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Thai Police ordered to smarten up their act


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59 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Once again there are always most of the people with critic, sarcasm and funny comments that rule the forum. As you all can see, changes has been happening. More things are coming all the time. Some people that live up in the blue with thier comments, are questioning why the police and the corruption is not okey and gone after already 2 year. When something is rooted so hard for so long time, it´s nothing that happens under a short period of time. This thing that has started will take approx. 20-25 years to come into full effect. Just continue to don´t understand that and post in a negative attitude, instead of seeing something positive and understanding that things take time. The situation that is right now with a lot of crime and corruption also took a long time to reach.

I think its because they are doing the same mistakes over and over again and its clearly ineffective. 

You are mistaken when you say that stuff is improving, its not. Not even slowly.

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Just now, hobz said:

I think its because they are doing the same mistakes over and over again and its clearly ineffective. 

You are mistaken when you say that stuff is improving, its not. Not even slowly.

Guess you have to read up yourself on the news, and compare that to how much that came out in the light about 5 years ago. Then you see the differens. For things to change it has to be in the news, become common knowledge and create an opinion to make a change possible. That is the first step of the change i am talking about, and that is why it will take that long time. 

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7 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I wonder how often they will be temporarily out of order when desperately needed? LOL


Do what the country of Georgia did:


And guess what?  Crime went down because the police were involved in almost every aspect of criminal activity.  Either implicitly or explicitly.




How many will appear "for sale" on Ebay?

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Yes, that's pretty smart. Where is the middle rider looking and what is the pillion rider, extreme right, 2nd row back, laughing his socks off at? Yes, it's that pretty smart pillion rider who forgot to pack his helmet, before launching into his Mama noodles, this morning.


I have to ask, "Who issued this 'promotional' photo . . . the police or some opportunist photo-snapper?"

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13 hours ago, leeneeds said:

ROOT out corruption,  any pumpkin can see this order will 

be ignored.

Depends on THEIR definition of corruption- remember a B50k a month bung for a consultancy from a drinks company is not considered 'improper' by the powers that be.


Its institutional and nothing is going to change things.

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Get Real

I read your post and i have to say that i have been here for some 17 years and really bugger all has changed.The corrupt politicians and the police only do a 'show' for the outside world(which they don't give a toss about)For every move against corruption they say they do,it multiplies after a year or two.This country is in the grip of the elite families that run it with an iron fist.that's the way its been for century's.The whole country runs on making sure that the people are terrified and with fear comes absolute obedience.In the case of the French revolution,the people actually stood up and said "enough" but the people here have no backing.No Robespierre,no peoples republic,no revolutionary bone in their bodies.they cannot organise,its not in their nature.They are sheep that will always be fed upon.Your speculation of 25 years is unrealistic.you would have to wait until the  revolutionaries,are prepared to be martyrs.And that will never happen due to their apathy turns to resentment.All the time,there is a drug control system where the masses are reliant and stupefied,nothing will happen. And this Junta will make sure that it controls everything for the next 20 years or so.Also there is the point where the overlord's are prepared to stand by whilst the populace gets drunk,high, and keeps killing each other.Why not?it decreases the surplus population.

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8 hours ago, Deez said:

"Police ordered to smarten up their act"


That should do it then

Yes. Thais seem to believe in some sort of sympathetic magic of words, spells, incantations - especially if they are written down. That is as good as job done. I've seen it a million times: they simply write down what sounds good and grand, post it on their company or institution wall  - and that's it, that's all done and dusted - no need for any further action. Saying a thing is so makes it so.


It's totally crazy.

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Get Real
I read your post and i have to say that i have been here for some 17 years and really bugger all has changed.The corrupt politicians and the police only do a 'show' for the outside world(which they don't give a toss about)For every move against corruption they say they do,it multiplies after a year or two.This country is in the grip of the elite families that run it with an iron fist.that's the way its been for century's.The whole country runs on making sure that the people are terrified and with fear comes absolute obedience.In the case of the French revolution,the people actually stood up and said "enough" but the people here have no backing.No Robespierre,no peoples republic,no revolutionary bone in their bodies.they cannot organise,its not in their nature.They are sheep that will always be fed upon.Your speculation of 25 years is unrealistic.you would have to wait until the  revolutionaries,are prepared to be martyrs.And that will never happen due to their apathy turns to resentment.All the time,there is a drug control system where the masses are reliant and stupefied,nothing will happen. And this Junta will make sure that it controls everything for the next 20 years or so.Also there is the point where the overlord's are prepared to stand by whilst the populace gets drunk,high, and keeps killing each other.Why not?it decreases the surplus population.

Thaksin and his influence over the police force were the sheeps only chance.

Just like the Phillipines, like Trump in America, the rise of the far right in Europe, the military taking back Egypt, Turkey in chaos and Venesula on the verge of civil war. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.

