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Trump - militant attacks 'all over Europe,' some not reported


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I haven't gone back and read the entire full transcript of Trump's remarks, but the OP article in this thread didn't refer to Trump only talking about TERRORIST attacks. But rather -- "attacks by Islamist militants in Europe."  To me at least, that could encompass broader attacks, like those in Cologne, in addition to the more explicit terrorist attacks. He seemed to be talking about WHO was doing the attacking, not what kind of attack it was.


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29 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I haven't gone back and read the entire full transcript of Trump's remarks, but the OP article in this thread didn't refer to Trump only talking about TERRORIST attacks. But rather -- "attacks by Islamist militants in Europe."  To me at least, that could encompass broader attacks, like those in Cologne, in addition to the more explicit terrorist attacks. He seemed to be talking about WHO was doing the attacking, not what kind of attack it was.


Nope, not what he said, your words are those of a reporter, he specifically referenced ISIS. Cologne was criminality, not terrorism. The relevant text from his speech at the base is:


ISIS is on a campaign of genocide, committing atrocities across the world. Radical Islamic terrorists are determined to strike our homeland, as they did on 9/11, as they did from Boston to Orlando to San Bernardino and all across Europe. 

You've seen what happened in Paris and Nice. All over Europe it's happening. It's gotten to a point where it's not even being reported. And in many cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn't want to report it. They have their reasons and you understand that.



Edited by simple1
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1 hour ago, katana said:


"...The Cologne assaults were not reported by the national media for days, and The Local says many news outlets started reporting it only after a wave of anger on social media made covering the story unavoidable.[49] This fuelled claims that the media was attempting to cover up crimes by immigrants.[50] Although Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker condemned the assaults, she was strongly criticized for some of her comments and was accused of blaming the victims. Cologne's police chief, Wolfgang Albers, was transferred to provisional retirement for his handling of the situation. The police response and delayed media reaction met strong criticism from German citizens..."


See also www.youtube.com/watch?v=soca1Kqbz9w


Interestingly, the BBC, which according to some here is a biased, left wing, politically correct organisation, reported on the attacks on the 5th January 2016.


The Guardian, another biased, leftie, PC organisation according to some here, had this report, also on the 5th January.


Whereas the earliest mention of the assaults I can find on Breitbart, a bastion of truth according to some here, is dated the 21st January!

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30 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


Interestingly, the BBC, which according to some here is a biased, left wing, politically correct organisation, reported on the attacks on the 5th January 2016.


The Guardian, another biased, leftie, PC organisation according to some here, had this report, also on the 5th January.


Whereas the earliest mention of the assaults I can find on Breitbart, a bastion of truth according to some here, is dated the 21st January!

And of course Cologne was not an ISIS atrocity, but a poor decision by Merkel nonetheless. My problem with Trump is that he's mixing up two issues. 


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19 hours ago, farcanell said:

I'm thinking whitehouse spokesman, Sean spicer, has the hardest job going in today's world.

      Sean gets briefed by Bannon and Trump and just struts out to pass on the lies to the press corps.   Similar to what Kellyanne does, except she is savvy, whereas and Sean is just an angry dimwitted guy.   Indeed all Trump spokespeople, including Guiliani are showing ugly character traits, beyond lying their heads off.


     However, there are some jobs which are a lot harder than Sean Spicer's.  How about the men who worked for Trump Inc and didn't get paid.  They've got to continue raising their families in spite of giving months of unpaid service to Trump's enterprises, ....AND having to pay for lawyers to pursue litigation against Trump.

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3 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 I suggested looking it up on Google; and even provided a link to the many results so doing would provide.


But when I put the phrase into You Tube I found a lot more than a few: two examples.


and this


BTW, the video you posted is entitled "Violent Muslim protest in London." Whilst noisy; I saw no violence. Any idea what the protest in that video was about?

      Both of these two videos featured few Muslims ( good for them )

 whilst those showing the Muslim fanatics,showed large crowds. I could have shown you one march in the Nth England with 5,000.plus many more videos with the same message. 

