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"Don't employ kids in the sex trade!" - top cop appeals to industry after underage worker found


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22 hours ago, chrisinth said:

I would be grateful if someone can explain why someone caught underage in a massage parlour falls into the human trafficking category?


She could well be a 'volunteer' worker, not coerced in any way and just lying about her age to the employer.


While the 21 year old next to her was (hypothetically) taken by force from her village but because she isn't underage, doesn't come under the category?


Something I have never understood here; I had always thought that underage sex and trafficking were two separate offences, and unless there is proof to the contrary, should be processes individually. 


And just for clarity, I am in no way condoning underage sex with the above questions.

In Thailand government officials can do whatever they want, how long have you been in Thailand?

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20 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

So customer have to choose the badge number more than 18 from now on wards ?



Yes, that's right. If you choose number 12 or 14 it just shows you are a pedophile, you will be prosecute in court, yes, anything can happen in Thailand.

Why do you think people all come to Pattaya, because strange unusual things happen there, and they love it.  So they all gather there, the show begins anytime.

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16 hours ago, jobsworth said:

when you are as old as i am they all look like kids including the police.


Yes, i can't help laughing at what you wrote. I am approaching that age and it does feel that way I am afraid. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself for not screwing enough when I was young and now it's all down hill, slippery and nothing to grasp on, going down real fast. If you have experienced falling down a small muddy hill after rainfall you will know that feeling. That helpless feeling..... no fun growing old.

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4 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

All Thai think about us the Money nothing ever changes here TIT

              The  golden mantra ,  should be stamped on all arrival  cards .

                  I lucky  i found a good one , really .

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Reminds me of that trip in Issarn, my Farang pal was taking me to his 'property' (well, you know...) in his wife's village, where she was waiting for us with the family. The odd s..t on the road and a flat had delayed us quite a bit, and his pick-up was thirsty for diesel, we were, for a beer, too, and stopped at the lights a bit further. So far so good.

There were quite some 'ladies' in the place, a few looking, erm, quite young. There were five guys too, the kind you'd prefer not to meet, especially in a dark alley. Two of them uniformed police, the one with a lot of gold and badges, came to our table, ...and within less than a min. wanted to provide us with, oh, much, much younger girls, and boys, even had 'virgins' for us...! We paid for the drink, but it took us quite some 'negotiating' to be allowed(!) to leave without accepting the 'gentle offer' of that RTP captain or so...! Must say my friend drove quiet fast when we left... Hey, who knows, maybe he was in fact the owner, and 'meat' (bah!) provider...?

The BiBs, a never-ending bad, dirty, sick story... 

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7 hours ago, MaxLee said:

:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: OOOOOOOHHHH, what a strong statement from the TOP Police branch!!!!!!!!! Now all the traffickers quiver in fear :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

" top cop appeals to industry  " - an industry which we can be sure has no connection with or is not partially operated or supported / protected by any RTP officer of any rank.......

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31 minutes ago, madusa said:

Yes, that's right. If you choose number 12 or 14 it just shows you are a pedophile, you will be prosecute in court, yes, anything can happen in Thailand.

Why do you think people all come to Pattaya, because strange unusual things happen there, and they love it.  So they all gather there, the show begins anytime.

'madusa'; You mean when it wouldn't be there, in Pattaya or elsewhere, 'the people' wouldn't go there, isn't it...? I'd easily admit in the case of Pattaya, 'demand' came before 'offer', with the US forces in 'Nam' days. Fact is though the Thais were very much in a hurry to 'respond' positively, Buddha here, and the other one there, no matter, they were very happy, and greedy, to do so... Anf there Pattaya comes from, the Ami's left after their, (sorry, but:) burning, defeat, but one of the largest bordello's on the planet kept growing on, and on. By then, 'offer', of all size, price, filt and dirth, by far exceeding 'demand', and becoming the main money-maker of the whole, mega-corrupt, Chonbury province... But do not forget: there is no prostitution in Thailand, LOL!

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20 hours ago, natway09 said:

I get a bit of a laugh out out of some of the crazy statements made here by Farang who have

maybe not visited places like Suttisan. to enjoy.

