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Younger guys looking for love... same traps?


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43 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Alright Rasputin.

Well just sayin... You put it out there... along with your Posting name LOL!!!


I have met many people in my life that claimed to have lots of money but ended up just asset poor. It was all tied up in debt for material things to project a perception of wealth to support the bragging . Also knew a few guys that couldn't stop bragging about their sexual prowess and had an inflated view of themselves claiming women couldn't get enough of them but the women told a VERY different story later. Surely you know women fake orgasm's and say what you want to hear, especially if you are paying them..LOLOLOL!! 






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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

I can spot a fake O a mile away. We are talking about the real deal here. Toe-curling, sheet ripping, wall piercing stuff.


Just ask Oi, Noi, Toi, Goi, Moi etc.

Don't forget Larry, Curly and Mo as well.  LOL.   

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12 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

just the opposite actually.

So wait. You actually lose sleep at night because you wonder if it's fake O or not.




I sense an identity crisis in the works. 555 

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12 hours ago, nuakmuaynina said:

Lol at men who think they can spot a fake O, my girlfriends and I would all disagree... but if it helps you sleep at night.

555.  I know. He is a funny that JHolmes guy.  Women can fake an O no issue to feed a guys EGO. And again if paying for it, it's all part of the package. This very discussion has occurred many times in my life at parties or around campfires camping etc. Just ask a women to fake one and they can do it on queue, no rehearsal required.5555.  We all get a good laugh.  

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58 minutes ago, JAFO said:

555.  I know. He is a funny that JHolmes guy.  Women can fake an O no issue to feed a guys EGO. And again if paying for it, it's all part of the package. This very discussion has occurred many times in my life at parties or around campfires camping etc. Just ask a women to fake one and they can do it on queue, no rehearsal required.5555.  We all get a good laugh.  

Perhaps they are 'cueing' up for JH's snooker pole rather than doing it on 'queue'. 

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Sometimes it is hard to tell a fake orgasm, and most times it is easier to just pretend along anyway. There are some 'symptoms' that are impossible to fake. The most obvious is a sudden hot flush and perspiration all over her body. Many Thai girls are reluctant to kiss, but will become enthusiastic approaching orgasm.


Of course, as a bloke, we have to fake sometimes too. 

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Late to the party but never mind


On 2/7/2017 at 5:03 AM, sandemara said:

I think you'll find most - if not all - relationships in Thailand are based purely on money.


Most inter-generational farang/Thai relationships are based on money.


So how do you know to a reasonable degree of certainty that it's not the money?

Ok well, if you're in an inter-generational relationship and she won't kiss you passionately (tongue, open-mouth) then I'm sorry but you're a meal ticket.

It really is as simple as that

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1 hour ago, YeahSiam said:
On 2/6/2017 at 9:03 PM, sandemara said:

I think you'll find most - if not all - relationships in Thailand are based purely on money.


Most inter-generational farang/Thai relationships are based on money.

5555. Outstanding and likely quite accurate YeahSiam. Probably best way I have heard it stated. Again not good or bad but.......

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21 hours ago, DILLIGAD said:

I'd say 99.9% of relationships to a Thai are treated like a business transaction. If not by the girl, then by the family behind her.
OP read 'ThailandFever' book, it's an interesting study piece.

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Alternatively, find a woman who shares your culture, values and language.

If you speak English, you have an enormous advantage; you have the women of many native English-speaking countries available to you.


Why come to Thailand to find a woman trapped in a culture that actively promotes ignorance among the majority of its people?

Thai women are great for fun but the ones typically available to farangs tend to have an angle and it's usually financial.


Of course, you could learn the language and increase the chances of finding a really good Thai woman but, seriously...........do you really want to go to the trouble of learning a language just so you can speak to the women of one country most of whom are primarily and almost exclusively interested in their countrymen??


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In Thailand money is more important than any family , so to answer your question :


A marriage between a young farang living in the west with a foreign income ($100000 ++)  and a thai girl from rural Isaan is mostly about financial transactions and to secure her life and her family in Thailand. I'm talking about the poor farm girls here, not hi-so Bangkokians. 





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If you are average looking, or better, 5'9 or better, in decent enough shape and you can mess with as many Thai girls as you like.   


