, more than any other country worldwide
  • Lebanon hosts approximately 1 million Syrian refugees which amounts to around one in five people in the country
  • Jordan hosts approximately 655,675 Syrian refugees, which amounts to about 10% of the population
  • Iraq where 3.1 million people are already internally displaced hosts 228,894 Syrian refugees
  • Egypt hosts 115,204 Syrian refugees

In total, 224,694 resettlement and other admission pathways have been pledged globally since the start of the Syria crisis, which equates to a mere 4.7% of the total population of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and Turkey.


Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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5 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

New one to me. I know of the Rohynga and other refugees. No idea there were M.E. refugees too. Thailand needs to grow up and help them.

Thailand has stringent protectionist policies, they aren't going to help anyone but themselves..

morale of the story: don't pick Thailand as a destination as a refugee.. this isn't "hand-out" europe!!!

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5 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

New one to me. I know of the Rohynga and other refugees. No idea there were M.E. refugees too. Thailand needs to grow up and help them.

Are you aware that Thailand  has a significant refugee problem already? The number of Burmese refugees is  110,000 down from 150,000.  Are you aware that Thailand has approximately 440,000 identified stateless people, although it is believe that this is  double if one accounts for the people in hiding and intentionally not counted. How do you expect a country like Thailand to pay for all of this?


Are you aware that the USA is paying a large chunk of the medical  costs for Thailand's refugees? The USA just renewed its 3 year funding for;

- access to primary healthcare, including reproductive health, medical services, mental health, and/or psychosocial support to the urban refugee and asylum seeker populations in Bangkok and surrounding areas.

- outpatient services, required vaccinations for children, and transportation for referrals to public clinics and hospitals.

-preventive healthcare services and health education to the urban refugee and asylum seeker populations.


All this care, education, housing and  security requires billions of baht.  The country cannot even maintain basic cancer care or provide rudimentary mental healthcare for  Thai nationals and you demand Thailand do more?


Wow. Just wow.


Here's an idea: take up a collection for the Syrians. Go over to te angry threads and ask the usual haters to contribute a 1000 baht every month to adopt one Syrian family. 


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4 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

If you can smoke 60 a day you are still financially ok.


Why does Merkel not take these people in, I think they will like to stay in a small Bavarian town and receive monthly government handouts. 


The only Syrian refugees are the ones inside their own country and the ones that fled to neighbouring countries. People that pay other people to go to far away countries are immigrants or tourist. Refugees have my sympathy but economic immigrants must accept a cold shoulder if they break laws. 

It is a humanitarian gesture and courtesy of the government and the people of Germany to give a hand to people who lost nearly everything thanks to the intervention of the US  ( Irak, Afghanistan where they happily bomb everything) and with Syria with whom they had a fantastic torture relationship during their "WAR ON TERROR". Let me guess, you are one of the hypocrites from the " Land of the free". 

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The only reason I can see for asylum seekers are individuals, such as Chinese dissidents, in fear of being strung up for their dissent. A mass of persons is an exodus, not seeking asylum. They should all have been helped to stay in their home countries and they, in turn, help rebuild it. You didn't get crowds of Jews flooding the rest of Europe during the Nazi occupation. Stay home. They are either chancers (go to Europe), or cowards (come here). If you took it to it's logical conclusion, Syria wouldn't have any citizens left to help rebuild it. What do they expect? The US who'd bombed it to bits to send in a team of builders and then go back? Somewhat alike that reality show I remember seeing where some po' folks were lifted from their humble shack and at the end of a month a curtain was lifted on their brand spanking new mansion? Wonder how long the refit held up. They're Syrian they should stay in Syria. 

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