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surgery nasal septum ( Septoplasty ) thailand price


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Costs will vary very widely depending on the hospital


Averages about 200,000 baht at the top end (price-wise) private hospitals


At a government hospital will likely be under 50,000 baht


Non-profit private hospitals and private hospitals not geared towards foreigners will fall in between.


Choice of surgeon is critical. Also very important is being sure the procedure is indicated.  One reason so many people do not get good results from this procedure is that the deviated septum was often not the main cause of their symptoms.  Most people with  deviated septums are  asymptomatic and the fact that soemone has a deviated septum and is experiencing nasal problems does nto necessarily mean cause and effect.


If you are in the Bangkok area I suggest you consult this ENT at St Louis hospital:


Prof. Songklot Aeumjaturapat


You'll have to call the hospital for his hours (used to be I think Thursdays and one other day) 0-2675-5000 / 0-2210-9999


If he thinks the procedure is indicated get an estimate at that time. Specifically ask if it can be done as a day surgery rather than overnight stay. Do not email the hospital and ask. Emailed inqueries fall into the hands of marketing people and seem to always yield much inflated estimates.  Also, choice of room can add as much as 15,000 baht to the cost if you let the admissions people sell you on a "VIP" suite and 2 night stay, which they will try to do.


Prof. Songklot is also at Chulalongkhorn (government Hospital). If you prefer you could see him at their after hours clinic. For that you have yo go in person to make the appointment (13th floor, main building, from about 3:30 PM onward or Saturday morning; register first ti get a patient card and number on the ground floor. Thai speaker accompanying is recommended as forms, signs etc all in Thai.). There may be a wait list.


Alternatively if you find the cost of the procedure too high at St Louis you could ask him about doing it at Chula when you have the consultation at St Louis.

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Actually Nasol just helps with dry nose.


There are other medications that can help with inflammation if present


As my post said,  the fact that the septum is deviated does not necessarily mean that nasal symptoms are due to it or will improve when the deviation is corrected. Important to  get the opinion of a skilled ENT.

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19 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Actually Nasol just helps with dry nose.


There are other medications that can help with inflammation if present


As my post said,  the fact that the septum is deviated does not necessarily mean that nasal symptoms are due to it or will improve when the deviation is corrected. Important to  get the opinion of a skilled ENT.

 Nasol contains Naphazoline HCL, a vasoconstrictor similar to oxymetazoline HCL in afrin and other decongestant sprays.


having already had 2 surgeries myself (Septoplasty/Submucosal resectioning of the turbinates in 2010 and Turbinate coblation in 2016),  the last one leaving me with what is called "empty nose syndrome" I would caution against any surgeries to "fix" the problem and look for the root cause of the inflammation if that is what it in fact is and then address that.  


Have you had a ct scan or an MRI?  Allergy testing?



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Oh...and I would be careful regarding nasal spray decongestants that contain Naphazoline HCL, Oxymetazoline HCL or any other similar topical vasoconstrictor as it ultimately can lead to rebound congestion and rhinitis medcamentosa.  Also good to avoid any nasal sprays with the preservative Benzalkonium Chloride.

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Ive had septum straightened and turbinates reduced and other surgery that frankly I cant remember. Surgery probably helped a bit but not a lot. Its one area that sems tricky to sort properly. Good luck but id be carefull what surgeon you use, as its a very deleicate area.

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