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Farmers across Thailand begin combating drought


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If  you  have  substantial data  to  verify  your claims then perhaps  you are  mistaken  about "staying away"? Given  your claims on such a scale it  would undoubtably  be  of  benefit to any  nation  with an agricultural base.  
Or is this  a " I have created/designed  a  time  machine" but need  investors  to  make  it?

Reasonable question (if it weren't for the fact that it ignores my request to put aside any skepticism for the moment). I'm not seeking investors nor even approval of my method or protocol.

I already have a string of patents along with textbooks published in at least five languages. That makes your snide question seem both ignorant and arrogant -- which is a shame because you are probably neither of those things.

My question is a sincere one. I would like to help my adopted country but I also know how the game is played. I am hoping that someone on TV knows of a politician who would accept my offer of help in the spirit it was given and would keep the interests of the country in mind - and not let the fact that I am a farang blind his judgment. I will leave the creation of a perpetual motion machine to someone else. [emoji6]
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39 minutes ago, ezrider62 said:

I live out here and can see there is no water management and not enough storage, everyone(farmers) depend mainly on directly drawing off off dam releases from the reservoir and not enough large storage ponds locally


The same for me in rural Khampaeng Phet, except where I live there are only a couple of small reservoirs and they are rain fed.

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1 minute ago, inquisitive said:


Reasonable question (if it weren't for the fact that it ignores my request to put aside any skepticism for the moment). I'm not seeking investors nor even approval of my method or protocol.

I already have a string of patents along with textbooks published in at least five languages. That makes your snide question seem both ignorant and arrogant -- which is a shame because you are probably neither of those things.

My question is a sincere one. I would like to help my adopted country but I also know how the game is played. I am hoping that someone on TV knows of a politician who would accept my offer of help in the spirit it was given and would keep the interests of the country in mind - and not let the fact that I am a farang blind his judgment. I will leave the creation of a perpetual motion machine to someone else. emoji6.png


I  understand that your  motivation  is  genuine. I do not  understand why  you describe  my comments  as  snide given that  the comprehensive  claims  you  have described are  without any substantiation yet  you  request immediate  high level participation/ approval. Even  "limited"  field  trials are an indefinative.

So  while  my  reply  was optimistic in  essence  you  need to  appreciate that given the  reality  of  this  world  there  always  remains  the  question  of  veracity.

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I  understand that your  motivation  is  genuine. I do not  understand why  you describe  my comments  as  snide given that  the comprehensive  claims  you  have described are  without any substantiation yet  you  request immediate  high level participation/ approval. Even  "limited"  field  trials are an indefinative.
So  while  my  reply  was optimistic in  essence  you  need to  appreciate that given the  reality  of  this  world  there  always  remains  the  question  of  veracity.

Golly, you simply can't resist confrontation when an open mind would suit you so much better.

The fact is that I have NOT requested approval, and (please forgive me if I am mistaken) I have no reason to consider your participation as "high level". I simply asked if anyone knew a good person to contact in the present government. Quite clearly in your case the answer is "no". Any comments after that are distractions and unwelcome. I do, however, thank you for your interest and if you feel qualified to help with the research in any way I invite you to contact me directly.
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11 minutes ago, inquisitive said:

Golly, you simply can't resist confrontation when an open mind would suit you so much better.

The fact is that I have NOT requested approval, and (please forgive me if I am mistaken) I have no reason to consider your participation as "high level". I simply asked if anyone knew a good person to contact in the present government. Quite clearly in your case the answer is "no". Any comments after that are distractions and unwelcome. I do, however, thank you for your interest and if you feel qualified to help with the research in any way I invite you to contact me directly.

Then let the  merits of your  research eventually result  in a beneficial outcome regardless. :smile:

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