But under age is something I think is a fair cop. I detest it


To be fair, I have known (not in the biblical sense) several underage girls working in the Thai sex industry.  Soi Cowboy, in fact.  I have absolutely no doubt that the girls I knew were working there of their own volition.  It is not easy to determine the age of these girls, simply by looking at them.  If you ask them, they will say at least 18.  So who is at fault if you unknowingly end up with a girl who is really under 18?


I do not condone underage  girls working in the sex industry, in reality, I am not all that comfortable with 18 and 19 years olds working either.  But those girls are of legal age and I do respect their right to choose.


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10 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


Give out severe sentences to people using their services, like long jail terms.

These people are as bad the people in the service.

Best to ask the girls first if they want you to curb or stop their means of income.

I mean, if you have a 20,000 to 40,000 baht or often more a month job to offer all of them, then by all means employ them and pay them as much money as they can make in "The Business"

If they are underage, then yes, put a stop to that aspect ...but if they are of age and willingly participate as a means to make money then that is their choice.

IF they are not coerced or held captive in any way or indentured sexual servitude is not being forced upon them then they are free to do as they please.

Even if they get an education and university degree they can always decide to do "The Business" ....if it so pleases them to do so.

Even in wealthy and affluent societies and  or under excellent economic circumstances there are more than enough willing participants because of the money...or the lure of the potential money to be made.

They just charge more when there is more money around and being spent on leisure activities.

Everywhere in the world...not just Thailand.  

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That will upset a lot of the scum on here that froth on young girls and will argue day and night about how mature 17 year old girls are and once they hit the age of consent they are all fair game. Then throw out the Thais do it so whats the problem.

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12 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


Give out severe sentences to people using their services, like long jail terms.

These people are as bad the people in the service.


That makes no sense.  If you walk up to a Fried Chicken seller on the street and they give you a small basket of fried chicken, how are you to know the chicken isn't really chicken but buzzard.  In fact, it's underage buzzard at that.  You'd have to be pretty good to spot buzzard of the right age versus 17-year-old buzzard when buzzard should be eaten only when it is 18 years old. 


So why would the consumer be blamed for buying under-aged buzzard?


I'll make it easier for you to understand,  if the buzzard you chose for your basket was 17 years and 364 days old and not 17 years and 366 days old, how would you know?


Don't be so quick to blame the consumer when the seller and the buzzard are the only ones in the know.



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10 hours ago, madusa said:

In Thailand government officials can do whatever they want, how long have you been in Thailand?

Yep, you are probably correct. Or not. Probably correct that I need a couple more decades here on top of the couple I have been here to understand...................;)


But I don't see the relevance of how long I have been in Thailand, as the questions I asked could be from someone's first time visit or someone who has spent the last 40 years here.


The main question was why is it that underage sex and human trafficking are linked together in so many cases where nothing has yet been proved? 


Is it mistaken reporting by the media? Is it that officials are using every opportunity to show the world they are righting the wrongs of human trafficking even though no proof is given? What is the reason? 

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6 hours ago, fish monger said:

50 cops and military...? What were they expecting to find, the Red Army...?

Somewhat of a grand publicity stunt and looks good for the press and media while the public just loves the sensationalism.

You have to wonder how the Thai citizens feel about this because if they thought it was such as bad thing ( this prostitution thing ) they ( or at least a good number of them )  would be publically voicing their opinions all the time as they well know what goes on in all the massage parlours and numbered hotels and red light districts and the various entertainment areas and leisure time activity areas, or such establishments, that are obvious to everyone.

Maybe more than enough Thai people do but most likely their complaints are stifled...Thailand being the way it is and all...but still you never see any serious opposition coming from the mass of Thai people in unison about this supposedly dire social matter and the reasons for that would make for another story unto itself.

Everywhere in Thailand, in any city of size there and even small cities there is a relative abundance of "you know what going on" while business entrepreneurs ( both Women and Men ) open an establishment ( Legally or illegally ) that in effect becomes the operating premises for prostitution.

Now with the internet the "The Business"  has flourished even more.

The list of means and ways the services are offered is surprisingly long.  

