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SWEDEN AT BREAKING POINT: Police make urgent plea for help as violent crime spirals

Jonathan Fairfield

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2 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


Stop making me laugh & stop reading liberal news stories and understand this case:-

Iraqi child refugee? - He was a 16 year old gang member.

Racially motivated murder? - No, gang related murder.

Abuse from neo nazis? - No, threats from fellow Muslim gang members.

This murder took place within a district of the city with a 80% migrant population. I'm sure most native Swedes would be careful to avoid this area, even neo nazis if they exist.

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Well that's funny because the Swedish police say that he was unknown to them and that he had never been involved in any crimes nor was there a link in the murder to any gang crime, but there was to Islamophobia, 


What you are referring to yet again is your hate speech preaching Israeli-American publication who at the moment has taken to making up news on behalf of Sweden's neo_nazi's.  Don't be a mug, read a reliable source.


The threats to the witnesses, who were all Muslim, were anti-Islamic in nature, go figure, Muslims accuses of Islamophobia, makes perfect sense..


And that neighborhood is a favorite spot of neo-Nazis, they go there to prey on the immigrants.

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:


Well that's funny because the Swedish police say that he was unknown to them and that he had never been involved in any crimes nor was there a link in the murder to any gang crime, but there was to Islamophobia, 


What you are referring to yet again is your hate speech preaching Israeli-American publication who at the moment has taken to making up news on behalf of Sweden's neo_nazi's.  Don't be a mug, read a reliable source.


The threats to the witnesses, who were all Muslim, were anti-Islamic in nature, go figure, Muslims accuses of Islamophobia, makes perfect sense..


And that neighborhood is a favorite spot of neo-Nazis, they go there to prey on the immigrants.


That would be the same Swedish police that decline to provide details of levels of crimes involving immigrants, legal or illegal ones would it?


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3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


There we have it. Shawn's law of economics. Allow countless numbers of legal and illegal immigrants into your country, give them generous welfare , and watch them make your country prosper whilst they also culturally enrich it. Win win.


Could be a noble prize for you Shawn.

If you knew the first thing about Swedish economics you would know that they have been entirely reliant on immigration throughout their history and recently that immigration has not adversely affected the economy and that they remain among the most prosperous in the world, kind of you to voice your baseless concern though, really.

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Just now, Baerboxer said:


That would be the same Swedish police that decline to provide details of levels of crimes involving immigrants, legal or illegal ones would it?


LOL, that would be the whole of the EU, we do not break down crimes by immigration status, religion or country of origin, only by gender, race and age.

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14 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


So the riots in Malmo, the increase in rape crime, are all unfortunate aspects of society and absolutely nothing to do with an increase in immigration by people from very different cultures.


Nothing wrong in Sweden, according to Shawn. All honky dory and probably benefiting fantastically from the enriched culture from all those immigrants.


Strange, my Swedish friends don't quite see it that way. In fact a few have or are about to leave Sweden because they worry about the future for their kids. Nah, Shawn obviously knows best, he says so.


The riots in Malmo were second generation immigrants angry at the inequality, no there was no link to increases in immigration there, they had been in Sweden their whole lives!


The increase in rape was due to a change in the law where multiple crimes committed to the same victim went from being recorded as one crime to multiple, this massively skewed the stats, there is no link between immigration and rape.


My friends from Sweden are very happy, they are proud of how they are helping but then they are not tabloid led fools, they are people who are capable of the most basic of fact checking.  They are not influenced by the Russian state propaganda paper we have seen posted on here today, nor are they influenced by the Israeli-Amercian Islamophobic publication we have seen posted here.  They listen to their own press, a press who know what they are talking about rather than people very far away who are simply making things up to suit their hate agenda's.  But incredibly it is those biased and proven liars that some TV posters are believing over the Swedes.  It would be funny if it was not tragic.

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Well that's funny because the Swedish police say that he was unknown to them and that he had never been involved in any crimes nor was there a link in the murder to any gang crime, but there was to Islamophobia, 
What you are referring to yet again is your hate speech preaching Israeli-American publication who at the moment has taken to making up news on behalf of Sweden's neo_nazi's.  Don't be a mug, read a reliable source.
The threats to the witnesses, who were all Muslim, were anti-Islamic in nature, go figure, Muslims accuses of Islamophobia, makes perfect sense..
And that neighborhood is a favorite spot of neo-Nazis, they go there to prey on the immigrants.

Any links to credible sources?

