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Yes, and as for financial exploitation in the sex industry, I think it is high time all those bar girls are packed off back to Isaan to work in the rice fields instead of ruthlessly exploiting all those poor ignorant sex tourists that come for their two weeks holiday in Thailand.

There are so many cases of farangs being financially ruined by getting entangled with these devious creatures, I think they should all be ashamed of themselves (bar girls that is)!

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Yes, and as for financial exploitation in the sex industry, I think it is high time all those bar girls are packed off back to Isaan to work in the rice fields instead of ruthlessly exploiting all those poor ignorant sex tourists that come for their two weeks holiday in Thailand.

There are so many cases of farangs being financially ruined by getting entangled with these devious creatures, I think they should all be ashamed of themselves (bar girls that is)!

You are going back a long way with these kinds of statements against one of the oldest professions on the planet, you have mentioned financial ruin for some and this may very well have happened more times that one would like to admit but don't forget , there are two sides to this street.

Yes, and as for financial exploitation in the sex industry, I think it is high time all those bar girls are packed off back to Isaan to work in the rice fields instead of ruthlessly exploiting all those poor ignorant sex tourists that come for their two weeks holiday in Thailand.

There are so many cases of farangs being financially ruined by getting entangled with these devious creatures, I think they should all be ashamed of themselves (bar girls that is)!

You are going back a long way with these kinds of statements against one of the oldest professions on the planet, you have mentioned financial ruin for some and this may very well have happened more times that one would like to admit but don't forget , there are two sides to this street.

From the Bar Girl's Induction Manual .....

Chapter 6 - "After the Tourist goes home"

Week 1 - send email - profess undying love, say you have stopped working in the bar and returned to the farm where you will wait for the tourist to return (but continue working at bar and use receipts from previous 10 boyfriends to buy new Toyota Tiger 4x4 - keep old 2-stroke Yamaha for arriving at work.)

Week 3 - send email "Theerak the buffalo has died" - see appendix M for words to use for maximum effect

Month 2 Week 4 - send email saying Mother is sick - see appendix O for words

Month 3 Week 2 - send email saying you have same illness as Mother and it looks luike little brother is catching it too - use the "hospitals are so expensive" email and the extra words in "Thailand does not take care of poor people" email words



Month 6 - begin asking for money for air ticket because you miss the Thee-rak so much

Yep the tourists are exploiting and extorting from these girls



After going through this thread and statements like:

First at all I like to say that I do not like Toxin and his government.

His leading stile reminds me somehow on Germany 1933-1945!

I still can say that I got some valuable information on the thread's topic.

BTW: If you feel like in Germany in the 40's why don't you leave Thailand?


I have to agree with many of the opinions englishoak expressed. Being a first world country means operating with a set of open books. When the world pisses and moans about something you have to open the doors and let people investigate. If they don't want to do that then it is an admission they are not first world material yet.

Whether you agree or disagree with the actions that took place recently, one thing is certain, saying that others should keep their noses out simply because you don't beg for food ranks centrally in the third-world category in terms of political and diplomatic maturity. Then again, this is the same government who lied about the bird flu problem and then had the guts to make trade threats towards other nations who did not buy chickens from Thailand.

And for the few here who have expressed opinions that this really is Thailand's business and us Westerners should leave it to the Thai, I'm more than happy to go with that line of reasoning the second you quit expressing your views about the war in Iraq, US policies, EU policies, etc. I mean, unless you're an American or live in Europe your opinions are likely to be just as ignorant as a Westerner commenting on Thailand, right?

Now, before anybody paint me as some left wing loony, I was recently in Bangkok and happened to wander down that one soi off of Sukhumvit that is all Muslim. I mean, I could feel the difference. It went from friendly smiles when you passed someone on the street to scowls. I got the ###### out of there as quickly as I could. I mentioned this to a friend and he expressed his dream. A world-wide Muslim ass kicking. Islamic extremists blow up another bomb in southern Thailand, the Thais should ransack that soi I just described. Another bomb goes off on a Spainish train, Spainiards should rip into a Muslim neighborhood and start torching Muslim owned businesses. One of the major factors in the rise of terrorism is the lack of internal pressure against it. If every time terrorists acted the world retaliated by striking at innocent Muslism . . . instead of them burning effegies of Bush and Blair you might actually see one or two protests against extreme Islam and maaaaaaaaaaaybe even some OBL effegies getting the torch.