The whole affair and everything entailed is not going to ever go away so best to regulate it as best they can and crack down on certain aspects of what evolves...such as underage girls of less than 18 years old ( maybe 19 years would be better )  and or human trafficking and or coerced sexual services  and or indentured sexual servitude which is relatively common as the girl is obligated to pay off a debt  created by their Mother and or Father while  the girl is used as the means to pay off a debt...so indentured sexual servitude is a way to pay off a debt.

Problem is when you make laws then people are criminalised and sometimes harshly for doing what OTHER people deem as wrong or illegal and commonly those people become marginalised and demonised and stigmatised by society in gneral and in effect socially shunned by the rest of society.




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There will always..ALWAYS be a sex for sale business because it is in demand and it provides a transactional personal and social necessity. The positive social value is dependent on regulation. I have been in some of the most sexually repressive states and guess what. The social necessity overrides even the most intolerant religious and state sanctioned repression. In my estimation, the Thai culture has been able to regulate and moderate the sex for money necessity better than any place I am aware of.

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21 minutes ago, nodomino said:

There will always..ALWAYS be a sex for sale business because it is in demand and it provides a transactional personal and social necessity. The positive social value is dependent on regulation. I have been in some of the most sexually repressive states and guess what. The social necessity overrides even the most intolerant religious and state sanctioned repression. In my estimation, the Thai culture has been able to regulate and moderate the sex for money necessity better than any place I am aware of.

That is right ....although the sex for money ( prostitution ) aspect is unsavoury in many ways and commonly turns into a socially contentious issue concerning ALL that is entailed and everything that does evolve because of it, as everyone knows or should know SEX is the basis of "The Business" .....while you can not stop people from having sex ..as in...you can not stop people from having sex....but you can try to repress it and try to control it and make up various rules and regulations and laws concerning practiced social decorum and social etiquette relevant to the wide spread and commonly practiced "sexual interactions" between human beings and all things sexual,  to be understood and practised in a said to be "civilized society"  or civilized cultures.

The Thai people have had the whole affair, so to speak, evolve in a way that is strikingly different than some societies while many countries have similarities but each country has certain aspects that are universally similar or the same while each country is populated by citizens that want to .......F.........ummm........ copulate and copulate some more and do it again and again and again, their whole adult life.....while no one needs to explain why....LOL


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On ‎9‎/‎2‎/‎2560 at 7:43 AM, gemguy said:

Somewhat of a grand publicity stunt and looks good for the press and media while the public just loves the sensationalism.

You have to wonder how the Thai citizens feel about this because if they thought it was such as bad thing ( this prostitution thing ) they ( or at least a good number of them )  would be publically voicing their opinions all the time as they well know what goes on in all the massage parlours and numbered hotels and red light districts and the various entertainment areas and leisure time activity areas, or such establishments, that are obvious to everyone.

Maybe more than enough Thai people do but most likely their complaints are stifled...Thailand being the way it is and all...but still you never see any serious opposition coming from the mass of Thai people in unison about this supposedly dire social matter and the reasons for that would make for another story unto itself.

Everywhere in Thailand, in any city of size there and even small cities there is a relative abundance of "you know what going on" while business entrepreneurs ( both Women and Men ) open an establishment ( Legally or illegally ) that in effect becomes the operating premises for prostitution.

Now with the internet the "The Business"  has flourished even more.

The list of means and ways the services are offered is surprisingly long.  

The whole affair and everything entailed is not going to ever go away so best to regulate it as best they can and crack down on certain aspects of what evolves...such as underage girls of less than 18 years old ( maybe 19 years would be better )  and or human trafficking and or coerced sexual services  and or indentured sexual servitude which is relatively common as the girl is obligated to pay off a debt  created by their Mother and or Father while  the girl is used as the means to pay off a debt...so indentured sexual servitude is a way to pay off a debt.

Problem is when you make laws then people are criminalised and sometimes harshly for doing what OTHER people deem as wrong or illegal and commonly those people become marginalised and demonised and stigmatised by society in gneral and in effect socially shunned by the rest of society.




Very well said...! Cheers.


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