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SWEDEN AT BREAKING POINT: Police make urgent plea for help as violent crime spirals

Jonathan Fairfield

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On 08/02/2017 at 3:15 PM, dick dasterdly said:

A quote from the link:-


" On Monday, Merkel admitted she had failed to sufficiently explain her refugee policy".... 


How often have I heard that from politicians - 'it was down to a misunderstanding by the electorate because we didn't explain it properly'!


I'm sure there are better links where Merkel has admitted that it wasn't just a "misunderstanding" by the electorate, and that her 'open borders' policy was a mistake.

It is a little late for that.

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16 hours ago, uptheos said:

Sweden are finished and they deserve it.

Everyone laughed at Pat Condell when he predicted this years ago.

2050 Sweden with become a Muslim state......boo boo no more Abba.

Right. Sweden enjoys one of the highest economic growth rates in Europe. It offers its citizens and residents universal health care and access to very inexpensive higher education. In fact, many students receive stipends from the government. Its crime rate is well below that of the United States. Clearly, the Swedes are getting what they deserve: a much better quality of life than that enjoyed by most citizens of the EU and Canada and the USA.

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Looming economic catastrophe. Sweden has ballooning debt.

Last year saw a shortage in housing increase by 30%.

Public housing association announced a need of 426,000 new homes to be built, in a country of less than 10 million.

Stockholm's queue for rent controlled housing takes on average 9 years, and being considered by the Guinness book of world records.

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The plea from the police is for Muslim immigrant witnesses not to be afraid to testify in the case of the murder of an Iraqi child, witnesses who are children and who have been frightened away from making statements due to a racist abuse they have received from white Swedish people.  A lot of posters here claiming that Sweden has brought all this on themselves, as if murdering children in racially motivated attacks and then scaring away witnesses is in some way justified for their help of refugees, shameful.

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18 hours ago, uptheos said:

Sweden are finished and they deserve it.

Everyone laughed at Pat Condell when he predicted this years ago.

2050 Sweden with become a Muslim state......boo boo no more Abba.


A Muslim state where Muslim children are being murdered just for being Muslims, yeah, that makes sense, but I guess you didn't even bother to read what this is actually about, right?

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1 hour ago, LammyTS1 said:


Looming economic catastrophe. Sweden has ballooning debt.

Last year saw a shortage in housing increase by 30%.

Public housing association announced a need of 426,000 new homes to be built, in a country of less than 10 million.

Stockholm's queue for rent controlled housing takes on average 9 years, and being considered by the Guinness book of world records.

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Thanks for posting from Sputnik, the Russian governments overseas propaganda machine, not like they have been discredited the world over, is it?

The "ballooning debt" that is actually substantially reduced from last years?

The reason for Sweden's housing crisis is due to limiting construction in the 1990's, they are still trying to catch up, but your propaganda machine would not tell you that, they would prefer to let you speculate that it is all down to the recent refugees they have taken.



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Thanks for posting from Sputnik, the Russian governments overseas propaganda machine, not like they have been discredited the world over, is it?
The "ballooning debt" that is actually substantially reduced from last years?
The reason for Sweden's housing crisis is due to limiting construction in the 1990's, they are still trying to catch up, but your propaganda machine would not tell you that, they would prefer to let you speculate that it is all down to the recent refugees they have taken.

Lol, another deflection of a website stating the truth about migration. Of course that is unacceptable to the left.

The yearly intake of 160,000 migrants has also nothing to do with the housing crisis?

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3 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


Lol, another deflection of a website stating the truth about migration. Of course that is unacceptable to the left.

The yearly intake of 160,000 migrants has also nothing to do with the housing crisis?

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It would have had nowhere near the impact that it has had if Sweden had not of neglected to build during the 90's and instead carried on at the rate seen in the 70's and 80's, their population grew at a similar rate during the 90's by the way, the crisis started then but your far right press reports it with recent immigrant numbers to obscure your ability to reason, not that that probably needs much help.

I note you do not comment on the clear lie being exposed regarding Swedens elusive "ballooning debt", why is that?  Is it unacceptable to admit that you have been fooled, to the right?

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Ballooning debt a lie?....