And you know what, I sorta agreed with him.

In a recent incident in Saudi Arabia they interviewed a man who was livid with rage. He said that he was *now* angry at al Queda and Osama bin Laden because it was obvious they had done this to Muslims. There were no Western targets and no Westerners lived in the area. He made it very obvious that until now he had no problem with al Queda's actions because they were attacking Westerners but once they started attacking other Muslims they were obviously prostituting the Islamic religion.

Move the Thai border just south of Phuket! Volia!

I am in favor of giving land for all muslims to live on there own. Strictly muslims only.Give them what they want, let them be by themselves with no infidels around.

With the understanding that for every 1 person in the world gets killed by a Islamic terrorist that they will be bombed so that atleast 1000 of them will be killed. This way maybe the muslims would police up their own.

Its quite obvious that the Thai government used exessive force. Look at the numbers 5 dead on one side 107 dead on the other....now think  about that...who was armed with machine guns and who was not? ....they did the same thing they did a few years ago with the burmese bandits/freedom fighters(whatever you want to call them) who took hostages in the embassy...the kidnappers were tied up and then shot at close range in the back of the head. The Thais do not fool around in situations like this. There is no doubt though they did use exessive force. Problem is that just leads to a new group of muslim bandits/terrorists/freedom fighters lining up for the next round. Bush is finding that out in Iraq as well. Killing everyone in site does not solve the problem.


they did the same thing they did a few years ago with the burmese bandits/freedom fighters(whatever you want to call them) who took hostages in the embassy...the kidnappers were tied up and then shot at close range in the back of the head.

Actually,the embassy take-over ended peacefully after long negotiations by civilian government negotiators and the five hostage takers then got deported. :o

I think you're referring to the seizure of Ratchaburi hospital by ten Karens who were members of the group "God's Army"!

That time the Thai army decided to handle the whole affair themselves to show Chuan Leekpai's government that they could do it both better and swifter without any recurrence.

The military had already bombed the Karen's refugee camp and killed several civilians; so the "God's Army"group took over the hospital in protest.

The hostages were treated well and the ten Karens finally surrendered.

After surrendering, they were hand-cuffed and then taken to another building where they got blind-folded and executed without any eye-witnesses around to testify later. :D

The Thai military didn't want any Karen survivors who could explain why they had acted so desperately after having lived calmly near the border for years. :D

Lots of people heard the gunshots and knew exactly what'd happened.

Some still had the hand-cuffs on when reporters were let in! : :D

Armed Thais who sense they have absolute power over a situation almost never give a measured response and they have no sense of fair play either. :D



I wonder why, if you run back on the posts on this topic you see a certain similarity in the new "non English as a native language pro Thaksin posts" ?

The phonetics, the views, their inability to reply to a question....and the fact they are completely absent from other topics on the forum not curious to you? Look at the subject matter and think, I remember when it was impossible to post an anti Myamar statement on the LP forum without these guys popping up, deja vu.

I disagree with many of the views expressed here, but thats part of it, we agree to disagree. Don't believe these people navigated here by accident, don't believe they are paid by anyone other than.... well who do you think?

Its not a problem but its interesting...


1. Thaksin is proving yet again that he has no problem killing hundreds of people yet I thought Buddhism was all about not killing anyone or anything, even an ant.

2. I have always maintained that big businessmen make bad politicians because they have vested interest and Thaksin is a perfect example.

3. And apparently he now wants school kids to be urine tested. So much for THAI meaning FREE !

All you none Thai people pontificating on Thai matters and things that just do not concern you, make me sick.  Always the same people writing the same s**t each and every day, like you are world experts on Thailand or something.

        What gives you the right to write such drivel on matters Thai when the only reason you are over there is because you couldn't hack it back home. Either that or you are 1) chasing Thai women from one bar to another, 2) a criminal on the run from home police or doing crime in Thailand.