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Go and take a look at Sweden's national debt, stop looking at hate speech sites and look at some primary sources, the national debt was reduced last year, that is not ballooning unless you mean as in a deflating balloon, obviously.
Here, I will help you,

Hate speech sites? Primary sources? How about we look at your sources again:-

Your link provides national debt to GDP at 40.6%. The link also shows this was in 2013.

Now rather than providing links to google, I will provide a link to the national debt clocks website. This provides up to date figures for all countries. Here is a link that will take you directly to Sweden. Take a look....


You will see the figure has risen drastically over the past 3 years to 50.15%.

That's a rise of over 23%....

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3 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


Hate speech sites? Primary sources? How about we look at your sources again:-

Your link provides national debt to GDP at 40.6%. The link also shows this was in 2013.

Now rather than providing links to google, I will provide a link to the national debt clocks website. This provides up to date figures for all countries. Here is a link that will take you directly to Sweden. Take a look....


You will see the figure has risen drastically over the past 3 years to 50.15%.

That's a rise of over 23%....

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The two sites posted are a known Russian propaganda machine and an Israeli-American publication which provides funding for Islamophobic hate groups, fact.  Oh, and the quote from the convict, convicted of Islamophobic hate crimes, hardly reliable sources by anyone's standards.


I provided a link to google with "Sweden National Debt" already typed in for you and you still couldn't do it, what is wrong with you, what 2014?  National debt clock?  Oh my god!  Its just a little funny how your "debt clock" claims to know what the government don't even know yet!


Here, try the Swedish governments own site, it was a little further down the page.


You will see that the last figure they have released is from 2015 and is 34%.

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8 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


Your link please showing how neo nazis are suspected of the killing?

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Are you unfamiliar with the case quoted in the article, did you miss the neo-Nazi mass murderer in Sweden not so long ago?  In the article it states how locals suspect that there is another serial killer targeting Muslims and that the police are following this line of inquiry, however they do not have evidence as the witnesses who have received racial abuse will not testify, unlikely they would think it was a neo-nazi serial killer if it was actually a local Muslim gang they saw like your favorite Israeli made up through, hey?

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Are you unfamiliar with the case quoted in the article, did you miss the neo-Nazi mass murderer in Sweden not so long ago?  In the article it states how locals suspect that there is another serial killer targeting Muslims and that the police are following this line of inquiry, however they do not have evidence as the witnesses who have received racial abuse will not testify, unlikely they would think it was a neo-nazi serial killer if it was actually a local Muslim gang they saw like your favorite Israeli made up through, hey?

So you have no link to provide fact. Another fabricated story to reflect blame from the Muslim criminal gangs operating in Sweden.

So Sweden is at the point of obtaining military assistance to help them control a lone wolf serial attacker or is it to combat thousands of immigrant Muslim criminals?

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Back in the early 1990s. I used to visit Malmo regularly on business. Beautiful place with friendly, helpful, peaceful people. I can honestly say I have never met a Swede I did not like.


Fast forward 25 years and I do not recognise Malmo. It has become a no go zone and a Muslim enclave with violence on nearly every street corner.


What on earth has prompted the Swedish Government to destroy their own country like this?

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The two sites posted are a known Russian propaganda machine and an Israeli-American publication which provides funding for Islamophobic hate groups, fact.  Oh, and the quote from the convict, convicted of Islamophobic hate crimes, hardly reliable sources by anyone's standards.
I provided a link to google with "Sweden National Debt" already typed in for you and you still couldn't do it, what is wrong with you, what 2014?  National debt clock?  Oh my god!  Its just a little funny how your "debt clock" claims to know what the government don't even know yet!
Here, try the Swedish governments own site, it was a little further down the page.
You will see that the last figure they have released is from 2015 and is 34%.

So facts are only true if they come from websites that fully support liberal views? Yes, must be true then. All other websites worldwide that oppose liberal ideas, only promote lies unlike the politically correct left wing....

So you've posted another link showing 2014 as 34%. That's a 47% rise in just 2 years.

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4 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:

So you have no link to provide fact. Another fabricated story to reflect blame from the Muslim criminal gangs operating in Sweden.

So Sweden is at the point of obtaining military assistance to help them control a lone wolf serial attacker or is it to combat thousands of immigrant Muslim criminals?

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What made you think he was a gang member?  What made you think this was a gang killing?  What made you think this murder was committed by a Muslim? 


