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UK: More than a million sign petition for Trump state visit to be cancelled


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The UK is in a difficult position diplomatically.   With Brexit on the horizon, it needs to make sure it has some solid relationships in the international community.   


Trump is easy to satisfy, just stroke his ego and he will be eating out your hand.   If you have any questions, just ask Putin.   

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

In other words, almost nothing compared to those against trump's state visit. Brits -- please cancel it. Would you give a state visit to Duterte or Chavez? It's about being anti-trump not anti-American. Helping us dump trump is very friendly  to Americans. 

Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom.


186,333 signatures



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21 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

Have you read the Trump petition? The petition does not seek banning entry to the UK for Trump, just not a State Visit the timing of which breaches prior diplomatic protocol among other matters. BTW current number of signatures is nearly 1.8 million


Donald Trump should be allowed to enter the UK in his capacity as head of the US Government, but he should not be invited to make an official State Visit because it would cause embarrassment to Her Majesty the Queen.



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Just now, simple1 said:

Have you read the Trump petition? The petition does not seek banning entry to the UK for Trump, just not a State Visit the timing of which breaches prior diplomatic protocol among other matters. BTW current number of signatures is nearly 1.8 million


Donald Trump should be allowed to enter the UK in his capacity as head of the US Government, but he should not be invited to make an official State Visit because it would cause embarrassment to Her Majesty the Queen.




Errr? Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom.

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4 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:


Errr? Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom.

The petition supporting Trump's State Visit to the UK is in support of free speech. However, IMO Trump has proven by his actions he is attempting to gag free speech / criticism of his Administration contrary to parliamentary tradition, though I don't believe the State Visit will  be stopped by parliament. 

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22 minutes ago, simple1 said:

The petition supporting Trump's State Visit to the UK is in support of free speech. However, IMO Trump has proven by his actions he is attempting to gag free speech / criticism of his Administration contrary to parliamentary tradition, though I don't believe the State Visit will  be stopped by parliament. 

My signature is in support of Trump!

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With brexit we need Trump on side his election was perfect for the uk to be first in line with a trade deal.As for the anti mob take of the multiple votes and you may have 500,000.He was the best of a bad bunch.He deserves his chance to prove himself.

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13 hours ago, yogi100 said:


You're being sarcastic about my 'extensive knowledge of the British Psyche', you know it, I know it and everybody who's reading this topic knows it. I've not been smart with you so don't start being smart with me and your braggartry about being some sort of hot shot business mogul impresses no one, not me anyway.


If you choose to trade with the Islamic business community whose members don't want Trump to come to the UK then that's up to you.


I've never had a business in American nor the UK nor have I ever belonged to a 'largish trade association that mainly export'. But as an English working man I have seen the damage done to the livelihoods of folk like myself by the admittance to the UK of hordes of foreign workers only too willing to work for less money than us and by unscrupulous businessmen possibly like yourself only too willing to employ them and increase their profits.


That's one of the main reasons why we voted for Brexit and why we admire the American working man for electing Trump and I for one would welcome him into the UK.

Where to start.  Well first of all with an apology.  After reading my post again I do sound like a bit of a prat. I will try again.  My business is actually very small but it took me over thirty years of hard work to get to where it is today.  Recently it has suffered considerably by the fall in the value of the pound and worries about brexit and Trump's presidency.  There will be some in the opposite position and good for them. The people I employ in the UK consist of two English middle aged women and two youngish men. One is from Guildford and one is from Nottingham.  One is Hindu and one is a Christian.  In the USA I employ in total ten people split into two locations.  They consist of five white Americans (two are gay), one German, two French, one Brit and one African American. I would happily employ any Muslims if they applied for a job and if there was a vacancy. The point for saying all this is to illustrate that you are way off with your analysis of me and my business.  However I can see how it may have come over that way with my original badly formed post.