        You are nothing but visitors there, you have no rights or say in anything Thai, except your tiny minds that is. They could have you out tomorrow.

        I know, I have been there, seen it all, read the books and seen the films as well as getting the T shirt.

      I once knew a guy just like you lot, he ate, drank, spoke and slept Thai all day and night, got into deep s**t over there and was forced to come home. Once here he continued to spout off to anyone who would give him the time on just what a big man he had been over in Thailand. Now he resides at her Majesty's pleasure because he couldn't get his head together.

      I wish you lot could join him.

Can't hack it back home or maybe just smart enough to get out. Stay where you are. You fit in well there.

I gotta agree with you CMT.

The one thing that I find quite surprsing is that in spite of Scorpihun saying that he

"had read the books"

One thing that he seams to agree on is that he is not an expert on ANYTHING !!



        I know, I have been there, seen it all, read the books and seen the films as well as getting the T shirt.


I gotta agree with you CMT.

The one thing that I find quite surprsing is that in spite of Scorpihun saying that he

"had read the books"

One thing that he seams to agree on is that he is not an expert on ANYTHING !!

That doesn't make complete sense even to me.

What I should have said is "that even though he said he had read the books it surprises me that he can actually read"

And that by his own words he is not an expert on anything least of all Thailand.


Goat roper says,

Don't take a yea vote or opinion in this forum, ask the Thais, it's their country and the Thais that I know think Thaksin's troops did correct in putting down this southern Muslim deal in the manner they did it.

Ok, I live in a Moslem community here in Phuket and EVERYONE I have talked to says Thasin is looking for trouble. I am sure that he will find it and you'll see outbreaks just like in the middle east for a long time coming... Thasin is trying to run this country like a busniess. Its not, it's a country THAILAND FREE but not for everyone..Not just for the Bangkok residents.


Logic and political sensitivity tells us Thailand belongs to the Thai citizens and not the farang expats - in that statement I use the International definition agreed by anthropologists and social scientists in that there is no such thing as an ethnic Thai.

The Thai people are a mixture of ethnicities, beliefs and origins united under a common national flag, king, and constitution. Consider how the majority of Thai citizens describe themselves.....

I am - Thai Chinese / Isaan Thai / Thai Malay / Thai Muslim / Indo Thai / Thai Hill Tribe (Thai Akha / Thai Lisu / Thai Hmong etc) ....

The reality is that as a race, Thai does not exist.

There is some arguement for purity of a Syam racial group centered in extreme western Yunnan and Eastern Shan States, but they are identifiably different from the Thai of the Central Plains here - most of whom according to history are an admixture of Mon, Burman, Khmer (which also have the same racial origin problems) and pre-medieval indiginous Lawa who intermixed with Sri Langkan migrants to create the Sri Dvaravati cultural group.

The government could have used wednesday as an excuse to initiate a purge (arresting thousands with "disappearences" and "shot evading arrest" headlines all over the place) - but they didn't. Despite the initial death toll, both the government and uniformed forces showed great restraint (or a cleverly manipulated and controlled press).

Should Farang interfere with internal politics and the methods used to suppress internal strife?

Superficially NO - some posters are correct that Thailand belongs to the Thais and not to us.

However, we also have to view our long term prospects in the light of deteriorating human rights in the kingdom, and a growing subliminal suppression and hatred of caucasian foreigners that originated simply from the name of the ruling party.

I was in China for a month when PM was sworn in, and noticed a marked difference in GENERAL attitude upon my return when compared to the attitude displayed under the previopus government. All the changes to laws directly concerning foreigners (that were not prompted by 911 and war on terror) have reinforced that position.

Even amongst University undergraduates and post-graduates (in the north) I have noticed a resentment of foreigners when issues like the VIP card are discussed - they are being taught that we all have a million baht to throw away on cards like this, and that we're being "khee-niaow" by not buying them to help Thailand's economy and tourism infrastructure.

Would the southern unrest have erupted in this way under the Democrats and the conciliatory Mr Leepai (himself a southerner)?