All evidence points to this being a racially motivated murder, that is clear from the reports, the witnesses are being subjected to racial abuse to intimidate them out of testifying, the witnesses are Muslims, are you really so daft as to think that other Muslims are murdering their own children and then subjecting their own people to racial abuse to prevent a conviction?  Why would they?  This will either be a neo-Nazi Swede or Eastern European.


The military assistance, should it happen, would be to combat civil unrest in an area that has a high proportion of immigrants from all over the world, many born there, the riots being committed in main by second generation immigrants, Swedish born people, they are rioting over poor living standards and lack of equality, it is much like what happened in London a few years ago, nothing to do with Muslims, it was every race and religion on the streets, everything to do with a lack of opportunity. Likewise in Malmo, the riots saw all ethnicities take to the streets, ethnic Swedes along side Albanians, Iraqis and Somalians, all with a common problem and with one slogan which is seen all over Malmo, "WE ARE ONE".  The people of Malmo do not make this Muslim distinction that you do, that one came from Israel and you lapped it up like a good sheeple.

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8 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


So facts are only true if they come from websites that fully support liberal views? Yes, must be true then. All other websites worldwide that oppose liberal ideas, only promote lies unlike the politically correct left wing....

So you've posted another link showing 2014 as 34%. That's a 47% rise in just 2 years.

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No, publications that fund Islamophobic hate groups have a clear agenda and cannot be taken as reliable, obviously.


I posted the Swedish governments own tax office website, and it shows 2015 not 14 and there is no data for 2016, so your calculation is impossible, that clock nonsense is just making it up, and 2015 is lower than 2014 by the way.  You are embarrassing yourself.

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What made you think he was a gang member?  What made you think this was a gang killing?  What made you think this murder was committed by a Muslim? 
All evidence points to this being a racially motivated murder, that is clear from the reports, the witnesses are being subjected to racial abuse to intimidate them out of testifying, the witnesses are Muslims, are you really so daft as to think that other Muslims are murdering their own children and then subjecting their own people to racial abuse to prevent a conviction?  Why would they?  This will either be a neo-Nazi Swede or Eastern European.
The military assistance, should it happen, would be to combat civil unrest in an area that has a high proportion of immigrants from all over the world, many born there, the riots being committed in main by second generation immigrants, Swedish born people, they are rioting over poor living standards and lack of equality, it is much like what happened in London a few years ago, nothing to do with Muslims, it was every race and religion on the streets, everything to do with a lack of opportunity. Likewise in Malmo, the riots saw all ethnicities take to the streets, ethnic Swedes along side Albanians, Iraqis and Somalians, all with a common problem and with one slogan which is seen all over Malmo, "WE ARE ONE".  The people of Malmo do not make this Muslim distinction that you do, that one came from Israel and you lapped it up like a good sheeple.

Are you so naive & oblivious of the facts or are you blindly following what liberals want you to believe. Sheep - Pot kettle black.

Here's another link for you to ponder over the truth:-


Here is what one liberal CEO thought of the rapes & assaults:-

The incidents involved women having their bikinis ripped off, being groped in the water slide and sexually assaulted in the restrooms. Ulla-Karin Solum, the CEO of Aquanova, told the public broadcaster Sveriges Television that many incidents “are due to cultural clashes.”

As long as the Swedish politically correct liberals take humiliating stances like this, how can Sweden ever overcome their issues?

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Swedish school that recieved prize for accepting the most refugees now a war zone surrounded by barbed wire.

Oh but wait, this is a liberal independent newspaper.

Maybe the left are suddenly seeing that they must report the truth before things escalate to an uncontrollable level?

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8 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


Are you so naive & oblivious of the facts or are you blindly following what liberals want you to believe. Sheep - Pot kettle black.

Here's another link for you to ponder over the truth:-


Here is what one liberal CEO thought of the rapes & assaults:-

The incidents involved women having their bikinis ripped off, being groped in the water slide and sexually assaulted in the restrooms. Ulla-Karin Solum, the CEO of Aquanova, told the public broadcaster Sveriges Television that many incidents “are due to cultural clashes.”

As long as the Swedish politically correct liberals take humiliating stances like this, how can Sweden ever overcome their issues?

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Do you not actually know what a credible source means?  It is not some wackjobs blog full of blatant lies!


Try this one:



Managers at the leisure centre in the city of Kalmar, where the “Tafsvakten” group was started, say only one assault has been reported in recent months but founder Siri Bernhardsson claims women are becoming too afraid to visit.

“The news is completely overflowing with articles about molestation and rapes at Sweden's bathhouses,” Ms Bernhardsson’s mission statement reads. “I've had enough! I want to give my support.” 