The video I posted, showed  angry Muslim crowd,definitely very angry with the Americans, but also something else that you seem not to have noticed. Many signs showing their opposition to democracy.

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Sorry, my post was not clear. The statistics were from 2015, but published at the end of 2016 with an appendix.

The 1800 cases of crimes of the neonazi  movement  include the investigation in 2016.

I had problems with the BKA downloading.

I give some informations.

0 class are German citizens with immigration background. (40 % of US citizens ?)

1. class are immigrants people living and born Germany with accepted  parents.

2 class  are  accepted refugees

3 class  are refugees under investigation

4. class are under nvestigation as dangerous people

1800 Germans are under Investigation for racism, Terrorist Actions,

Many victims were integrated Muslims (Group 0)

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8 minutes ago, nontabury said:

      Both of these two videos featured few Muslims ( good for them )

 whilst those showing the Muslim fanatics,showed large crowds. I could have shown you one march in the Nth England with 5,000.plus many more videos with the same message. 

The video I posted, showed  angry Muslim crowd,definitely very angry with the Americans, but also something else that you seem not to have noticed. Many signs showing their opposition to democracy.

The two videos reported on many condemnations by Muslims of Islamic terrorism. I put it to you that they represent the views of British Muslims far more than those on the demonstration you posted the video of; particularly as your video shows that the demonstration only by a couple of hundred people at most.


This video shows Islamic extremists; and the reaction to them of British Muslims



If you do as I suggested and actually search via Google, or any other search engine of your choice, then you will find that the condemnation is coming from the vast majority of Muslims worldwide, and have been for many years.


Some examples for you; for the first two I added the word 'British' to the search.


Muslim Council of Britain takes out advert denouncing Paris attack


Hundreds of British Muslims have taken out an advert to highlight their “united condemnation” of terrorism after the attacks in Paris.

The advert, issued by the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) and endorsed by more than 300 of the body’s affiliates, features an image of the Eiffel Tower and the words: “With one voice, British Muslims condemn the Paris attacks unreservedly.

“The barbaric acts of Daesh [Isis] have no sanction in the religion of Islam, which forbids terrorism and the targeting of innocents.

UK imams condemn Isis in online video


Sayed Ali Rizvi, head of the Majlis Ulama-e-Shia organisation, says in the video the UK is "united under various colours, nationalities, cultures and creeds".

He says Isis "are cowboys. They don't represent the religion and are not qualified to represent the religion... We are Muslims united against Isis, against terrorism, against atrocity, against pain and suffering."

Imam Maulana Shahid Raza of Leicester Central Mosque, a leading Sunni cleric, accuses Isis of trying to create corruption and discord within the Muslim world.


Remove the word 'British' from the search and you get many, many results like


Belgian Muslims condemn attacks, donate blood


Leading Belgian and European Muslim groups condemned Tuesday’s attacks in Brussels.

“These were barbaric acts,” said Said Kamli, the director of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, adding that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and its terrorist activities do not represent Islam. “We do not support people who do these things. We hope they face justice.”


Teen Makes Spreadsheet of Muslim Groups Denouncing Terrorism


when a fellow student challenged her by claiming that Muslims never denounce acts of terrorism carried out in the name of Islam, she decided to show him the receipts. The result was Worldwide Muslims Condemn List — a spreadsheet with 5,720 instances of Muslim groups and leaders denouncing various acts of terrorism.

Very relevant to this topic: Media Blackout As Millions Of Muslims March Against ISIS In Iraq


Given the mainstream media’s constant sensationalized reporting on terror and Muslims in the Western world, the utter lack of coverage of Arbaeen’s march on Sunday and Monday revealed the double standard that exists in reporting on peaceful Muslims.


Muslim anti-Isis march not covered by mainstream media outlets, say organisers


Organisers of an anti-Isis march in London have spoken of their frustration after mainstream media outlets failed to cover the demonstration.

Thousands of people took part in the annual UK Arbaeen Procession, coordinated by the Husaini Islamic Trust UK, on Sunday.

I've mentioned those last two before; and a certain member, or rather ex member, said they didn't count because the demonstrations were part of an annual event.