At a press conference October 9, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said that Sweden is in a state of crisis. However, when asked to clarify what he meant by this, Löfven was unable to produce a single coherent sentence.

"The final consequence of... Sweden's immigration policy is that the economy will collapse -- because who is going to pay for it all? And economic breakdowns, once they happen, always happen very fast." -- Lars Hedegaard.

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2 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


At a press conference October 9, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said that Sweden is in a state of crisis. However, when asked to clarify what he meant by this, Löfven was unable to produce a single coherent sentence.

"The final consequence of... Sweden's immigration policy is that the economy will collapse -- because who is going to pay for it all? And economic breakdowns, once they happen, always happen very fast." -- Lars Hedegaard.

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Oh, now the Gatestone Institute, the famous funder of Islamaphobic hate groups, and Lars Hedegaad, the Islamophobe famously convicted of hate crimes, such reliable sources you find...

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6 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


Ballooning debt a lie?....

At a press conference October 9, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said that Sweden is in a state of crisis. However, when asked to clarify what he meant by this, Löfven was unable to produce a single coherent sentence.

"The final consequence of... Sweden's immigration policy is that the economy will collapse -- because who is going to pay for it all? And economic breakdowns, once they happen, always happen very fast." -- Lars Hedegaard.

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Go and take a look at Sweden's national debt, stop looking at hate speech sites and look at some primary sources, the national debt was reduced last year, that is not ballooning unless you mean as in a deflating balloon, obviously.

Here, I will help you,


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Just now, mcfish said:

I would be looking at selling any assets in Sweden. It's on a downward spiral for sure

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Yup, only one of the highest growth rates in Europe with year on year 10%+ property price increases, you clearly know what you are talking about.

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1 minute ago, LammyTS1 said:


What about the Swedish prime minister?

Your thoughts on him?

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My thoughts on what your hatemonger said about his speech or on what he actually said?  Sweden is in a crisis, take for example what this post is about, an Iraqi child refugee being murdered and the witnesses receiving racial abuse to the point that they are afraid to testify against the murderer, that is a real problem when a country takes in refugees to only have neo-Nazi's start murdering them and an extreme right press from abroad create the impression that the crisis is being caused by the refugees instead of against them.

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Yup, only one of the highest growth rates in Europe with year on year 10%+ property price increases, you clearly know what you are talking about.

Not anymore. Read the thread title.. The demographic is changing and its just the tip of the ice berg and not just for Sweden..

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1 minute ago, mcfish said:

Not anymore. Read the thread title.. The demographic is changing and its just the tip of the ice berg and not just for Sweden..

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No, I can read past the title, thanks.  and Sweden's GDP increased by 3.4% last year and property prices increased by 11%, immigration is nothing new to Sweden by the way.

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My thoughts on what your hatemonger said about his speech or on what he actually said?  Sweden is in a crisis, take for example what this post is about, an Iraqi child refugee being murdered and the witnesses receiving racial abuse to the point that they are afraid to testify against the murderer, that is a real problem when a country takes in refugees to only have neo-Nazi's start murdering them and an extreme right press from abroad create the impression that the crisis is being caused by the refugees instead of against them.

Shameful. Just like the Afghani immigrant who raped an 11 year old girl from within his own immigrant family & then raped a 14 year old Swedish girl.

He was arrested and when questioned, explained that women were an inferior race in his homeland and did not understand what he did wrong?

What happened to him? Upon realising that he would be deported back to Afghanistan, he changed his faith from Islam to Christianity. Thus he could not go home as would face death.

He is still in Sweden claiming refugee status....

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8 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


Because they are violent sex pests.

In 2005 there were about 350,000 Muslims in Sweden, by 2014 there were about 600,000, yet violent sex crime statistics did not increase, and it also remained that over 60% of those attacked were already known to the victims, all this hysteria about Muslims coming to attack the women is not actually evidenced by any facts and the main perpetrators by far remain to be white males.

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No, I can read past the title, thanks.  and Sweden's GDP increased by 3.4% last year and property prices increased by 11%, immigration is nothing new to Sweden by the way.