Do you not see what your lots fake news is doing to people?  It is turning normal people into bigots.


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Do you not actually know what a credible source means?  It is not some wackjobs blog full of blatant lies!
Try this one:
Managers at the leisure centre in the city of Kalmar, where the “Tafsvakten” group was started, say only one assault has been reported in recent months but founder Siri Bernhardsson claims women are becoming too afraid to visit.
“The news is completely overflowing with articles about molestation and rapes at Sweden's bathhouses,” Ms Bernhardsson’s mission statement reads. “I've had enough! I want to give my support.” 
Do you not see what your lots fake news is doing to people?  It is turning normal people into bigots.

Fake news? From a well known independent liberal newspaper?

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3 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


Fake news? From a well known independent liberal newspaper?

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WOW, no, the one I posted is the real news, making clear that although the nut job in the article claims that swimming pool attacks are rife, the pool she protects has only had one attack, she has been the victim of the fake news, she has been turned into a bigot., I thought that would have been clear!

Edited by Shawn0000
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WOW, no, the one I posted is the real news, making clear that although the nut job in the article claims that swimming pool attacks are rife, the pool she protects has only had one attack, she has been the victim of the fake news, she has been turned into a bigot., I thought that would have been clear!

I was talking about the link to the liberal expressen site about the school that won awards because of its large amount of refugees on its role but has now become a battle ground surrounded by barb wire?

Please though, let's discuss your link to the independent. If you read the full story:-

Public opinion has shifted following reports that police covered up widespread sexual assaults by teenage migrants at a Swedish music festival and alleged attacks by male asylum seekers at a public swimming pool in Stockholm.

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WOW, no, the one I posted is the real news, making clear that although the nut job in the article claims that swimming pool attacks are rife, the pool she protects has only had one attack, she has been the victim of the fake news, she has been turned into a bigot., I thought that would have been clear!

Also as well as the widespread reports of rape and sexual assaults in swimming pools throughout Sweden, she also acknowledges problems in other countries:-

News of a 10-year-old boy being raped by an Iraqi refugee at a leisure centre in Austria and sexual harassment at pools in several German towns have fuelled fears.

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Swede is a failed country, a canary in a mine, where the canary has died a quick death.  A stark warning to all of EU thinking of taking in more immigrants in such a way will certainly ruin your country, your system ... everything ! Fortunately the EU is about to collapse (under it's own weight of sheer stupidity) then the fun will start.



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11 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


I was talking about the link to the liberal expressen site about the school that won awards because of its large amount of refugees on its role but has now become a battle ground surrounded by barb wire?

Please though, let's discuss your link to the independent. If you read the full story:-

Public opinion has shifted following reports that police covered up widespread sexual assaults by teenage migrants at a Swedish music festival and alleged attacks by male asylum seekers at a public swimming pool in Stockholm.

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The link you posted was not to any well known site, and there is no story of a school on that page.


I think we are all aware of how the reports of a coverup affected public opinion, you may not be aware but allegations are not the same as facts and there has been no evidence presented of any attempt to cover anything up, just someone claiming it.  Just further evidence of what your lots "media" does not people, people need facts not distortions written by foreign media outlets with a political bias, obviously.


And I have answered your questions, answer mine.  What made you think the police man in the OP was not referencing the Iraqi boys murder?  What made you think the boy was a gang member?  What made you think his killing was gang related?  What made you think the killers were Muslim?

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2 minutes ago, the guest said:

Swede is a failed country, a canary in a mine, where the canary has died a quick death.  A stark warning to all of EU thinking of taking in more immigrants in such a way will certainly ruin your country, your system ... everything ! Fortunately the EU is about to collapse (under it's own weight of sheer stupidity) then the fun will start.




I should worry about whatever country it is that you come from, I guarantee you have a worse chance than Sweden, which has one of the best in the world.

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The link you posted was not to any well known site, and there is no story of a school on that page.
I think we are all aware of how the reports of a coverup affected public opinion, you may not be aware but allegations are not the same as facts and there has been no evidence presented of any attempt to cover anything up, just someone claiming it.  Just further evidence of what your lots "media" does not people, people need facts not distortions written by foreign media outlets with a political bias, obviously.
And I have answered your questions, answer mine.  What made you think the police man in the OP was not referencing the Iraqi boys murder?  What made you think the boy was a gang member?  What made you think his killing was gang related?  What made you think the killers were Muslim?

