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Challenges to Trump's immigration orders spread to more U.S. states


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6 minutes ago, dcutman said:

The point is mute and will always be until election laws are changed. You can kick and scream about that all you like. If thats what make you people feel better.

You and the rest of the haters continue to think he is not gonna do this or that, and the rest of America will continue to laugh our asses off when he continues to do what he says he would and will do. Witch by the way, got him elected, by the vast majority or America.

Who's kicking and screaming? LOL  Your attitude is reflective of many Trump supporters.  Go after those who criticize him aggressively. 


I don't hate Trump.  Just don't like how he's dealing with things.  A bit of a difference and I hope you understand that.


Again, a vast majority of Americans did not vote for him.  The electoral college is not a body of all American voters.  Yes, I do know what it's all about.


Sad that some laugh when the president does silly things.

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42 minutes ago, dcutman said:

The point is mute and will always be until election laws are changed. You can kick and scream about that all you like. If thats what make you people feel better.

You and the rest of the haters continue to think he is not gonna do this or that, and the rest of America will continue to laugh our asses off when he continues to do what he says he would and will do. Witch by the way, got him elected, by the vast majority or America.



The point is far from moot to the gigantic snowflake in the White House who spends every day trying to convince the World that he is leading a movement. World leaders wanting to do business with 45 will soon get tired of being lectured by this size Queen.


45's loss of the popular vote not only rankles him but it clearly challenges his legitimacy. Many Republicans distanced themselves from him prior to the election but cam back once he won. Those who are up for re-election in less than 2 years will be looking to their situation and will abandon the incompetent fool and his band of nihilists in a flash if it serves their purpose. Your red map of counties is the issue that is moot. As you and your fellow angry old men keep telling us, the electoral college is made up of states not counties. It is already an historical document and provides no real information. An intellectually honest person would address the narrowness of the victory in key counties and states but that would require some basic ability at critical thinking. Far easier to bluster and post irrelevant and MOOT graphics.

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