And this is the the result of its immigration policies. It will not get any better, only worse

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My thoughts on what your hatemonger said about his speech or on what he actually said?  Sweden is in a crisis, take for example what this post is about, an Iraqi child refugee being murdered and the witnesses receiving racial abuse to the point that they are afraid to testify against the murderer, that is a real problem when a country takes in refugees to only have neo-Nazi's start murdering them and an extreme right press from abroad create the impression that the crisis is being caused by the refugees instead of against them.

This post is not about an Iraq refugee, this post is about how Swedish police have admitted losing all control of large immigrant communities.

How Swedish women are being raped at an increased rate year on year due to Muslim migration.

This is about how Sweden's immigration policies have failed it's people and now the police cannot help its citizens against immigrant crime.

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Just now, LammyTS1 said:


This post is not about an Iraq refugee, this post is about how Swedish police have admitted losing all control of large immigrant communities.

How Swedish women are being raped at an increased rate year on year due to Muslim migration.

This is about how Sweden's immigration policies have failed it's people and now the police cannot help its citizens against immigrant crime.

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No, that is the Express take on what the police man was commenting on, which was a plea for the witnesses of the racially motivated murder of an Iraqi child refugee to come forward and testify despite the abuse the have received at the hands of neo-naizi's.  Try a slightly less biased paper if you don't believe me, the Express is never going to give you the full story, even a buffalo would know that.

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5 minutes ago, mcfish said:

And this is the the result of its immigration policies. It will not get any better, only worse

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One of the best performing economies in Europe is the result of immigration, you might be right I suppose.  Not sure why you think it wont get any better though, they have devalued their currency which will make it a little more expensive for manufacturers to source material but at the same time allow them to increase wages, that will force the employers to streamline their production and also generate more revenue, the Krona will bounce right back, the future of Sweden is perhaps the brightest in Europe.


The property price increases are due to a failed policy back in the 90's where less houses were built than should have been and a failure to build houses to rent, in fact any houses for lower earners, the problem is largely due to the greed of developers and failure of governmental policy preventing them.

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No, that is the Express take on what the police man was commenting on, which was a plea for the witnesses of the racially motivated murder of an Iraqi child refugee to come forward and testify despite the abuse the have received at the hands of neo-naizi's.  Try a slightly less biased paper if you don't believe me, the Express is never going to give you the full story, even a buffalo would know that.

Stop making me laugh & stop reading liberal news stories and understand this case:-

Iraqi child refugee? - He was a 16 year old gang member.

Racially motivated murder? - No, gang related murder.

Abuse from neo nazis? - No, threats from fellow Muslim gang members.

This murder took place within a district of the city with a 80% migrant population. I'm sure most native Swedes would be careful to avoid this area, even neo nazis if they exist.

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26 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

No, I can read past the title, thanks.  and Sweden's GDP increased by 3.4% last year and property prices increased by 11%, immigration is nothing new to Sweden by the way.


So the riots in Malmo, the increase in rape crime, are all unfortunate aspects of society and absolutely nothing to do with an increase in immigration by people from very different cultures.


Nothing wrong in Sweden, according to Shawn. All honky dory and probably benefiting fantastically from the enriched culture from all those immigrants.


Strange, my Swedish friends don't quite see it that way. In fact a few have or are about to leave Sweden because they worry about the future for their kids. Nah, Shawn obviously knows best, he says so.

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13 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

One of the best performing economies in Europe is the result of immigration, you might be right I suppose.  Not sure why you think it wont get any better though, they have devalued their currency which will make it a little more expensive for manufacturers to source material but at the same time allow them to increase wages, that will force the employers to streamline their production and also generate more revenue, the Krona will bounce right back, the future of Sweden is perhaps the brightest in Europe.


The property price increases are due to a failed policy back in the 90's where less houses were built than should have been and a failure to build houses to rent, in fact any houses for lower earners, the problem is largely due to the greed of developers and failure of governmental policy preventing them.


There we have it. Shawn's law of economics. Allow countless numbers of legal and illegal immigrants into your country, give them generous welfare benefits, and watch them make your country prosper whilst they also culturally enrich it. Win win.


Could be a noble prize for you Shawn.

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