Please read my post #110. This is a link from a liberal newspaper, not any of your so called right wing websites. It describes the celebrated refugee school.

You speak about facts? These are covered up by the police in Sweden if it involves ethnic minorities, immigrants, refugees.

You already know this. Look at each migrant crime committed in Sweden & how the press fails to give a description of the perpetrators, indicating it could be native swedes when most people know better.

The young Iraqi man who was not a schoolboy but had already left school?
Look at any site you wish. People have been demonstrating on the streets for a curb on gang violence. Do you believe this to be white gangs or migrant gangs? Umm.
Everybody accepts this problem comes from migrant gangs. Nowhere does it describe the shooting was done by a white nazi.

Police want to concentrate on & enforce a law to jail anyone found in possession of hand grenades. These hand grenades are evident in Somali street gang wars in Gothenburg.

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4 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


Please read my post #110. This is a link from a liberal newspaper, not any of your so called right wing websites. It describes the celebrated refugee school.

You speak about facts? These are covered up by the police in Sweden if it involves ethnic minorities, immigrants, refugees.

You already know this. Look at each migrant crime committed in Sweden & how the press fails to give a description of the perpetrators, indicating it could be native swedes when most people know better.

The young Iraqi man who was not a schoolboy but had already left school?
Look at any site you wish. People have been demonstrating on the streets for a curb on gang violence. Do you believe this to be white gangs or migrant gangs? Umm.
Everybody accepts this problem comes from migrant gangs. Nowhere does it describe the shooting was done by a white nazi.

Police want to concentrate on & enforce a law to jail anyone found in possession of hand grenades. These hand grenades are evident in Somali street gang wars in Gothenburg.

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The fact is, there are a lot of immigrants living in poverty in Sweden and the stats show that the crimes are linked to economics not race or religion,


Sweden has recently seen a serial killer who targeted Muslims, many local people believe they have another, it is in the link I posted to you if you understand the reference.


Not sure what you are on about with the, not a school boy already left school thing, he was a 16 year old boy who was murdered for no apparent reason, you have tried to pretend that he was a gang member, that is the important thing, to nonsense that shameful lie.


Are you not aware of the different gangs in Sweden?  The Bredang Warriors, the Brodraskapet, the HA, the Bandidos, they are hardly all immigrants mate, and the Swedish gangs are fighting each other as well as the Albanians, Gambians, Iraqis, Bosnians and Turks.  This is a Swedish problem and a problem throughout Europe, it is not an immigration problem, it is a capitalism problem, where there is inequality there are gangs and where there is money there are gang turf wars, the world over.  The hand grenades are from the Balkans, there are lots of Albanians and Bosnians in Sweden, the grenades are a problem, as is all the violence, not sure why you were trying to link everything to recent immigration and specifically to Muslims though, that is disingenuous, this is a gang problem and these people have been in Sweden for a long time.


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The fact is, there are a lot of immigrants living in poverty in Sweden and the stats show that the crimes are linked to economics not race or religion,


Sweden has recently seen a serial killer who targeted Muslims, many local people believe they have another, it is in the link I posted to you if you understand the reference.


Not sure what you are on about with the, not a school boy already left school thing, he was a 16 year old boy who was murdered for no apparent reason, you have tried to pretend that he was a gang member, that is the important thing, to nonsense that shameful lie.


Are you not aware of the different gangs in Sweden?  The Bredang Warriors, the Brodraskapet, the HA, the Bandidos, they are hardly all immigrants mate, and the Swedish gangs are fighting each other as well as the Albanians, Gambians, Iraqis, Bosnians and Turks.  This is a Swedish problem and a problem throughout Europe, it is not an immigration problem, it is a capitalism problem, where there is inequality there are gangs and where there is money there are gang turf wars, the world over.  The hand grenades are from the Balkans, there are lots of Albanians and Bosnians in Sweden, the grenades are a problem, as is all the violence, not sure why you were trying to link everything to recent immigration and specifically to Muslims though, that is disingenuous, this is a gang problem and these people have been in Sweden for a long time.


There are gangs the world over.

However why is gang violence suddenly being a problem that Swedish police cannot control?

Reports show that police have identified the grenade attacks coming solely from Somali gangs in Gothenburg. Maybe your right & Albanians & Bosnians also posses hand grenades in Sweden but this has not been identified by the police, only Somali gangs.

The Iraqi guy was probably shot for a reason, whether by a white guy or an immigrant gang. If not then maybe he was shot because of mistaken identity. We do not know the reason yet.

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