Or was it opportunism sparked by PM's own words that if Thai soldiers were attacked in Iraq he would pull them out - did the southern activists see that promise as a way to remove martial law from the southern three provinces? Was the Prime Minister therefore the one who directly caused Wednesday's death toll?

Was the Prime Minister therefore the one who directly caused Wednesday's death toll?

Thaksin declared himself fully responsible for what happened in the South, unfortunately before thinking as usual and before the complaints came in....

Another honest mistake...


Or was it opportunism sparked by PM's own words that if Thai soldiers were attacked in Iraq he would pull them out - did the southern activists see that promise as a way to remove martial law from the southern three provinces? Was the Prime Minister therefore the one who directly caused Wednesday's death toll?

No! Is probably the answer. I wonder how long it will be before some calls this part of war on terrorism?

Its quite obvious that the Thai government used exessive force. Look at the numbers 5 dead on one side 107 dead on the other....now think about that...who was armed with machine guns and who was not? ....they did the same thing they did a few years ago with the burmese bandits/freedom fighters(whatever you want to call them) who took hostages in the embassy...the kidnappers were tied up and then shot at close range in the back of the head. The Thais do not fool around in situations like this. There is no doubt though they did use exessive force. Problem is that just leads to a new group of muslim bandits/terrorists/freedom fighters lining up for the next round. Bush is finding that out in Iraq as well. Killing everyone in site does not solve the problem.


Whether or not excessive force was used cannot be told from the figures alone.

Any group of people being attacked by others will of course do what they can to minimize their own losses. Noone in their right mind would try to make it an "even" fight. You of course try to outnumber your enemy, and use more effective weapons.

Still, I too believe that excessive force was used.



I cant believe how anyone can possibly agree with the way Taksin continues to escape any form of accountability for the actions of the state of Thailand. More than 2,000 dead in the war on drugs - no flies on him - now more than 100 gunned down in the south.

It's only a matter of time before something really big happens......will he accept responsibility for it...no !! For every action there is a reaction !

Why don't all the muslims in Thailand just move to Malaysia? I won't miss them!! :D

Great Idea, everything solved and malaysia would take em as well and then we can all get on with our peaceful tranquil existance in the LOS :o


What goes up must come down. I Think that Toxin has at last put the first real Nail in his coffin politically. As a very unprofessional politician he has repeatedly lied, misled and denied the truth or any semblence to the Thai people, covering his tracks with free money for the poor inflating the economy and overvalueing the Thai stock market whilst tightening his control and financial power. This has served him well untill now and mabe will see another term. However. Thai's have had their rights reduced their freedom curbed and there will be a price to pay for this term of government.

I think the lesson will come from history and Thailand is totally able to stage a coo as in the past. Toxin is unlikely to respond with anything but voilence as he has shown it to be in the past. My experience with Thai's tells me you can only push so far .... after that thay push back HARD.

  • 1 year later...
I agree with the attitude to fight islam fundamentalism, as they donot tolerate any other ideas abut how to live.

I love Thailand for their Buddhist tolerant attitude to other beliefs, attitudes etc.

But that does not mean I agree with just massacring a 110 young men armed with machetes and knifes by machine guns, as this only fill feed their hate to the Thai Buddhist sociaty.

But for sure I donot agree with Khun Taxin's refusal to accept any critisism from abroard.

"We are nog begging them for food?"?

What do you think, when the foreign world will treat the Thais as they do now to Myanmar: the richest country of Asia in 1948, but now a beggar ?

25 % of only western Tourists, 20 % of the new investments and just 15 % of all purchases swithing to Vietnam, and Thailand will go bankrupt.

my opinion as a thai-filipina , Thailand is a nuetral country and never been under colony of any other country so, ifever the country get richer or poorer ... it is the Kingdom's responsiblity not the foriegner ... investors or whatever!!!! :o

you mean your ethnically thai-filipina???

If so thats cool, my cousin's daughter is also thai-filipina, the mother is thai

hmmm a 2 year old thread .........

That was my first thought as well. You have to go waaaayyyy back through the pages to get to 2004 !


hmmm a 2 year old thread .........

Yes but its good to review the past..

wen gu zhi xin

Maybe so, but it's old news and we don't want readers to think it's a current news bulletin.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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