You can probably find love but it won't be found at bars/nightclubs/dating apps.  There are some really lovely Thai girls out there just out of university who come from nice families/don't drink/aren't financially reliant upon their partners.  

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On 2/7/2017 at 11:39 AM, ttthailand said:

Just seen a YouTube video (real education...haha) about two types of girls to never marry as it won't last; first is the girl who had sex before 14 years old and the second is any girl with over 16 sex partners. The odds of success is only 20% for those types.
So in Thailand this suggests that all bar girls working for a month or more will not be a good pick.

I think any relationship in Thailand that starts with a bar fine is out. Also any relationship where the woman is not working or has no income is out.

So basically none bar girl with a decent job who is willing to keep working should be what to look for in a partner.

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Does paid sex really count as a partner?

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I came here when I was in my mid-thirties. So I guess that puts me on the tail end of the age range you described. The women definitely don't come at you for money like they seem to with older chaps. They don't expect you to be wealthy. But the main issues are the same. The main one being no connection. The women are largely immature by our standards and kinda look at western men like a child sees their parents. They don't really know how to relate to us or our problems. I find the only women here that are sophisticated enough to effectively interact with foreigners are either that way b/c they've had what most of us would consider a rocky past or hi-so to the point that they wouldn't get serious with a foreigner. There's very little in-between that would be compatible with a westerner that wants any amount of intellect in their partner. I have found some of the women I met that stuck with a foreigner did change their attitude a bit as a result. But I'm not into training women to be the way I like em. Give me one that's ready.

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The other thing you find out here as a younger man is that a lot of these women have older ones in their back pockets. Eventually the girl shows her hand and kinda treats you like the Thai guy. She expects you to understand and accept that the older guy is just her sponsorship, but you're the one she loves and wants to be with. Had a couple friends with the girl that cornered em one day with "Are you gonna marry me? B/c this older guy wants me to be his wife."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just to spoil all your "love does not exist without a transaction" would say that i'm 26, 4 years in thailand and have never dated a bar girl. Barely talked to them as well and moreover had plenty of absolutely normal girls who would buy me a dinner. If you find a girl who doesn't care about who's paying for dinner then you found a gem. Thailand is a great place for a single young guy and this has nothing to do with bar girls/hoes/goldiggers.

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Just to spoil all your "love does not exist without a transaction" would say that i'm 26, 4 years in thailand and have never dated a bar girl. Barely talked to them as well and moreover had plenty of absolutely normal girls who would buy me a dinner. If you find a girl who doesn't care about who's paying for dinner then you found a gem. Thailand is a great place for a single young guy and this has nothing to do with bar girls/hoes/goldiggers.

That isn't normal. They have a plan that you are too naive to recognize IMO, but nevertheless, good luck.

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23 hours ago, DILLIGAD said:

That isn't normal. They have a plan that you are too naive to recognize IMO, but nevertheless, good luck.

Would agree but not for every case tho, so nope most of them were my gfs or giks or very close friends. No drama shit has ever happened.

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Just to spoil all your "love does not exist without a transaction" would say that i'm 26, 4 years in thailand and have never dated a bar girl. Barely talked to them as well and moreover had plenty of absolutely normal girls who would buy me a dinner. If you find a girl who doesn't care about who's paying for dinner then you found a gem. Thailand is a great place for a single young guy and this has nothing to do with bar girls/hoes/goldiggers.

Or she has a sugardaddy behind your back.

Seriously though, at 26, you're dating a different brand of Thai girl. Stick around a few years and see if things change for you a bit. In the mean time, pick up the tabs. Every time. Women spend a lot of money on themselves trying to attract us. Least you can do is buy em dinner.

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Fit, reasonable good looking young male has it so freaking easy here... 


I had "fun" with dozens in Bangkok (no hookers, strictly free of charge) while searching for something serious. There is plenty of money grabbers and also decent girls.


Long story short I've found an awesome girl, we are both in 20s with me being 5 years older. One and half year later I can't imagine that it wouldn't last. She is uni educated, very hot (getting compliments from farangs and Thais all the time) and there are no marks of this being a "financial transaction"


It just takes time and effort...

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