I am vehemently against Trump and everything that he stands for but I have no problem with him coming to Britain to negotiate business deals and have a cup of tea with the Queen. I do not agree with him coming for a State visit.


As for my comment about 'extensive knowledge of the British Psyche' I prefer to say that that I was being ironic rather than sarcastic,  there is a difference.  It was the way that you asserted your opinion as if it were fact.  It was just your opinion as my post is just my opinion.

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13 hours ago, yogi100 said:


There are still at least 62 million people in the UK, that's the vast majority of the population who would appear quite happy to welcome Trump when he comes to the UK.


And it's back to the basic arithmetic books for you.

Got it!

Now out of the 62 million can you break it down into those under 18 (not eligible to sign the petition) and those over an age when they would be unaware how to go about signing a petition.  Now, given that on average only about thirty percent of the eligible voters ever bother to vote in elections, how many of those do you think would go to the trouble of actually sign any petition?


I am not trying to pick an argument here, just trying to get some balance  

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THE QUEEN has confirmed that if President Trump makes a state visit, she can kill him with a sword and nobody can touch her.

Palace staff have assured the Queen that, according to English law, Trump is a subject of the Crown and can, if judged to be damaging the monarchy, be dispatched without repercussion.

She said: “I haven’t made up my mind yet. I might.

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1 minute ago, Slip said:



THE QUEEN has confirmed that if President Trump makes a state visit, she can kill him with a sword and nobody can touch her.

Palace staff have assured the Queen that, according to English law, Trump is a subject of the Crown and can, if judged to be damaging the monarchy, be dispatched without repercussion.

She said: “I haven’t made up my mind yet. I might.

Maybe a compromise can be designed where the insane clown president has his tiny hands tied to prevent any unwanted grabbing during the visit. Boris Johnson can spoon feed him and assist when nature calls. 

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5 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I am not trying to pick an argument here, just trying to get some balance  


Or splitting hairs. Donald Trump holds the title of President of the most important trading and defense partner that the UK has. You can protest his presence in the UK, but you cannot make that visit impossible. Believe it.

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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Or splitting hairs. Donald Trump holds the title of President of the most important trading and defense partner that the UK has. You can protest his presence in the UK, but you cannot make that visit impossible. Believe it.

Again, an official visit is fine.


A state visit is inappropriate at this time. It's too soon


1.8M signatures so far....

Edited by Grouse
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The amount of signatures aqquired so far just goes to show how far the UK has sunk as far as being easily brainwashed by the media and the obsession with political correctness and virtue signalling. I would be willing to bet that the vast majority of those signatures were by people who get their news from the BBC, vote Labour, voted to 'Remain' and have pro views concerning globalism, multi cultralsm, the EU and political correctness . Pretty sure those not protesting and not signing petty petitions are too busy working and dealing with real issues in the world, not what a foreign governement says or does about their own immigration policies. These protests have nothing to do with the Trump administration's policies and orders, it is just another excuse to bash them by those who voted for and wished for a different candidate who lost the election. Bi-partesan "politics" at it's finest. Nothing more.

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I can't wait for Trump to arrive. He is going to be a blast and he's litrually gonna get sparked out and I wanna see him cone out fighting like Prescott. The ultimate example of why a ponce and leaders don't mix. ( in the public eye)

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9 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

I can't wait for Trump to arrive. He is going to be a blast and he's litrually gonna get sparked out and I wanna see him cone out fighting like Prescott. The ultimate example of why a ponce and leaders don't mix. ( in the public eye)


Trump made it very clear that he always carries a gun and is ready to 'open fire' if something bad happens.


This was well before he became president last year when he was talking about the massacre in the Bataclan Theatre in Paris.

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2 minutes ago, ukrules said:


Trump made it very clear that he always carries a gun and is ready to 'open fire' if something bad happens.


This was well before he became president last year when he was talking about the massacre in the Bataclan Theatre in Paris.


He will have plenty of backup if he gets attacked by chavs in London!

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