Will you make that same pathetic comment? I hope not; I think you are better than that.

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2 hours ago, 7by7 said:
4 hours ago, katana said:


"...The Cologne assaults were not reported by the national media for days, and The Local says many news outlets started reporting it only after a wave of anger on social media made covering the story unavoidable.[49] This fuelled claims that the media was attempting to cover up crimes by immigrants.[50] Although Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker condemned the assaults, she was strongly criticized for some of her comments and was accused of blaming the victims. Cologne's police chief, Wolfgang Albers, was transferred to provisional retirement for his handling of the situation. The police response and delayed media reaction met strong criticism from German citizens..."


See also www.youtube.com/watch?v=soca1Kqbz9w


Interestingly, the BBC, which according to some here is a biased, left wing, politically correct organisation, reported on the attacks on the 5th January 2016.


The Guardian, another biased, leftie, PC organisation according to some here, had this report, also on the 5th January.


Whereas the earliest mention of the assaults I can find on Breitbart, a bastion of truth according to some here, is dated the 21st January!

Well, you're obviously giving misleading information then or not very good at searching.
From the 04th Jan 2016:
"...Just five arrests have been made by German police after central Cologne was transformed into a war-zone on New Year’s Eve, as an estimated 1,000 migrants celebrated by launching fireworks into crowds and sexually assaulting German women caught up in the chaos.
The sordid details of the horrifying sexual assaults and attacks made against ordinary Germans by large gangs of migrants in Cologne in the early hours of Friday morning are just now emerging.
Far from a small number of sex assaults reported to have been made by German speaking men in initial reports on New Year’s Day, dozens of women are now reported to have been molested and “raped”, while dozens more men have been assaulted and robbed

The BBC, the Guardian and other new sources decided to pick up the story a day after Breitbart went public with it.

Here's a report in the Times of London (8th Jan 2016), entitled: “Let’s be honest about these immigrant attacks”:
"...The West is refusing to accept the unpalatable truth behind the assaults on women in Germany
The nature and scale of what happened in German cities on New Year’s Eve has been an eye-opener. Hundreds of sexual assaults on women, including harassment, molestation and rapes, were reported to police in Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Munich and Düsseldorf. The women said the perpetrators were mostly Arab and north African migrants.
Even more remarkable has been the response. First, the German authorities misleadingly reported merely a small handful of attacks by German-speaking men with no evidence of immigrant involvement. Then social media, and the Breitbart news website, started to report the victims’ graphic testimony and a very different picture emerged. In Cologne women were sexually assaulted and both men and women robbed by a throng of migrants a thousand strong. The victims identified virtually all these attackers as of north African, Arab or “dark” appearance

Ctd http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/opinion/columnists/article4659368.ece

Edited by katana
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11 minutes ago, katana said:

Well, you're obviously giving misleading information then or not very good at searching.
From the 04th Jan 2016:

Ok; a day before.


Blame the search engine on the Breitbart site.


That still doesn't alter the facts that claims the German police and media tried to cover up the ethnicity of the scum who carried out these, and other, assaults is complete <deleted>.


from you Breitbart quote

14 minutes ago, katana said:

Far from a small number of sex assaults reported to have been made by German speaking men in initial reports on New Year’s Day, dozens of women are now reported to have been molested and “raped”, while dozens more men have been assaulted and robbed..."

So, a small number of assaults and robberies were reported to the police at first, then more victims came forward.


Not unusual in such situations as many victims don't feel it's worth reporting until they feel emboldened by the fact that others have also suffered and reported it.


Even many rapes go unreported: Reporting Sexual Assault: Why Survivors Often Don’t


Even though that paper is about one on one assault and rape, many of the reasons within are relevant here.


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7 hours ago, Chicog said:

It's remarkable the utter rubbish he comes out with.

The O'Reilly interview was hilarious.



 My favorite bit was where O'Reilly told him that the data didn't support his claim regarding fraudulent voting and Trump's reply was a classic, "forget the data". Trump's latest claim is that the murder rate is at a 47 year high when it fact its the lowest for 45 years.

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