The army won in Thailand and the only challenge to the army are the police. The yellows rubbing the noses of the reds.
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Perhaps it refers  to a  need  for  tighter custom  tailored uniforms?  New  shoes?

Despite  the generalized criticism indiscriminately  poured   upon the  RTP  I have  long  thought it is  unfair. Certainly there  are  many incidents demonstrating that  individuals  are indeed unscrupulous and corrupt but in my experience  most I know well or have  had dealings with  are undeserving of the generalization in that despite  being very decent  and compassionate have to work inside a  hierarchy  that as it functions the way it does  are compelled to be compliant with that  hierarchy. That said I do believe  and  have  historically  stated  that the only way  to "reform"  the   RTP would  be to  " re  form" a  New RTP of  fewer properly salaried members who are accountable to an  authority that is directed  and compelled  to  apply the   Law without any  significant "discretionary " considerations or  tolerance  of . For  sure  such  would  receive  equal or   more  flack  because public  offenders  would  be unable  to  weasel out  by means of bribery  but   tuff  excrement!  It  cannot  be  both ways.  As it  is  the  RTP  are  not , if at all, significantly   more  corrupted  than   many  western countries demonstrably are or  have  been. Certainly  not  in terms  of  unjustifiable violence  at least.


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Oh yeah, laugh it up. These are the guys that we're relying on to hold the terrorist hordes at bay when muslims in this country decide to kick it up a notch.

You mean the army. Terrorism should be fought on all fronts. All the nations armed forces. All individuals as well. As a patriot of your nation or even a guest residing in the nation. All must come together to fight terror. It is not the sole duty of the army.

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The "Georgian solution' seems to me to be the ideal way to go here in Thailand - and will probably work.


Sack all (100%) of the police force. Replace them with army personnel. Then replace those army personnel with more recruits. Make the only avenue to the police force, through the army (or navy). 


No guarantees - but the current Police system whereby regular exam cheating is accepted and is only the beginning of the corruption - must be destroyed. You cannot reform a totalitarian state - you have to destroy it.  


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1 hour ago, Eligius said:

Yes. Thais seem to believe in some sort of sympathetic magic of words, spells, incantations - especially if they are written down. That is as good as job done. I've seen it a million times: they simply write down what sounds good and grand, post it on their company or institution wall  - and that's it, that's all done and dusted - no need for any further action. Saying a thing is so makes it so.


It's totally crazy.

Its even more crazy that they do it over and over again with the same results. Like literally the definition of crazy.

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The public can expect many more cameras. Some 60,000 dash cams and personal body cameras have already been purchased and a total of 150,000 will soon be operational.



finally they heard my suggestion. lets hope these dash cams and body cameras dont end up in the repair shop when the need for evidence calls, but as we all know they are all already in the repair shops...

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3 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Get Real

I read your post and i have to say that i have been here for some 17 years and really bugger all has changed.The corrupt politicians and the police only do a 'show' for the outside world(which they don't give a toss about)For every move against corruption they say they do,it multiplies after a year or two.This country is in the grip of the elite families that run it with an iron fist.that's the way its been for century's.The whole country runs on making sure that the people are terrified and with fear comes absolute obedience.In the case of the French revolution,the people actually stood up and said "enough" but the people here have no backing.No Robespierre,no peoples republic,no revolutionary bone in their bodies.they cannot organise,its not in their nature.They are sheep that will always be fed upon.Your speculation of 25 years is unrealistic.you would have to wait until the  revolutionaries,are prepared to be martyrs.And that will never happen due to their apathy turns to resentment.All the time,there is a drug control system where the masses are reliant and stupefied,nothing will happen. And this Junta will make sure that it controls everything for the next 20 years or so.Also there is the point where the overlord's are prepared to stand by whilst the populace gets drunk,high, and keeps killing each other.Why not?it decreases the surplus population.

Your opnion is noted. I am just so very sad to hear that your life here is that terrible. If I were you I would realy do something about that. But on the other hand, I might be wrong. Maybe your life here is beautiful, just because the french revolution is not eminent in the near future one again. LMAO

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Let me try to understand this. The police ordered to:


1. Work with the public for the mutual benefit of everyone not just themselves.


2. Obey the law and enforce the law.


HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most funny and crazy thing I ever read here.

Edited by khunpa
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In the meantime, the public have bought a multiple of that number of dashcams and smartphones, which they share with hundreds of thousands of social media users, to protect themselves from police corruption.....


There are many more cams on the police, than police cams on the public... and much more need for them!


I guess the police probably realise that the cam is on them and the game is up.



Edited by eddie61
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The poor police in the crossfire of the media.
Also the other institutions, where power prevails about humans, should not be forgotten. Military, public administration, customs office, land office, justice and others.
Corruption is the cancer here.
The example of, how Hong Kong has got rid of its corruption,
Thailand should be allowed to make a copy.

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12 hours ago, hobz said:

Its even more crazy that they do it over and over again with the same results. Like literally the definition of crazy.

Similar to insanity? 


 "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein 

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